The city of Monkey King

Chapter 1182: Six-man enchantment

The door of the void, connected to the left and right.

In the midst of the fascination, Yang Lan, frowning at this moment, stepped out directly, from the door of the void, appeared in the land above the frosty continent.

Where, Yang Lan, the two stood side by side.

"what happened."

Where is the snoring sound.

With his understanding of Yang Lan, the district is in a state of confusion, not enough to trap it, not to mention... Yang Lan has a celestial eye.

The power of the eye is enough to see through all the illusions of the world.

A district is in a puzzle, why not hang its teeth.


The facts are all about it, Yang Lan... there is no way to get out of that puzzle.

"There is an invisible force."

Yang Lan, his brows wrinkled and he replied.

The reason why he can't break the puzzle is not because of how powerful the formation is, but because there is a force that makes Yang Hao unclear.

It is that power that makes Yang Lan’s eyes blind to seeing the illusion of the lost.

The cloud frost on his back is still in a state of coma at this time, and the vitality of the body is rapidly passing.

If you let this speed let the life go, the cloud frost will definitely die.

Nguyen and Yang Lan, both of them are aware of this.

This is also the reason for their frowning. After all, with their strength, as long as they are united, even if the two are mysterious and strange bone kings and high priests, they are not afraid.

One has the power of Shura, and the other has the power of heaven and earth. This is the pinnacle of power under heaven.


Cloud cream, can't wait.

"Two, it is very simple to save this woman."

The bone king naturally sees the worry of Yang and Yang Lan. The hoarse voice is heard from the blood robe, raising his hand, and the white bone fingers stick out from the sleeve and point to the ground below.

"Return it to this holy place, she can live naturally."

The fire-tip gun in the hand of the hand screamed at this moment, and raised his finger to the bone king: "No more nonsense."


The hoarse laughter of the bone king came out from the blood robe. The laughter and the more sinful, the bones of the bones next to him, the white bones of the scepter in his hand, with a ray of light.

Then, the figure of the two disappeared slowly in place.

In the meantime, there is a diamond-shaped enchantment with blood and gold. The diamond-shaped enchantments are interlaced and overlapped. Like the six-pointed star, they will be trapped in it.

"Since the two came to my holy land, then make a tomb for my ancestors."

The bones of the bones, with a proud smile, sounded within this enchantment. As for the figure of the two of them, it has disappeared without a trace.

Among the six-pointed star enchantment, Yang Lan’s third-day eye, a fierce golden light burst, directly penetrated dozens of enchantments, but only for a moment, these enchantments restored their original appearance.

"In a short time, we have a hard time going out."

Yang Lan took a deep breath, even though he did not want to admit it, but it is true... this is the case.

The strength of the two of them, not afraid of the bone king and the bones of the great sacrifice, this bone king and the bones of the big sacrifice is also clear, so they have no intention of confronting Yang Lan and the monk.

Directly with Feng Tianshi, for the two created an enchantment, even though the strength of these two people is strong, but this enchantment is shaped by Feng Tianshi.

Feng Tianshi is a chaotic **** treasure. It is the magic weapon of the ancestors of Hongjun. Even if it is Yang Lan and He Wei, it is difficult to break the enchantment created by this stone.

In addition to this.

This enchantment is not just the power of the seal.

Looking around, I saw the whole frosty land, and there was a chilly sky rising around the enchantment. The original six-pointed star enchantment was also contaminated with coldness and looked extremely embarrassing.


Which bite the bite, the eyes have a violent color.

Nowadays, he is already fully practicing the power of Shura, leading to his heart, and gradually recovering to the shackles of previous years. He is sealed in the enchantment. For him, it is naturally unacceptable.

Yang Lan, the same is true.

As a man of the world, he is not a bird, but now he is sealed. However, the strength of both of them is sealed by the six-stars. There is no way.

At this moment, the cloud frost on the back of Yang Lan, the body... began to have some white fog.

"He can't hold on for a long time."

Yang Lan looked at the cloud frost that he was carrying, and said with a sigh.

Life is already almost exhausted.

Even now, the souls are beginning to faint, and these white mists are signs that the spirits will be scattered.

"She was hit hard."

Which brows are wrinkled, he can't figure out anything about Yunshuang.

The power of a sacred seven-story, self-healing ability to the extreme, almost can be said, as long as there is still a breath, this life can definitely be saved.

"He has the power of his body."

Yang Lan’s eyes were swept away, and then he said.


Which eyelids look toward the bottom, penetrate the six-pointed star enchantment, see the frosty continent, and look at it from this height, the frosty continent is a huge tomb.

This power is transmitted from within this tomb.

More precisely, it is the existence of the burial inside this tomb!

at the same time.

The ground of the frosty continent, the bone king and the bones of the great sacrifice, are in front of a high stone monument. Above the stone monument, only one word is engraved, that is, ‘dry’.

The Bone King and the Bone Sacrifice are extremely respectful. Before the stone monument, after bending over and worshipping, they are kneeling down, worshipping three times.

"Let the ancestors get harassed, we **** it."

The voice of the bone king sounds extremely religious.

The big bone sacrifice with him is also the same, and the same is the word of sin.

Stone monument, there is no movement.

However, the bone king and the bones sacrificed, but they did not dare to have the slightest other movements. It was like this, like a devout believer.

Call ~

When there is a gust of wind, the moment of blowing.

The bone king and the bones of the big sacrifices were all loose at the same time, and then they stood up.

"Thank you for the ancestor."

Subsequently, the two looked at each other.

"Just let these two people sleep here."

The bone king looked at the six-pointed star enchantment above the sky and said coldly.

"It's time to go to Xianting."

On the side of the big bones, the roots did not pay attention to the enchantment in the sky, just a faint opening.

Then, step out in one step, the figure disappeared in place.

The bone king looked at the back of the disappearance of the bones of the bones. In the eyes, there was nothing to stop, and the figure disappeared in the same place. 2k novel reading network

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