The city of Monkey King

Chapter 168: Continue to crush! [Request for tickets]

"I rely on, what is the chairman of the stick? So arrogant!"

"Do you think that the stick is like a legendary golden hoop?"

"Let you have a shit, the golden hoop is Sun Wukong, and then, it is a myth. There is no Sun Wukong in the world. Do you believe this?"

"I suspect that it is the kind of nanotechnology. Do you often see the big movies in the country? Oh, it’s a hand."

"But it’s like killing people on the street... what if the police are coming?"

"Hey, don't quarrel with you, hurry and watch."


A stick hammer died Luo Feiwen, suddenly caused a sensation, the entire Qin staff, have seen this incredible scene, some people excited, some people excited, some happy, but also caught in a life tangled.

Because for them, what happened today is hard to imagine.

The magic carpet is flying.

When the street kills people, they can change the size of the sticks and turn people into meat.

It’s amazing, it’s terrible!

For them, it is a horror, but for Chen Yuanliang, it is shock and anger, and hesitating!

He is tangled, he is up, or not.

All the self-confidence before coming, when Luo Feiwen was smashed into meat, it was already a mess, and he never thought that this Qin Feng was so powerful.

Even if he is the master of this foundation, it is absolutely impossible to kill such a simple master.

"Rudder Lord, what should I do now?"

At the side of Chen Yuanliang, several other deacons who built the foundations of the foundations asked.

These deacons are all fortunate at the moment. Fortunately, they just did not take the initiative to play, or they are now a group of mud.


Chen Yuanliang touched his bald head, bit his teeth and said such a word.

When the words came out, the faces of these deacons were all white.


How come? Just in time! Going to die? !

Besides, you have to take the lead in your old age. What do you mean by standing still? !

"Send a few people to kill those mortals, and first draw his attention."

Chen Yuanliang suddenly added another sentence.

"The rudder master is good!"

These deacons suddenly turned their eyes, and then quickly dispatched them, so that some of the deacons who built the foundations were prepared to go to the high-rise floor to kill the mortals.


One order!

Suddenly, from the five hundred people, there are more than ten people, different instruments, and they go straight to the top.

The employees who were watching by the floor-to-ceiling windows saw these people flying on their own strange things and suddenly came face to face!

"Boss, this, how can his mother fly on something?"

The king of the size behind Zuo Yingjie is also looking at it, and he can’t help but be scared.

Even Zuo Yingjie’s temper, who is not afraid of this day, is also cold and sweaty. He is completely embarrassed to watch the people who come here.

He has completely confirmed that this Nima is the royal device in the novel!

However, when the Qin staff fell into chaos.

Qin Feng looks calm and his mouth rises slightly.

Not bad... I also know how to hit the West, a little IQ.

It’s a pity that in Laozi’s place, don’t say that the East is hitting the West, you are the South of the South!

Eyes are condensed!

Call ~!

The wind of screaming, in this piece of heaven and earth!


This is the battle with Xiao Zhanyun!

When the wind broke out, the wind blew past, and the seven-star deacons on the royals were full of horror. They couldn’t control their body shape and they were blown away by the wind.

And this is just the beginning!

The wind rises, then it is the fire!

Since the Qin wind came out, the ice blue flame was wrapped in the wind, turned into a handle knives, and fiercely pressed down to the five hundred people.

Suddenly, hundreds of people were surrounded by flames, and the miserable screams were heard.

Qin Feng is rushing out at this moment!

Seeing this scene, Chen Yuanliang, who was standing in a daze, was reacted at this time. When he saw the rushing Qin wind, he suddenly snorted.

"Give me a block!"

A large wave of seven-star disciples heard the command and instantly subconsciously came to Chen Yuanliang.

However... there is a fart!

The golden hoop in the hands of Qin Feng turned into a length of ten feet, and a stick was swept down. Hundreds of people were directly swept hundreds of meters as garbage.

It is almost a second.

All the disciples in front of Chen Yuanliang were all swept away.

And just as he blinked and opened his eyes, there was one more person in front of him.

Qin Feng.

The gold hoop is standing next to the Qin wind, the left hand is inserted in the trouser pocket, and the right hand slowly picks up the smoke from the corner of the mouth and shakes the ash.

At this moment, Chen Yuanliang looked at Qin Feng in front of him, and the cold sweat brushed down.

There is only a foot distance between the two.

Chen Yuanliang secretly bite his teeth, his eyes slammed, and the storage ring flashed in his hand. A black big knife was in his hand, and he slashed directly toward Qin Feng with a big cockroach.

Qin Feng smiled coldly and smacked the smoke to the corner of his mouth.

The left leg kicks the golden hoop around, the golden hoop sticks up, and the right hand grabs the far end of the golden hoop, and makes a fierce wave!


A stick lingered on Chen Yuanliang's big knife, the knife was only half a second, and the other half a second, the golden hoop fell on Chen Yuanliang's big belly.


Chen Yuanliang’s eyes were rounded, a fierce mouth, and blood spurted out. The whole person went back and went hundreds of meters, and continued to roll after landing.


Directly crashed into a tea shop across the street.


Nearly a hundred people were killed by the ice flame, and hundreds of people were on the ground. The remaining 300 people were all stunned.

If Luo Feiwen was accepted as a meat mud before, then Chen Yuanliang is now flying, which is totally unacceptable!

This is their rudder master!

Chen Yuanliang, the first rudder of the head of the Tianshutang ten rudder! Building a peak monk!

How could it be... just lost! And still so miserable!

There is also a Qin staff on the building. At this moment, they are also the boss of the mouth!

I can't believe the facts that happened in front of me. The 500-person who looked like the prestige was not even a fart in front of Qin Feng.

But it was a glimpse, and the cheers rang from the building.

Opposite the building, the broken tea shop, Chen Yuanliang spit blood, all of them are milk tea, blood and milk tea mixed together, at this moment, he has an incredible color of horror in his eyes.

He clearly felt that when the young man stood in front of himself, he was so small, it was like the feeling of a monk standing in front of himself.

At this moment, he did not hesitate too much, nor did he have time to think about what merits, what future elders are, and most importantly, life-saving!

Chen Yuanliang said nothing, directly crushing the letter with Qiu Wen and the appointment! 2k novel reading network

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