The city of Monkey King

Chapter 173: Recalling the big array! [Request for tickets]

"How, how, how, how?"

Looking at the fallen ground, Qiu Wentong, who has lost all his vitality, Chen Yuanliang can't believe it!

Jun Dan monk... dead? !

Knot Dan monk!

There is only one Yuan Ying in Yunshui, that is, the Kunlun Pavilion, except for the Yuan Ying monk, the knot is the highest realm of Yunshui!

But now, just like a monk, he died in front of himself, and it was so terrible that he died, and there was no power to fight back.

Looking at Qin Feng fiercely, this moment in the eyes of Chen Yuanliang, this person in front of him is the **** of death!

However, Qin Feng did not look at them at all, and raised his hand.

In an instant, above the head of Chen Yuanliang, Mars is cracked and there is a huge fireball slowly appearing.

This trick was learned by Qin Feng from Qiu Wentong. It should be a knot-level spell. As for the name, he did not know.

At this moment, the fireball is formed, and then it turns from a red fire to an ice blue!

Qin Feng will merge the ice flames into it.

Chen Yuanliang looked up at the huge ice flame fireball. First, a glimpse, then there was a fear on his face. A word rang in his mind and ran!


That's too late!

The foot just lifted up!

Qin Feng’s hand fell, and the ice flame fireball was smashed!


Chen Yuanliang and the remaining dozens of seven-star disciples, all in the ice flame, completely burned to ashes!

In the building, the hundreds of seven-star disciples, under the guise of Qin Feng, were also killed clean, one is not left!

The original noisy wide street, this time became silent.

Above the Qin's building, those employees of Qin's family are completely obscured...

What happened today has completely exceeded their understanding.

The technical department, Zuo Yingjie is also looking at the glimpse, knot, is it over? !

However, at this time, there was a voice coming from his ear.

"Fat, come down."

This voice is the voice of Qin Feng.

Breaking through the foundation, he already has the ability to dissect!

But Zuo Yingjie didn't know, and when he heard the sound, he thought that he had got it wrong.

"Go down, hurry up."

When another voice came, Zuo Yingjie looked at Qin Feng on the street and finally confirmed that it was really the voice of Qin Feng. There was no hesitation any more. He quickly turned to the elevator.

"Boss, boss, what are you doing?"

The king of size also wants to keep up.

"I will give Laozi to stay here!"

Zuo Yingjie turned back and said that he was scared that the kings and the kings were all stunned, and they stopped their steps.

After a minute.

Zuo Yingjie came to the lobby on the first floor and saw the **** body of the land, and his face was white.

However, I did not stay too much. I quickly ran outside the gate.

At this moment, Qin Feng has once again changed back to the posture of holding.


Zuo Yingjie ran out of breath and panted.

"Place her in my office and don't let anyone bother her."

Qin Feng looked at the Nangong Yi people in his arms and said with a sigh.

"Is she injured? Do you want me to call 120?"

Zuo Yingjie saw the white face of Nangong Yiren, and thought of the previous fireball, not only on the Qin Feng, but also on the Nangong Yiren.

"No, just do what I said."

Qin Feng carefully handed the Nangong Yi people in the arms to Zuo Yingjie.

Zuo Yingjie took over the Nangong Yiren, paused and looked at the chaotic street, still asked.

"Maniac, this, what the **** is going on?"

"I will explain it to you later."

Qin Feng did not have to say too much with Zuo Yingjie at that time, and turned and jumped up.

In his ears, the golden hoop floated out and turned into an ancient gold stick, and Qin Feng fell on the golden hoop.

call out!

A wind, turned into an ancient golden stream, galloping the sky.

Building the base, the imperial device!


Zuo Yingjie, who was watching this scene next to him, opened his mouth and did not close for a long time.


Finally said it.


Jiangzhou Sudi.

At the moment, the square of the temple, He Hua, Lei Qiong, Qiu Qiu, Zhang Dawei, this old, three things are here.

The faces of the four people are extremely ugly.

"The brothers who went to investigate have brought the news back."

There is an unbelievable surprise in the eyes of Qiu Qiu. He is responsible for the allocation of news. Naturally, he was the first to know this news.

"How to say?"

He Hua brows wrinkled, Jiangzhou has such a big thing that he has never encountered in this life, the cult has invaded the secular world!

"The person in the city center has already identified that it is the first rudder of the Seven Star Gate Tianshutang, and the leader is Chen Yuanliang."

When this was said, He Hua stood up and looked unbelievable.

The first rudder... This is the strongest rudder of Tianshutang! He Hua is naturally clear! This group of people come to swear, the trouble is big!

"The location where they attacked was the Qin Building."

The Qiuqiu opened again.

Including Lei Qiong and Zhang Dawei, they all changed their looks.

Qin's building... everyone knows that it is the site of Qin Feng.

"Go on."

He Hua said that he was also an old man, and he calmed down and sat down.

"At present, according to the news, the first rudder of Tianshutang, none of the more than 500 people survived, all of them were killed. Among them... also included a monk who was later rushed to go. As for who, the spy did not dare to rely too much. Recently, it is still unclear, but it must be the top of Tianshutang. If you want to come in a few days, there will be news of who it is."

Qiu Qiu then finished all the words in the brain.

this moment…

It’s no longer that He Hua stood up alone, but Lei Qiong and Zhang Dawei stood up in surprise!

No one survives!

That is to say, the strongest rudder of Tianshutang was destroyed by Qin Feng alone, and... is also the most amazing! There is also a later monk Dan!

Qin Feng...! Already killing the monk? !

He Hua also had a sense of horror, and took a few deep breaths, and then his expression sank.


"The mound is in."

Qiuqiu quickly went forward.

"The things in the world of the world are regulated by you, whether it is a video or something else, let the top officials of the secular world ban the cover and try to smooth it out."


Qiuqiu quickly bowed and retired.

"You two, go with me to open a big memory."

He Hua got up and walked toward the temple. Both Lei Qiong and Zhang Dawei frowned and quickly followed.

It is one of the most effective ways for Xiange to manage the secular world.

The so-called "recalling big array" is a set of methods set up within a certain area. Each time it is opened, it can wash away the memory within the area and all mortals within twelve o'clock, so it is called a memory.

It has been several times in previous years to maintain the balance between the realm of the realm and the secular world.

Things like this one are so big, if you don't do this, it will definitely cause panic in the secular world. 2k novel reading network

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