The city of Monkey King

Chapter 130: Give me a reason.

"Qin Feng, are you too rude? In any case, the two of us are still in the world, and you can call me if you don't make it clear, is it right?"

Qin Feng just connected the phone, and the sound of Luo Qinghan was passed down. Obviously, the behavior of Qin Feng hangs up the phone before is very angry, but with her gentle voice, there is no strength at all.

"Do you want to make it clear? Miss Luo, you don't make it clear, or I can't tell you what you are looking for, please say it. If it's a matter of entertainment company before, you have to be too lazy to move, I will call you." I greet, I let the general manager of the entertainment company come to you to talk to you, can you?"

Qin Feng is also very uncomfortable, and you are here to wander around with Lao Tzu, but now it is said that this is not to say clearly.


The Luo Qinghan at the end of the phone is already mad, which is the first time she has been treated with such a tone.

"Can we talk face to face?"

Luo Qinghan said what he really wants to say.


For this requirement, Qin Feng originally wanted to refuse, but he chose to agree on the relationship between the two.

After all, Luo Qinghan is the granddaughter of Luo Laozi, and Luo Laozi has great grace for Qin. If he does not even give this face, it is really impossible to say.

“I’m in the 'Jade 36 Western Restaurant’ near your group, and you should be able to get there soon.”

The sound of Luo Qinghan sounded.

"Then you may have to wait, I am not in the group."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he hanged the phone directly.

There is a trace of doubt in his eyes. This Luo Qinghan suddenly found himself and estimated that there is nothing good.

After seeing the three live treasures still in trouble, Qin Feng walked out of the warehouse directly.

The commercial area where the Qin Group Building is located, a western restaurant located on a quiet corner, has only two floors, but it is extremely delicate.

Famous French restaurant, Emerald 36.

At noon, the sun was shining, an ink-colored Lamborghini came and finally stopped at the roadside parking area.

In the horrified eyes of the street passers-by, Qin Feng got out of the car and went straight to the western restaurant.

As soon as I entered the store, Qin Feng had not had time to observe it, and the ringing of the mobile phone rang.

"I am on the second floor by the window of the c-seat."

Qin Feng took the mobile phone and looked up. This hollowed up and down the second floor, in the position of Luo Qinghan, had a woman wearing a spotted white bohemian dress, wearing a pair of sunglasses and A red sun hat.

I know that she is coming to eat Western food. I don’t know if she wants to go to the beach for a holiday.

But I can understand, star, red star...

Wearing a trip is both secret and not too simple.

After all, once you are being photographed, you must always maintain an elegant posture.

Qin Feng went upstairs. When I walked to Luo Qinghan, I saw the appearance of this woman clearly. Qin Feng had seen Luo Qinghan’s movies in the cinema several times. The real person is almost the same as the screen, even more beautiful.

In the middle of the Liu Hai long curly hair, exquisite face, big eyes and pretty nose, revealing a full feminine taste, especially... the pair on the chest, although not deliberately revealed, it is too big, the skirt can not cover It is said that 36d is too modest.

It was called by the media the first ‘fierce’ device in three thousand years.

It is also relying on this news that Luo Qinghan was quickly swayed by the media, and this was only a constant film, called the absolute popular traffic actress.

"Sir, what do you want?"

Qin Feng just sat down and the waiter quickly came over.

"Two mignon steaks, five cooked, plus a cappuccino and a glass of water, thank you."

I haven't waited for Qin Feng to open, and the opposite of Luo Qinghan has opened.

"Okay, wait a moment."

The waiter stunned a little and quickly retired.

"I already ate."

Qin Feng listened to the relaxed French melody in this western restaurant, and looked at the opposite of Luo Qinghan. For this woman, his impression remained three years ago.

Three years ago, Luo Qinghan was just seventeen years old. It was relatively simple, but it was far from being so feminine.

"Eating noodles."

Luo Qing Han took the sunglasses down, sweet smile, this smile, watching Qin Feng always out of the country, after all, I have seen several movies of Luo Qinghan.

"Well, it is instant noodles."

Qin Feng nodded, it is not surprising that Zuo Yingjie’s ‘red oil smashed beef noodle’, the taste is really too big, but the smell of Qin Feng’s body can be smelled when it is close.

"Miss Luo, you can say it directly, what is the matter for me? As long as it is not a difficult thing, I will not refuse if we are in the face of Luo’s father."

Very decent, very direct, Qin Feng did not want to follow the Luo Qing cold around the bend.

"I... this is a bit embarrassing."

Luo Qingzhi Zhiwu Wuhui, but still did not say.

"Miss Luo, although I am not busy, I am really not busy. If you just want to call me out to eat a steak, you don't have to."

Qin Feng faintly opened, this tone made Luo Qinghan very uncomfortable. As a super-star actress, she went to the spotlight of the spotlight, which is the object that everyone pursues. The man sees her is a very good one. .

Far from being like this man, so indifferent...

"Okay, I will say it directly."

Luo Qing Han took a deep breath and looked at Qin Feng.

"I want to ask you to be my fiancé."

Qin Feng originally drank the lemonade that had been put in the mouth on the table. When I heard this, I almost didn't squirt it out, and smiled coldly.

"Miss Luo, do you think this is a novel? The novel does not write such a cliché that pretends to be a fiancé. Can you change individual?"

Qin Feng put down the lemonade: "If it is for this matter, please ask Gao Ming, Miss Luo is a popular actress, I know the Dagong Gongzi brother, more than my Qin Feng, and want to pretend to be your fiance, I believe that Miss Luo released the wind, and the people in the queue should be able to go out ten miles away."

"I am not letting you pretend, but asking you to be my fiancé."

Luo Qinghan reiterated it again, then he was slightly shy and his voice was low.

"Just I have a condition, I can marry you later, but I need three years to fall in love with you."

This time, Qin Feng frowned.

Not pretending... play really? !

Reasonable, meet with each other, everyone is not familiar, come to marry yourself? ! What a joke!

Do you want to be so confident? Still three years to fall in love with me? ! You have to marry, don't ask if you want less or not? Besides, Lao Tzu is not like a man who lacks a woman.

"Give me a reason."

Qin Feng looked calm and looked at Luo Qing's eyes. He could see three looks from it.

Serious, helpless, and eager.

This matter, she is serious, well-thought-out, but it is a choice that can't be done, and the other is particularly anxious.


However, it is only when Luo Qinghan wants to say the reason.

Qin Feng’s cell phone rang and it was called by Nangong Yi.

After seeing the eyes and clearing the cold, Qin Feng faintly opened.

"Slightly wait, pick up the phone." 2k novel reading network

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