The city of Monkey King

Chapter 169: Taishang Promise Enchantment!

Qin's Manor.

Qin Chuxue is wearing a little white dress today. Although she is underage, the slenderness of this skirt is already quite charming.

Lin Yuexi is the casual sportswear that he wears at the beginning, and his waist is long and loose. Even though the clothes are ordinary, they can't cover her Fanghua.

The warm sun is shining, when the two are chatting in the garden in front of the villa, trimming the flowers and plants.

Most of them are Qin Chuxue said, Lin Yuexi is quietly listening, basically said that Qin Chuxue and his brother's past life is normal.

"Moon sister, you cut the shape really nice! Have you learned from the flower master?"

Qin Chuxue looked at a plant and flower under the scissors of Lin Yuezhen, all of which were magnificent in appearance, exquisite and gratifying, and then look at their own cuts, and they are sorry for these flowers and plants.

"Don't worry about Xiaoxue, take your time, my sister will teach you."

Lin Yuexi smiled softly, and when she had just finished speaking, she subconsciously rubbed the sweat between her foreheads and looked up at the next day.

Suddenly a moment...!

A distant sky, a huge flag, is now coming to the Qin's manor.

"Fast, little snow, go inside."

Lin Yuezhen changed his face and quickly shouted Qin Xuexue.

"Ah? Don't you trim the flowers?"

Qin Shixue followed Lin Yuexi’s gaze and looked up. When he saw the banner, he was shocked.

"Mr. Sister, what is that?"

"Listen to my sister's words, fast advanced house, and don't let your mother come out, you are both in the house."

Lin Yuexi hurriedly opened his mouth and quickly put down the scissors.

Qin Chuxue also knew that something had happened, and he did not dare to delay anything. He listened to Lin Yuexi’s words and ran to the villa.

At this time, Lin Yuexi was anxiously sweating and was heading for the small rockery in the manor.

This rockery is the decoration of the manor, in the center of Xiaoqingchi, and also the center of the whole manor. It is said to be a rockery. In fact, it is a three-person tall bluestone.

On the back of the big stone, there are dense mantras. These runes are arranged in a gossip array, and in the center of the gossip array, there is a large inscription rune.

Look closely, it is a ‘敕’ word.

These runes are all pre-edited by Qin Feng.

Lin Yuexi came to the back of this big stone, according to the method that Qin Feng had given her before, hand-printed on the word '敕', injecting spiritual power, while silently thinking about the spell.


Beside the word '敕', those small inscriptions that are engraved seem to be alive, but they automatically began to flow according to certain rules, emitting black and white light!

Centered on the rockery and clear pool, there is a black and white half-circle enchantment that instantly envelopes the entire manor.

Half black and half white.

At the very top of this enchantment, there is a huge yin and yang taiji diagram.

Taishang Wuji enchantment.

This is Qin Feng's prior arrangement in the manor. The natural enchantment of the tactics is also found in the inheritance of the Great Holy Spirit. This was learned when Qi Tian Da Sheng and Tai Shang Lao Jun fight the Fa.

However, the arrangement of Qin Feng is far less than the full version. It is necessary to arrange the full version of the Taishou Promise Enchantment. Now the Qin Feng can't do it, just take a little fur.

Qin Feng is afraid of happening now, so arrange this enchantment in advance, if something happens, as long as Lin Yuexi injects spiritual power to start.

According to his guess, as long as this enchantment exists, it is enough to stop everyone under the knot!

However, the premise is that the person who starts the enchantment has enough spiritual power to hold it!

Once the spiritual power is removed, this enchantment will also dissipate.

Above the sky and the flag.

Wuxing saw the sudden enchantment of the manor, and suddenly his brow wrinkled.

Coldly snorted: "Give me a blow!"

Under one command, the five hundred people, all standing on the flag, all kinds of techniques, instruments, are all pressing down to this enchantment.

Lin Yuexi, on the bank of the big stone, frowning and gazing at the flag of the sky, she can feel a sense of oppression, and this enchantment is constantly consuming her spiritual power.

And with the impact of the sneaky disciples, the speed of spiritual power consumption is getting faster and faster!

Among the villas, Song Yu and Qin Chuxue are all in the room of Qin Shixue. Looking at everything that happened outside, the face is very bad.

"Mom, do you want to talk to Zheng Bo, let him and other people come here today, the family is too dangerous here, I am afraid that they will get hurt when they are close."

**And some people who clean and cook in the manor come to work on time every day.

"Yes, you are in the room, my mother is going to call."

Song Hao quickly turned and walked out of the room to call the ** and other people, such a thing... she did not want to let these ordinary people mix in.

Qin Chuxue looked at everything that happened outside, watching the bombardment that continued to fall on that day. Those who were fierce and sinister, a small face could not help but whiten.

I looked at the white wolf in the room and slept in the bed, and I was in a hurry.

Outside the door, Song Yu looked at the phone with no signal, but it was a wrinkle.

Because she found out... I couldn’t get through the phone!

No matter who, including Qin Feng, can't get through.

The Taiji Promise is enchanted. Although Qin Feng only took the fur, it can be said that it is also a fairy-scale method. The small cell phone signal is naturally shielded.

"Mom! Give me a hard blow!"

Above the sky, I saw the sign that the enchantment had not been smashed, and Wu Xing’s face was extremely unsightly!

Originally, he came to assist this time, but if he can't even get such a small manor, he can't be jokes after he returns!

What is the name of the first rudder of the Ghost Gate? ! Does he Wuxing still want to mix in the ghost door? !

Under the rush of anger, Wu Xing jumped from this huge flag, and there was another small flag appearing at the foot, directly facing the enchantment and falling, watching the yin and yang of the circulation.

A hand raised, in his hand, a full seven-meter-high black ink flag appeared!

"Hundreds of ghosts are now!"

A flag, a loud drink, from the banner, countless black gas emerged, black gas is a fierce evil spirit, only the head, the body is black fog.

As soon as Fang Yi appeared, these evil spirits were wrapped in black fog and rushed toward the enchantment.

Within a few seconds, black gas, evil spirits, surrounded the entire estate enchantment.

Beside the bluestone, with the constant consumption of spiritual power, sweat slipped from the forehead of Lin Yuexi.

Her face began to whitish, and around the enchantment, the evil spirits were in the enchantment, that is, the power of her!

"This time... I will never!"

Lin Yuezhen remembered that when she was at the balcony of the hotel, she watched Qin Feng’s family fall into desperation but could do nothing.

She will never let such a thing happen again!

Spirituality, madly pouring into this engraved mantra with black and white light! 2k novel reading network

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