The city of Monkey King

Chapter 162: Days and clouds!

After a trip.

"It's useless to eat papaya, don't be fooled by fake publications on the Internet."

Qin Feng smiled helplessly.

"That... then I am going to jump upup/chest/fuck, no more, I can go to the pad!"

Qi Ling is angry, but said a word that makes Qin Feng more vomiting blood.

I thought about what the girl was going crazy, and suddenly she was so concerned about her size.

"Well, I don't have any interest in your size. Go back and have a good rest."

Qin Feng is completely speechless, laughing and driving the car again, going straight to Jiangzhou.

When he came out from the lodge again, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Recalling the appearance before Qi Linger, Qin Feng was not stupid.

He can still see the word 'Jacking'.

Through the windshield, looking at the month of the day, Qin Feng sighed, and then the car galloped toward the direction of Qin's manor.


The moonlight covers the sky, the desert is innocent, and the sand is everywhere.

The huge beam of light, rising from the foot of the foot of the bunker, is one of the illusory nine tails of the swallowing wolf, the sound of wolverine, echoing between the heavens and the earth.

At the edge of this beam is a black ‘dog’.

Big black dog!

At this moment, the **** dog looked up at the beam of light rising from the sky and fell into a state of meditation.

This state, from day to night, has been going on for a long time!

At the center of the bunker is a snow-white bead, which has a name.

Swallow the Holy Pearl!

The sacred objects of the nine-tailed swallowing wolf family contain all the inheritance of a family. Only the blood of the royal family can be opened, and it is owned by the dynasties.

At this time, from the light column, one after another, the shadow of the nine-tailed swallowing wolf, with the sound of wolverine, went straight to the **** dog beside the light column, and fell into his body. .

Every time there is one, in the eyes of the **** dog, there is a scene that flashes.

That is…

A downright rebellion!

It’s a **** battle!

Nine tails swallow the wolf, the king is a vein, all in the blood poison, lost the qualification to resist.

Can the wolf king dissatisfied, one person **** battle to keep the Temple of Heaven.

Until he dies, he will not stand.

This is the father of the **** dog, his name is called Tian Jiu Cang!

The nine tails swallowed the family, since the founding of the tribe, the name of the family ‘day’ ‘9’ was taken as the royal family name.

Since then, the royal family has been destroyed.

Only the youngest son of the Wolf King, the seventh son.

It was a **** dog. He was smashed into the void by Tian Jiu 昊 连同 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞 吞

At the time of landing, the sacred beads are separated from them.

This time, the soul of the **** dog was summoned because the swallowing of the holy pearl noticed the awakening of the blood of the king!

One after another, the nine tails swallowed the shadow of the wolf, and did not enter the body of the **** dog.

In his eyes, there are enlightenment, anger, incomprehension, and sadness.

Because the dead is his father, his mother, his brother and sister.

He also finally understood that the nine-tailed white wolf that he often dreamed of over the years, that is his mother!

When the last shadow was not in the **** dog, the scene in the eyes of the **** dog began to dissipate.

"I... I call, the sky is nine."

"I'm the king!"

Muttering to himself, the shape of the **** dog, this moment began to change.

The white light shrouded it, and a three-headed white wolf appeared, and the long wolf fluttered.

Looking at the white beads in the center of the sand pit, all these visions came from this bead, without hesitation, the **** dog... The sky is moving toward the center of the light column.


Qin's Manor.

Qin Feng just came back, the front foot just stepped into the villa, it was the scream of a sister.

The brow wrinkled and quickly searched for the sound to rush.

But half a minute was the room that came to Qin Shixue.

In the eyes, it was a white wolf lying on the bed, but the bed was obviously too short, except for a small part of the wolf, the rest were outside the bed.

"Brother, Xiao He, he suddenly just glowed, and then it became like this."

Qin Chuxue saw that his brother came back and said quickly.

At this time, Lin Yuexi and Song Yu also quickly rushed up, and when he saw the **** dog that became a white wolf, he was also surprised.

Although they have seen the white wolf status of a **** dog last time, they are still horrified.

What the **** of this dead dog is doing...

Qin Feng brows and wrinkles, watching this lying white wolf: "Nothing, it should be awake, do not bother him, Xiaoxue, you sleep with the moon tonight."

"Well, brother~"

Qin Chuxue was very clever and nodded. It was not that there was no other room in the villa. Instead, she would be afraid to change the room for a time, so she would sleep with Lin Yuexi.

"He shouldn't have something?"

Lin Yuezhen stood beside Qin Feng, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"will not."

Qin Feng was very decisive to say this answer, although... this answer he also guessed.

"Qin Feng, I have something to say to you."

Lin Yuexi said very quietly.

"it is good."

Five minutes later, a small clear pool in the manor.

"Say it."

Qin Feng smiled and looked at Lin Yuexi. He also wondered what Lin Yuexi wanted to say to himself.

"I... I want to know what happened that day."

Lin Yuexi took a deep breath and said, naturally, the day she said, it was the day when the devil was sealed.

On that day, she just pushed the door of the Taoist temple, and did not see the furnishings inside the Taoist temple, it was directly dizzy.

Qin Feng was silent.

The day's things are related to the demon, and it is about the demon of the world. He can't tell Lin Yuexi, and he can't tell.

In fact, in his heart, there was a decision. I was born with a great sacred inheritance. In the future, I must set off a huge wave of the world. It can be said that I am always on the verge of life and death.

And these, he does not want anyone involved in his side to participate.

Among them, nature also includes Lin Yuexi.

And that day, he also reminded him that if his identity was exposed, Xianting would destroy him, not only himself, but also everyone he knew.

Qin Feng, has been thinking of ways, how to clear these relationships, to save people around them, to solve this matter.

"Nothing, don't think too much, I just found out that you fainted in that view, and then brought you back, nothing else."

Smile on the face, Qin Feng is very calm answer.

"Just, is that the case?"

Lin Yuezhen does not believe, it is impossible to believe, and it will never be as simple as Qin Feng said.

"Yes, exactly."

Qin Feng looked at Lin Yuexi’s eyes and nodded again.

"I know, take a break early, I will go to sleep first."

Lin Yuexi said that he turned around.

In her eyes, she has lost and lost. She just wants to know what happened that day. In fact, it is the most fundamental... She wants to get 100% trust from Qin Feng.

But she did not know, Qin Feng could not tell her about those things.

She can't know. 2k novel reading network

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