The city of Monkey King

Chapter 163: Linger [three more]

Late at night.

After Momo waited for everyone to sleep, Qin Feng’s car came out of the manor and went to the suburbs. The place to go was Xiantaolin.

He has become accustomed to the days of cultivation in Xiantaolin at night.


When Qin Feng drove, he thought about what something new to bring to Yunling.

When passing a large jewelry store, Qin Feng stopped the car. The store was about to be proofed. The clerk saw Qin Feng getting off and stopped.

If it is an ordinary person, perhaps as if you have not seen it, you will be directly driven to close the door.

However, this Lamborghini of Qin Feng is really too windy. The clerk of these jewellery stores are all women. For Qin Feng, such a tall and handsome, it is not necessary to get off work later.

"Hello, sir, welcome to the Sakura Jewelry. What do you need?"

Several clerkes soon came together.

"Let me consider."

Qin Feng looks light, sweeping through the same kind of jewelry, rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets...

For Qin Feng, these things are really changeable, without the slightest meaning.

At this time, there was a jewelry that looked different and reflected in the eyes of Qin Feng.

A string of pendants...

The reason why the Qin style is attracted is that the pendant of the pendant is a dark blue gemstone, and it is a twelve-diamond shape. The whole body is connected with a silver-white delicate frame.

"Show me the one."

Qin Feng pointed to the gemstone necklace, which is obviously very expensive and placed in the most conspicuous position in the store.

"This... sir, wait a moment, this necklace is only available to the store manager. She is going to the bathroom now and will come out immediately."

The clerk saw Qin Feng on this necklace, very surprised, because the price of this necklace... everyone knows.

One thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand!

In a minute, a woman who was about forty years old quickly walked over and came to the counter to carefully remove the necklace.

"Hello, sir, I am the store manager of this store. You are optimistic about this necklace is the treasure of the town store launched this year, this one, and there is a timing function, you look carefully, according to the ancient twelve hour time At every hour, the white light in the gem will be slightly deflected by thirty degrees."

"It's it."

Qin Feng is not in ink, and a necklace pendant has been caught from this woman.


The woman was shocked by the action of Qin Feng, and she had not waited for her reaction, and a black card was in her eyes.

Suddenly, I laughed.

One and a half hours later.

Outside the Xiantao Forest, there is a flame flashing in the eyes of Qin Feng, and the original ruins have once again turned into a peach forest.

Feeling the rich aura of the face, Qin Feng walked in to Taolin.


Jiuhua City.

Suburban manor, one of the many villas in the manor, Chen Yuanliang and Wu Xing, each sitting on the sofa, there are two women next to them to pinch their shoulders.

"Ur brother, tomorrow, you will take people to the manor's manor. The way of doing things is very simple. As long as you see people, you will kill them all."

Chen Yuanliang was extremely restless with his hands, and kept holding the woman around him, laughing and saying.

"Is this the arrangement of Chen Xiong, or is it the master of Qiu?"

Wu Xing casually asked, although he did not care who it meant.

"Nature is the main deputy of the Qiu, the old man of Wu, you are the first rudder of the Ghost Gate Sanchatang, how can I give the brothers a task!"

Chen Yuanliang was very happy to smile.

Wuxing went to Qin's Manor, and he naturally went to catch Qin Feng.

Grasping Qin Feng is the first effort, and this credit, in his opinion, will belong to him tomorrow!

Perhaps he can rely on this move to jump out of the position of the rudder master and become the elder of the church.

Wu Xing is also pretending to smile.

What is famous, he is naturally very clear.

However, this credit does not work, Wu Xing does not care, after all, this time the action is dominated by the Seven Stars Tiantiantang, the order he received was only to assist.

"That would like to wish Chen Xi’s flag to win tomorrow."

"Ha ha ha, I dare not dare, although I am going to catch the Qin wind, the vice-president of the Qiu will also follow, and I have to rely on his old man."

Chen Yuanliang is very happy. In his opinion, this credit for tomorrow is already at your fingertips.

After all, according to the news from the previous feedback, they came to the conclusion that Qin Feng is a hidden masterpiece or a top-grade monk.

For the foundation or top grade, Chen Yuanliang is the peak of the foundation. Naturally, confidence is overwhelming.


At this moment, Qin Feng, who is walking in Xiantaolin, naturally does not think that he has become something that others have used to invite merit.

Just out of the jungle, I saw Yun Ling.

Yunling stood on the shore of Lingquan with a smile on her face, as if she had been in Qinfeng.

"You are here~"

Yun Ling smiled, a white dress, and the long hair of the land with the light wind, Sheng Shiyan, the city is perfect.

"How do seniors know that I am coming?"

Qin Feng also laughed and went forward.

"When you left yesterday, you didn't say no."

When I heard this, Qin Feng gave a slight glimpse, and thought about what Yunling said was correct.

Since I haven’t said it, it’s coming.

"Today brought something to the predecessors."

Qin Feng raised his hand and in his hand, the twelve diamond-shaped sapphire pendant was in his hand.

"What is this?"

Yunling saw the pendant in the hands of Qin Feng. It was very curious. When she raised her hand, the necklace pendant in Qin Feng’s hand just had to float, but it was caught by Qin Feng.

"This is not for playing, but for wearing it. The seniors don't move for the time being. I will help you wear it."

Qin Feng wraps around Yun Ling, hands around Yun Ling neck, wearing this necklace in Yun Ling's neck.

"good looking."

After wearing it, Qin Feng took a few steps back. This necklace and Yunling are absolutely perfect.

"is it?"

Yunling is also a happy smile, this is the first jewelry in her life.

"Do you want to cultivate today or alchemy?"

Yun Ling smiled and asked.

"First refine the Dan, then practice."

Qin Feng smiled slightly, and he got the medicinal herbs in Xianling College. It is time to practice his hands.

"Okay, then I will teach you some basic refining methods today."

Yun Ling smiled and said: "First take out your Dan Ding."

"Yes, seniors."

Qin Feng waved his hand, and the four seas from the storage ring were falling to the ground.

"Right, don't you call my predecessor in the future?"

Yun Ling suddenly came to a sentence, let Qin Feng do not know what this means.

"That... Yunling?"

"My teacher will call me Linger, it is better to call me like this."

Yun Ling walked to the side of Dan Ding and said at the same time.


Linger... Qi Linger.

Qin Feng had no choice but to smile, but this was a bit of a wander, but it did not refuse.

"It’s just listening to it." 2k novel reading network

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