The city of Monkey King

Chapter 172: dead! [Request for tickets]

The flame is burning.

Qin Feng held the Nangong Yiren, bowed his head between her neck, and lingered.

Nangong Yi people closed their eyes, long eyelashes trembled, slightly frowning, her face turned white, looks like a serious injury.

Lips, leaving the neck of the Nangong Yi people.

The blood mark that was cut open, healed at a very fast speed, and disappeared instantly.

"Ira, thank you."

Qin Feng looked at the Nangong Yiren who had already turned pale.

"No, don't say thank you to me..."

Although I don't know what happened, Nangong Yi people still smiled. Although she was very weak, she still wanted to present her best smile to Qin Feng.

In her opinion, as long as it can help him... it is enough.

"I, I am so sleepy..."

"Sleep, wake up and everything is fine."

"Hmm... um..."

In the arms of Qin Feng, the Nangong Yi people leaned on the shoulders of Qin Feng, and they calmly closed their eyes and slept.

Hold the Nangong Yi people in their arms.

Qin Feng stood up.

When it stands up!

Qiu Wentong, now watching the seven-star disciples killing in the building, with a smug smile on his face.

As for the Qin Feng in the center of the flame, it seems to him that he is dead and can no longer die.

After all, that one is a knot-level spell, a temperament kid in a district, even if it is against the sky, it must die!

The only thing that made him feel trouble was only one point.

On that day, the lord of the church was a living person. Now that the person is dead, it is not easy for him to go back.

Just as he thought about how to go back to the church and return to life.


Above the street, there is a gust of wind, whistling!

A strong breath emerged from the center of the flame.

Qiu Wen’s fierce glimpse!

Then the amazing scene happened!

The flames of this whole street, including those that are burning houses! Including the fire of the Qin Building!

this moment!

All the flames, as if they were summoned by what power, all floated up and went straight to the direction of Qin Feng!

Above the building, the Qin staff in the panic, and the other people above the high-rise buildings, were shocked to see the flames flying!

At the same time, a wave of air, violently scattered!

The fire in the body of Qin Feng was pushed away. The flame from all around began to gather in his sky and re-created the huge fireball before it.

" is it possible!"

Qiu Wen looked at Qin Feng, who was holding the Nangong Yiren, and stood up again. He watched the huge fireball floating above Qin Feng, and there was an unspeakable horror in his eyes.

"Building base...?!"

He was shocked to discover that the breath of Qin Feng has already reached the peak of the previous training.

But the atmosphere of this building...

The pressure brought by it is beyond the end of the knot!

When Qin Feng stood up, many of the seven-star disciples who had already rushed into the Qin building had already rushed to the second floor to kill.

Next, the scene that made Chu Wentong more live, happened!

Behind Qin Feng, one after another, Qin Feng appeared, and there were six or seventy Qin winds. After the appearance, they did not say anything. These Qin winds rushed into the building with the golden hoops.

The screams of the seven-star disciples began to sound in this building.

"You... how are you...!"

Qiu Wentong saw the seven or eighty Qin Feng who appeared, and his eyes were completely paralyzed!

"how do I?"

Qin Feng eyes are cold, and there is a killing moment.

"You, **** it!"

As soon as it sounds, this huge fireball is headed toward Chu Wen.

Return to the original owner!

Seeing the coming fireball, Qiu Wen was stunned with a look, and raised his hands subconsciously, and the spirit reverberated, blocking the huge fireball in the air.


Qin Feng looks calm and faint.


The huge fireball, fierce burst, endless flames will cover this piece of heaven and earth.

The fireball burst, and Qiu Wentong has not reacted yet...

The next moment, I only felt a huge force from the chin, and the whole body flew to the sky under this force.

Qiu Wentong, who was hit by a punch, just reacted from the horror and was about to stabilize his body.

In the flame, a huge ancient gold iron rod, bursting directly through the flame at a very fast speed!


The rod end slammed into the chest of Qiu Wentong, and the golden hoop was still rising. With Qiu Wen, it rushed to the top of the cloud.

"this is…"

Under a collision, Qiu Wen and Wu wowed a bleed, watching this huge iron rod, and fell into complete horror.

However, this... is far from complete!

Among the flames, Qin Feng changed the Nangong Yi people from the hug and made the back posture. The whole person, directly stepping on the huge stick of the golden hoop, ran up vertically.

The speed is fast, Qiu Wentong is not a blind eye.

When he opened his eyes again, Qin Feng's cold eyes had fallen into his eyes, and he punched directly at Qiu Wentong's face.


Blood burst!

at the same time.

Qin Feng raised it with one hand, and the huge gold hoop quickly became smaller and fell into the hand.

Hold the stick with one hand and greet him directly against Qiu Wen.


Qiu Wen’s eyes wide open, and a **** old man flies. The whole person slams down like a cannonball.

A huge pit appeared on the ground and the smoke rolled.

The second second after he fell, Qin Feng also fell, but when he stepped on the ground, he did not make the slightest sound.

The golden hoop in the hand rotates smaller and then disappears into the ear and disappears.

The blasting flame is slowly extinguished at this moment.

Qin Feng looked at the big hole of 30 to 40 square meters on the ground. Qiu Wen was lying in the center of the big pit with blood. An old face could not tell the nose or the eyes.

And next to this big pit, Chen Yuanliang and the remaining dozens of seven-star disciples who have not yet rushed into the building are already stupid...

I can't believe what happened just now? !

How did you turn your eyes in the pit? !

Looking up at Qin Feng, I saw Qin Feng step by step, Chen Yuanliang and the dozens of people around him, both legs are shaking.

This... this is simply an invincible existence!


In the center of the Tai Hang, Qiu Wen spit out a blood, and then it was difficult to stand up, his body swaying, gasping with a big mouth.

The vitality of the monk's monk is tenacious, and he is so tossed by Qin Feng, and he can still stand up.

" this seat!"

Qiu Wentong's hand trembled and pointed at Qin Feng, and his eyes looked at Qin Feng with anger.

However, there is only one word!


A black light, coming out!

Just listening to a slight ‘砰’, Qiu Wen’s eyes are awkward...

Looking down at his own Dantian, his golden Dan, broken!

When he looked up, there was a time when he couldn't believe it.

Another black light!

The soul of the town directly penetrated his eyebrows, a blood hole appeared, and the eyes that caught it suddenly became godless.

The first town soul ruined his cultivation, the second one, destroyed his vitality!

The figure, slightly swayed, then fell straight forward and splashed the dust.

Qiu Wentong, the deputy monk of Jie Dan, the deputy head of the Seven Star Gate Tianshutang, died! 2k novel reading network

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