The city of Monkey King

Chapter 129: At 7 o'clock in the evening, autumn falls!

"Maniac, who's on the phone? Why don't you pick up?"

Zuo Yingjie came over with a bucket of instant noodles. He looked at Qin Feng’s mobile phone and smiled.

"Oh, this is another kid."

Qin Feng directly connected the phone and put it in his ear.

"Maniac, how are you doing recently?"

At the end of the phone, Zhou Hong’s familiar voice came, and the tone was exactly the same as when the two were in the past.

"Do you want to die soon?"

Qin Feng’s answer is very simple.

I almost didn’t take Zuo Yingjie, who was sitting on the side of the noodles, and looked at my brother. I thought that your kid is getting more and more powerful now. It’s not that there’s no law in the eye. Not to die early'.

Qin Feng’s voice passed over, and suddenly... the phone was silent.

Silenced for three or four seconds, the phone finally came with Zhou Hong’s voice and laughter.

"Death? Why am I dying? Crazy, you are still so mad, so no one in sight."

"What do you want to say?"

Qin Feng took a direct opening.

"At seven o'clock in the evening, the autumn falls."

Zhou Hong at the end of the phone, after the completion of the talk, was hung up, leaving only the voice of the mobile phone 'dudu toot'.

In the eyes of Qin Feng, there is a touch of cold light.

This product of Zhou Hong, who had seen his strength last time, still dared to fight with himself. He thought of the black gas that emerged from the eyes of the day, Qin Feng brows up, if there is no reliance, this goods It’s not so bad to fight with yourself.

However... even knowing that Zhou Hong is fraudulent!

Qin Feng will not be jealous, this will be afraid of you? ! Just don't die, you are jealous!

"what happened?"

On the side of Zuo Yingjie saw that Qin Feng frowned and asked.

"Nothing, eat noodles."

Qin Feng picked up the ‘red oil blast pepper’ and began to eat it. He ate a few mouthfuls of sweat and was too hot.

"Fat, you buy less instant noodles after your mother, you look at the king and the little king, the body is thin, and the two brothers are still in the body, you pay more attention to their nutrition. ""

Qin Feng blinked and looked at the size of the car at the door.

"Where is I giving them instant noodles, they themselves saw a big discount on supermarkets, and they were fooled by the sales lady who wore a miniskirt, and bought more than one hundred boxes at a time!"

"It's still nearing expired inventory!"

Zuo Yingjie’s voice screamed.


At this time, the King of the Kings also heard the sound, and rushed in and the King shouted.

When the two brothers competed in the car, they would be noisy, but it was about the reputation issue, which was consistent with the outside world.

"It is obvious that Jie Ge himself was fooled by the young lady. It is not that the short skirt Miss Sister promised to accompany you for lunch. You agreed to buy it. Besides, more than one hundred boxes of instant noodles cost three or four thousand dollars. We both Where is the money."

The king snorted.


Qin Feng almost did not spit out, this is also his mother, the latest sales method!

After the king finished, Xiao Wang went on.

"The most important thing is that Jie Ge's bold face was bought, and the young lady did not accompany Jie Ge for dinner. After they got off work, they sneaked out from the back door, making Jackie hold the roses at the door of the supermarket. I waited for three hours."

Zuo Yingjie’s face is black.

"You both fart! Crazy, don't listen to them, say, I..."

Zuo Yingjie did not finish, Xiao Wang suddenly jumped up, took out his mobile phone and flipped out the album.

"Wind brother, you see, I and Dawang both took pictures at the time. You see, this is the Jie Ge holding the rose!"

When Xiao Wang was about to hand the phone to Qin Feng, Zuo Yingjie’s face was completely dark, and he finally broke out!

"Grandma's bear, you two of his mother's rabbit scorpion, and dare to get on the head of Laozi, seeing that Laozi will not kill you today."

When he said that he would go to the king of the size, the king of the size was running hard. As for his two bodies, he did not add up to the left.

When Qin Feng looked at the three live treasures, he couldn’t help but laugh.

Take a few mouthfuls of instant noodles.

However, the phone is not to come, or to come.

But this time, the caller ID is a strange number.

For this number, Qin Feng determined that he had never been in contact.

With a trace of doubt, Qin Feng was connected.

"Hey? Is it Qin Feng?"

At the end of the phone, it was a woman's voice, and the voice was very gentle, with a feeling of squeaky current.

However, it has no effect on Qin Feng.

"It's me, who are you?"

A faint remark, the woman at the other end of the phone was very shocked, apparently did not respond.

After all, the man who talks to her in such a tone, she has encountered for the first time in recent years.

"I... I am Luo Qinghan, don't you remember me? Three years ago, I used to go to your estate with my grandfather once, remember?"

Qin Feng brows a wrinkle, this Luo Qing Han, how can he suddenly call himself, although his grandfather has to go through the 80th birthday, it is also the next week, and... the invitation she has personally sent to her mother's hand What are you doing now?

As for the time three years ago...

Qin Feng really can't remember, but now I think about it. At that time, Luo Laozi personally brought Luo Qinghan to Qin's Manor. During his conversation with his father, he intentionally or unintentionally wanted to promote himself. Luo Qing Han.

However, at that time, Qin Feng just fell in love with Zhao Wei, and he did not care about other women.

At that time, Luo Qing was only seventeen years old and had not yet entered the entertainment circle.

"Remember, do you have anything?"

Qin Feng does not want to talk to women in ink, there is something to say.

Silence again... Apparently, Luo Qinghan at the other end of the phone is not very suitable for Qin Feng's dialogue rhythm. After all, she is mixed in the entertainment industry, and she has long been used to one thing around a seventy or eighty corner and then slowly.

"I want to work with an entertainment company owned by you in Qin."

Silenced, the sound of Luo Qinghan sounded again.

"Then you can go to the general manager of that company, instead of looking for the chairman of this group, Miss Luo, I sincerely hope that you can cooperate with my entertainment company of Qin."

After that, after waiting for Luo Qinghan to open, Qin Feng will hang up the phone.

What do you want to say, say something, you have to go around, obviously not working with any entertainment company, you have to come up with it.

Qin Feng did not have the ink of that time.

And he is very clear...

If Luo Qinghan really finds something for himself, he will continue to call.

And... In Qin Feng’s opinion, this woman must have something. When she personally went to the Qin’s Manor to send an invitation, Qin Feng had already doubted it. After all, an invitation, the express delivery is so developed, can’t I send it directly?

As for the so-called smooth road, it is even more nonsense. I have not seen anyone who has taken the road to the private estate.

Sure enough, when Qin Feng hangs up the phone five minutes later, he just finished eating the blushing oil and pepper noodles, the ringing of the phone, and it rang again.

Still the strange number of the previous one, Luo Qinghan. 2k novel reading network

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