The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1179: Xianting, collapse!

"Zhen Yuanzi, I will give you a face, you will seize the opportunity."

Within the palace.

The jade emperor Zhang Bairen, looking at the town of Yuan Zhenzi with a giant tree bodyguard, especially this giant tree, the spiritual power of mad absorption, even the spiritual power originally absorbed by the stone statue, was sucked by this giant tree.

This, let Zhang Bairen can no longer stand it.

"You have to recover this body of torture, I don't care, but you can't take it for life."

Zhen Yuanzi did not fear Zhang Bairen, and his hand was lifted. In the meantime, under the palace, there was also a staggered tree root that rushed to the center of the stone statue.

However, the roots of this rushing are in the square of the stone statue, and they are firmly abandoned.

Under the steps of the hundred steps, the roots of the trees are intertwined. From these roots, there is an extremely arrogant force emerging. There is no doubt that if this root is entangled in the **** of punishment.

I am afraid that in the blink of an eye, all the divine power within the body of this sentence will be sucked away.

Let Zhang Bairen’s efforts in these years be broken.

To know……

Now, Zhang Bairen condenses this big battle, and at the expense of Wan Xiu’s life, to completely awaken this god, it is not a one-time success.

These repaired lives are only the last step.

In the past few years, Zhang Bairen did not know how much effort he had done on this sacred body, including the power of Shura, which is the most important part.

Countless years of planning, only this last step, Jade Emperor, will never allow any failure.

Eyes, with the emperor's golden glittering.

whispering sound!

A sword is swaying for nine days.

I saw a golden light flashing in the palace. In the twinkling of an eye, the roots of the trees that rushed toward the center were shattered.

In the hands of the Jade Emperor, at the moment... there is a sword.

A handle, a long sword that exudes the golden light of the emperor, the sword of the ancient emperor, Xuanyuan sword!

Zhen Yuanzi brows, slightly wrinkled.

When he saw Xuanyuanjian, his eyes were also dignified. This sword is born in the heavens and the earth.

One more, after the flood of the world was born.

The sinister family was annihilated, and this Xuanyuan sword was refining again. The ancestors of Hongjun were already the chaotic body that transcended the heavens and the earth.

The sword he refines naturally contains the power of chaos!

"Hey, I have given you a chance."

Jade Emperor, the sword in his hand raised, pointing to Zhenyuanzi, the sound of the humming sound in the sword, just by looking at the naked eye, it is able to feel that the sword in the sword is so powerful!

Sword, slamming down.

The sly sword light fell toward Zhenyuanzi. In front of Zhenyuanzi, the shadow of the giant tree turned out to be numerous branches and leaves, and wanted to resist this sword.

However, the sword is ruined and ruined.

Until the town of Yuanzi, the town of Yuanzi in the hands of a glimpse, his sleeve has a purple big trip appeared, this sword fell on the top.

The sword gas dissipated, and this big trip, bursting under the bang.

This party is big.

It is the magic weapon that Yuan Yuanzi personally refines. From the sacred device of Hongmeng, it is a difference between the first line, such a powerful innate treasure, even under the sword of the Jade Emperor, directly burst.

Zhen Yuanzi’s pupils shrank and his eyes were a little surprised.

In my heart, I also regretted it.

He, the temperament of the temper, is also because of this temper, who knows the land pressure, and the same person who is happy, can be described as a blessing and a curse.

Fu, it is because of the understanding of the land pressure, so that he got the red and purple, has become the peak between the world.

And the disaster, that is his temper, exactly the same as the land pressure.

After the strength of the town's Yuanzi reached the peak of the Holy Ghost, there was no pursuit of transcending the heavens and the earth, nor did they care about the chaotic sacred body. It was just around the world and the world.

When you are sleepy, you are going back to your own Taoist temples, accompanying your apprentices to plant trees, and the days are not easy.

For so many years, he did not care about his own strength or not, which led to a problem, he suddenly found out...

Both themselves and the Jade Emperor, although they are also the highest peaks.

However, the strength between the two is indeed not the same grade, for a short time... I can still block the Jade Emperor.

But after a long time, it will definitely be defeated.

In the heart, there is a decision in an instant.

Today, Zhenyuanzi was deceived here with no tears, and the purpose was not to defeat the Jade Emperor. The purpose of Zhenyuanzi was only one.

That is to destroy this battle.

That's it!

Zhen Yuanzi's hands slammed together, and his hands combined to produce a strange slogan, while whispering.


Zhen Yuanzi's scorpion is slightly condensed. On his body, the shadow of the giant tree is like crazy. It dances wildly. The spiritual power in the Yuan Yuanzi is like a river, and it is madly injected into the shadow of this giant tree.

In an instant, the entire Xianting, shocked!

The roots of all the giant trees under the Xianting, this time, the madness surged, like a dragon, the entire Xianting collapsed, at the speed visible to the naked eye, the temples of Xianting collapsed wildly!

The first place to collapse... The most central place of Xianting, Lingxiao Temple!

The relationship between Zhen Yuanzi and the Jade Emperor ended in the fall of the last boulder.

Ling Xiao Temple, broken!

boom! Bang! Boom!

Within the entire Xianting, there are such voices everywhere, and the heavenly soldiers and fairies everywhere are scared by this scene.

Xianting, what is it? !

It is the core of the fairy world, the center of the heavens and the world, but now... it has collapsed!

In the four days of the day, these stationed Tianbing, one by one, looked at the interior of Xianting, and saw the exquisite and magnificent Xiantai loft collapsed.

In particular, when I saw the magnificent Lingxiao Temple in the past and turned it into a pile of gravel, it was all in the same place, and there was a blank in my head. I don’t know what to do next.

And at the moment.

In three places, the Ziwei Emperor, the Houtu Emperor, and the Shanggong Emperor, all three were frowning, and they were able to sense the changes in Xianting.

In addition to this temple, those who are obsessed with the fear of the heavenly soldiers, these guarded heavenly soldiers, looking at the staggered roots of the ground, the ground that rises, is nothing to look terrified.

After all, for them, this has never been seen before.

They never thought that Xianting would have a day of collapse.


Ziwei Emperor, Houtu Emperor, Shanggong Emperor,

The three of them did not have any other actions because of the drastic changes in Xianting. They still kept their knees in place and maintained the original printing.

Because they found that even though the movements in Xianting were so big, even if Xianting collapsed, they did not have the slightest influence on their respective eyes. 2k novel reading network

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