The city of Monkey King

Chapter 161: That's it. [Request for tickets]

Jiuhua City, a manor on the outskirts of the city.

One of the hot springs in the manor is steaming and there are six people in the hot spring.

Three men and three women.

"Yu is the deputy of the church, the subordinates want to ask, when do we get started? The church owner is a little anxious, and has sent people to remind."

Chen Yuanliang, a bald-headed fat man, is carrying a hot woman, of course... hot springs, naturally nothing is worn.

With one hand, you can squeeze it up and down.

"Chen Xiong said that it is correct. The matter is speedy. Nowadays, the scattered forces of the saints have been rumored. The big things will start soon. I shouldn’t waste time on such a kid. It is the right way to resolve it at an early date."

Wu Xing also nodded, and by his side, there was also a naked woman who wiped his body.

As for the sacred religion in his mouth, it is the former Tianxing cult, the outsider is passed down as a cult of the stars, and the inside is called the sacred sacred.

Among the two, relying on the location of the hot spring shore, Qiu Wentong, the old man who looks like a 70-80-year-old, is now enjoying his eyes closed.

Under him, a woman, her head squatting in the water, constantly up and down.

After ten seconds, it can't be said that the speed is not fast. Qiu Wentong uttered a few sighs of enjoyment. The woman is obviously professional, and the speed up and down is getting faster and faster.

With a violent convulsion, the old man of the hill enjoyed a smile, and did not care about the length of time, slowly opened his eyes.

The woman slowly lifted her head from the water, smiled and wiped away the remnants of her mouth, and then snuggled up on Qiu Wentong.

"The two rudders have just said that they all make sense."

Qiu Wentong spoke up.

"If so, can there be plans?"

"Yes, deputy master."

Chen Yuanliang saw Qiu Wentong opening his mouth, and his eyes showed a smile: "The spies came to report. Qin Feng often went to the Qin building during the day. We could split into two shares. One went straight to the Qin building, and took Qin Feng. The other was Go to the Qin's Manor and kill all the people in their homes one by one."

"This is a very good plan. You can do it on a day-to-day basis, but one thing to keep in mind is that the main thing is to live, and the kid can't be killed."

After Qiu Wentong finished speaking, he closed his eyes again, and this time... the woman in front of him was no longer in the body, but sat up.


Jiangzhou, the bank of Shangjiang.

Luo Qinghan is still undecided at this moment, the chest is ups and downs, the peerless ‘fierce’ device is eye-catching, a pair of jade hands tightly around the neck of Qin Feng, and the face is deeply buried in the chest of Qin Feng.

"Can you let go?"

Qin Feng slightly stunned the woman in her arms, and this eye looked at the peerless ‘fierce’ device, which made the Qin wind slightly stunned, and then passed the other direction.


Luo Qinghan reacted: "No, sorry!"

Quickly let go of the hand, and Qin Feng also put her down.

"Return this to Luo Laozi, and help me to tell the father, and said that the matter of Yuanshan Ling Mine has been resolved, so that he does not have to worry."

"As for you, Tang Yi is now broken by me, and I will not harass you again in the future. You can rest assured."

When Qin Feng raised his hand, the celestial instrument was in his hand.

Seeing this quaint scroll of paper in the hands of Qin Feng, I don’t know why, Luo Qinghan felt a sadness and a goodbye.

It seems that this quaint scroll is the end of his relationship with him.

It seems as if I have taken this paper.

Since then, the two have no connection.

For a time, Luo Qing’s eyes were red.


Qin Feng brows slightly wrinkled, he does not understand Luo Qinghan's mood at the moment.

"You, you promised my grandfather, still... count?"

Luo Qinghan slightly ignored his face, and did not want Qin Feng to see the tears in his eyes.

"Which thing?"

Qin Feng turned to think, it should be to protect her thoughtful, and then continued: "You can rest assured that as long as I am, you can live a safe life."

"Only this... is it?"

Luo Qinghan did not know where the courage came from, suddenly looked straight into the eyes of Qin Feng, a pair of beautiful eyes, even with tears.

Slightly rushing breathing, the peerless ‘civil’ device is ups and downs.

"That's it."

Qin Feng looked at Luo Qinghan, his eyes calm, and finally said this sentence.

"You go back to the taxi early, don't let Luo Laozi worry, I have to leave beforehand."

After that, Qin Feng turned and left, and at this time, from the river, a figure jumped up in the night.

Qi Linger smashed the drums and looked at Qin Feng, but it was still behind the Qin Feng.

Luo Qinghan looked at the back of Qin Feng’s departure, and his throat was like a sob, and the tears that had been swirling in his eyes could not help but fall.


She suddenly found out that she seemed to have fallen in love with this man.

As for why love, how to fall in love, she does not know...

It is also unclear.

Perhaps this is the so-called fake play.

At first she was only in contact with her feelings, and with the suggestion that she would fall in love with him, but she was gradually conquered by the man’s courage.

Even if he doesn't feel like himself, even if he has been like that.

The feelings of this thing are always unclear.

On the banks of the upper reaches of the river, there are always people coming in. After all, it is not a common thing for yachts to sink in the river. They are coming to watch the crowd.


That is, after a few minutes, let countless people exclaim that incredible things have happened. There are five or six hundred people, and even the water floats at the same time!

Suddenly caused a riot.

However, all this has nothing to do with Qin Feng.

The things of the Sixth Family, after this Shangqing dinner, were temporarily settled.

Near a street in Shangjiang, the ink-colored Lamborghini galloped away.

Qin Feng was in the driving position, Qi Linger was in the co-pilot, and both of them were silent. Qin Feng was very strange. This was the first time that Qi Linger was by his side and did not say a word for more than ten minutes.

Qi Linger did not say that Qin Feng was too lazy to open his mouth, and the car soon arrived at Jiangzhou.

"Hey, I am asking you something."

When I was about to return to the mainland, Qi Linger finally couldn’t help it, or opened her mouth.


Qin Feng was wondering, this girl usually keeps on, how suddenly it is silent all the way, is it a tantrum? I can't provoke her alone.

"Do you like breasts? You want to like it, I can, I will eat papaya every day."

"More... I am not too small, I have c!"

Qi Linger is very serious about it.

Qin Feng heard this, subconsciously stepped on the brakes, almost no old blood spit out.

For the first time in my life, I looked at Qi Linger around me and stopped!

Is this girl short-circuited today? Where did the summed up of the logic of God, when I said that I liked the big chest! 2k novel reading network

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