The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1181: Can only enter, not out.

The Lingxiao Temple has been destroyed.

The underground palace under the Lingxiao Temple has also become a pair of ashes.


The stone platform in the center is not affected by the slightest. Zhang Bairen stands by the stone statue of the criminal sky, in the eyes... there is a look of hot color!

The method he personally shaped was guarded by him personally, even though Zhen Yuanzi destroyed the entire Xianting, and naturally there would be no accident.

From the ruins around it, the fragments of the underground palace, at this moment... the runes that flowed on the fragments of the palace wall, emitting light.

The hand of the Jade Emperor suddenly rose.

These fragments of the palace wall are all flying together and suspended in the air. From these fragments, one after another, the aura of infiltration, infiltrated, and finally... all of them are gathered toward the stone statue of the criminal sky.

"What you have to do, there is no one in the world."

The sound of Jade Emperor is full of cold, and this cold, but with a hint of fiery heat.

Hand, fierce grip!

From the body of the Jade Emperor, there is a ray of platinum, and these platinum rays are all injected into the eyes of the main array below.

at the same time.

When the main squad of the Jade Emperor blew out, the other three were in the eye.

Ziwei Emperor, Houtu Emperor, Shanggong Emperor, all three are fierce and fierce. All three are Qiqi who will infuse the body's majestic spiritual power and insanely into the eyes.

boom! boom! boom!

The four Platinum beams that had already appeared, this time is even more embarrassing, even the ruins of this Xianting, under the brilliance of platinum, appear to shine.

蟠桃莲池, the refining network in the array, condensed to the extreme!

Call ~!

Just like the wind blows through the air.

This refining network, in the horror of Wan Xiu, is suddenly falling.

"Do not!!"

"Zhang Bairen, you...!"

"Xianting will die! The jade will die!"



Among the repairs, the monks who were under the quasi-hoss, the great Luo Jinxian, the Taiyi Xuanxian, and the net of refining and smelting fell, and Qi Qihua made the ash and spirit, and was absorbed by this large circle.

The remaining monks are quasi-holy masters!

These monks, they have more experience and experience more, each one... is a big man on the side of the town, one by one, frowning.

They are all very clear in their hearts. At this time, there is no way out for begging for mercy.

Or, no matter what you do, there is no way out.

Some quasi-sacred overhauls, these were originally monks who believed in the Taoist circles. Someone outside the lotus pavilion in the Taoist world was already speaking.

"Two ancestors, I am waiting for the second place, everything that happened in this lotus pond, I don't know why, but please ask the ancestors to bless, let me wait for this robbery, and he will surely report his life."

However, the words of these people came out, but there was no slight echo in the lotus pavilion in the Taoist circles. It was as if they had not been heard. For the life and death of these monks, the Taoist circles were completely ignored.

The same scene is also found outside the Lotus Pavilion in Buddhism. Those quasi-saints who belong to the Buddha world are also standing outside the lotus pavilion in this Buddhist world. They read the Buddhist scriptures and hope to be blessed by Sakyamuni.

However, the answer is exactly the same as the Taoist world.

As for those quasi-sacred overhauls that belonged to Xianting, this time is a long sigh. They are all clear, and the number of robs has arrived, and it is inevitable.

The array above, at this moment...

With a new network of refining and refining, this refining network is aimed at these quasi-saints.

Many lotus pavilions, inside these lotus pavilions, are the heads of the many forces of Xianting. At this moment, all of them are frowned.

Tianxian, Taiyi Xuanxian, and Dalujinxian are all thoroughly refining this method.

Next, no accidents are these quasi-saints.

And if these quasi-saints are all refining, then next... Is it the turn of them? !

These people are frowning. Their eyes are also placed on the pavilion and the lotus pavilion. They also want to know how the Taoist Sanqing and the Buddha world came to think about this matter.

However, from the two lotus pavilions, there was only one dead silence, no sound.

Within the array method, the power of refining and chemical power is still condensing constantly, and the pressure that is scattered from it is already enough to make the quasi-saint overhaul completely ruined under the power of refining and refining.

These quasi-saints are naturally unwilling, but they are unwilling and can be.

Some people will look at the mother's lotus pavilion, but... even if they can make the mother pay the price, then what? !

At this time, from the Queen’s lotus pavilion, there was a person who came out.

Yin Shi Niang.


The second world, the land of frost.

The original fragmented frosty continent, this time has been restored to the original appearance, those robes of the blood robes, this time all back to the bottom of the frosty continent.

"Three Royal Highness, this king feels that you should give an explanation."

Bone king, the voice of the ice and the opening.

At this time, his body side, the bones of the big sacrifice also appeared, back to the bone king's side, especially the scepter in his hand, let the scorpion slightly taboo.

The seal of the top of the scepter, the force of the seal that is scattered inside, even if it is, must be treated with dignity.

"Let's tell a message from His Highness."

When the bone king saw him, he did not pay attention to him at all. The hoarse laughter came out from the blood robe and saw the white bone fingers in his sleeves, slightly slightly toward the front.

Suddenly, in this void, a burst of swaying.

There is a scene, which appears in this mirror, that is... a place of white mist.

And in the center of this white fog, is a person, Yang Lan.

Yang Lan, with Yunshang, was trapped by the lost.

Which scorpion, a fierce condensate!

"My family's ancestral home can only enter and not go out. If you don't give an explanation to your Highness, I am afraid today..."

Bone King, if you say it here, there is no more.

That's very obvious. Today, you have to die here!

"You can try."

The fire gun in the hand was lifted, and the tip of the gun pointed to the bone king. At the same time, on his left and right sides, Feng Ming shook for nine days, and the green phoenix phoenix explained the fluttering wings.

"This king never likes to bully more."

The bone king faintly opened, waved his hand, and there was a door of the void at the side of the moment, the other side of the door of the void, it was... looking for the exit of the Yang Lan.

As it happens, Yang Lan saw the door of this void.

Yang Lan and where, the eyes of the two, meet in this half-empty.

Both know that...

Things are not that simple. 2k novel reading network

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