The city of Monkey King

Chapter 175: You lick some slag! [Happy New Year's Eve]

The high ground of Jiangzhou City.

An ancient golden streamer gallops across the sky!

Qin Feng stood above the ten-inch golden hoop, and his eyebrows were wrinkled. At this moment, he had no intention to feel the wonderful experience brought by this first imperial flight. Now he is anxious, just want to hurry back to the manor!

"Fast...just a little faster!"

Muttering to himself, the golden hoop seems to feel the anxiety of Qin Feng, and the speed is increasing again!

However, it is not too fast to go any faster. After all, how fast the gold hoop can fly is determined according to the profound spiritual strength of Qin Feng.


Qin's Manor, Wu Xing behind the five hundred ghosts and disciples, at this moment is proud to look at the three women on the bank of the clear pool.

More than a dozen people got the order of Wuxing, and they were walking on the clear water surface and heading for the big stone.

"You... give me... stop me!"

At this time, Lin Yuexi, holding the big stone in one hand, stood up and swayed, step by step, standing in front of Song Yu and Qin Chuxue.

There is a green sword in the hand, and there is a firm meaning in the eyes. Even if you die, you will never step back.

"Long is good!"

The team's sneaky disciples looked at Lin Yuexi, who stood up, all with a sinful face on his face.

In Wuxing, outside the Qingchi, Lin Yuezhen, who saw him standing up, was also a little playful. In his opinion, the kind of obedient woman was really boring. What she wanted was this woman who did not want to give in.

Conquering this woman underneath himself, that tastes!

"Oh oh? Little beauty, do you think you still have a chance?"

A deacon of the foundation of the building, haha ​​smiled, waved a hand, a black gas hit, directly in the hands of Lin Yueqi holding a sword.

Lin Yuexi was a shackle, and his sword was shot down. People almost fell to the ground.

She has no extra spiritual power to motivate this Qingling sword!

"Moon sister~"

Qin Shixue sat on the big stone, and by her side, it was the Song Wei who had exhausted his energy and fainted the past, watching the fierce people who came from these people.

She has fear in her eyes, despair, and subconscious... Qin Chuxue looks in the direction of the villa.

This is also the moment...

There was a hint of joy in her eyes!

A **** dog jumped out of the balcony and was rushing to the clear pool at a very fast speed!

"Little beauty, let the brothers be cool and cool today! Wait until you are cool enough to send you to Huangquan!"

The boss of the building base laughed and stepped forward, and the hand was about to grab Lin Yue’s arm.

"I play ~!"

A word with a Sichuan accent came out.

In the eyes of the deacon of this building, it is a 'handsome' dog face!

At the same time, a dog punch, solidly hit the face of this deacon.

This building under the product deacon, under a dog fist, the body shape flew hundreds of meters, fell on the ground and rolled for dozens of laps to stop, the whole person even spit four or five blood, half dead.

The rest of the sneaky disciples who were ready to rush up, stood on the water at this moment.

Because in front of them, more... a dog? !

A talking dog? !

At the moment, the **** dog stands on the hind legs and the front legs are boxing.

"Is this boxing so bad? This is what I learned from TV!"

The **** dog glanced at Lin Yuezhen, who was holding his back. He grinned and operated a fluent Sichuan dialect. It was a smug.

"Little black..."

Qin Chuxue originally wanted to rush to hug the **** dog, but she couldn’t move. At this moment, she looked at the **** dog and her eyes filled with tears.

The **** dog saw the appearance of Qin Chuxue, and suddenly his smile condensed, and a dog's face was all black... although his face was originally black.

There is a strong killing in the eyes!

"It’s a goddess slate board, mom sells the batch!”

Wu Xing saw a dog that suddenly popped up. He was first stunned and then angered!

The deacon of his own hand was actually shot by a dog's fist? !

If this kind of thing is spread out, it must not be laughed at by the big teeth.

"Catch the dog!"

Not waiting for Wuxing to open, and a deacon at the side of his side stood up and shouted!

Suddenly, the five hundred ghosts and disciples behind him were staring at the **** dog standing on two legs.

When the doubts in my heart, the first thought in everyone’s mind is: not only have women play tonight, but also dog meat!

"Mom sells batches, people are too much!"

The **** dog looked back at the five hundred people, with the front legs behind him, walking forward step by step with his hind legs, sweeping through the five hundred people, and the eyes were overbearing!

"The trough, is this dog getting fine?"

"Mom...not just talking about people, but also Sichuanese?!"

"Erase! Isn't the fairy pavilion saying that there is no demon in the cloud water world?!"

"You can also believe in the words of the fairy pavilion, but the fairy pavilion is also correct. This is not a demon. The metamorphosis can be called a demon. It will be a magical period! This dog top is mostly refined."

"I am going to... this dog is a public one. Stand up and the two dog eggs are dangling."


Five hundred people stood by the clear pool and looked at the **** dog, just like watching the monkeys in the zoo.

"What are you doing, stupid!"

The founding director of the building saw that these people stopped, and it was also a big drink. The five hundred people were all glimpsed, and then one by one revealed the twilight.


Kill the dog!

Eat dog meat!

"Oh, what?"

The **** dog's hind legs were stretched, and the front legs swayed, posing directly in a Tai Chi posture.

These five hundred people suddenly stunned... grass!

After all, the scene of the old man who was under the guise of a building was beaten by a fist, and these people still remember.

"You are afraid of a dog, waste!"

The building's top deacon's face was blue and green, and when he raised his hand, he appeared in the hands of a sneaky scorpion, and swung it toward the **** dog. Suddenly, there were hundreds of evil spirits rushing out from the sneaky scorpion and went straight. Big black dog.

Hundreds of ghosts are wrapped in black fog, and the **** dog is surrounded by them in an instant, and the evil spirits are heard.

This building is known as Tao Chang, and at this moment he saw the **** dog surrounded by evil spirits, and he was very proud.

"Tao deacon is amazing!"

"Tao deacon is arrogant!"

"I am waiting for a deacon!"


Seeing this scene, the sneaky disciples next to them began to flatter, and even Wu Xing in the distance thought it was over.

However, at this time, the evil spirit that had been fiercely gone, at this moment, was only with a look of fear, trying to escape from the dark fog.

However, it is already late!

The raging black fog that surrounds the **** dog disappeared at a speed that was visible, including those evil spirits, as if it had fallen into a whirlpool.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Completely gone.

In the same place, the **** dog still stood on the hind legs, using the front paws to pick up the sharp teeth, and the eyes dismissed the group before the eyes.

"It’s not a dog, I’m bragging, you’re licking some of the slag, and it’s not enough for the dog’s teeth.”

An authentic Kawasaki official language, faintly floating. 2k novel reading network

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