The city of Monkey King

Chapter 176: The word 'death' is divided into six strokes!

A swallow of a ghost!

The **** dog licked his teeth and looked at the group of ghosts and disciples with disdain.

"He, he just...?"

This group of ghosts and disciples, all eyes are wide, can not believe what happened just now, the hundred ghosts were all eaten by the **** dog.

Although Tao Chang was also surprised, he was equally angry. He swallowed his hundred ghosts. It took at least 20 years of hard work to gather them!

How could it not be angry?

However, as a building top, he naturally cannot have a ghost flag.

"Give me a banner of your ghosts, I don't believe that this dog can still go to heaven!"

Tao Chang spoke, although not everyone would listen, but the 100 people who belonged to him did not dare to defy, and they all sacrificed their own ghost flags.

For a time, the entire manor was filled with black fog, with evil spirits floating in it, and cried and laughed!

"Little black..."

Lin Yuezhao supported the big stone and saw the scene of the thousands of ghosts and people, and could not help but change his face.

"Don't worry about me, since the kitchen knife is not there, then give it to me."

The **** dog is very rare to say in Mandarin.

Although I have not turned around, I can hear the confidence in that language!

Lin Yuexi saw the back of the dog of the **** dog, heard the voice of the **** dog, silenced for a second, chose to believe.

After all, she also knows that the **** dog is the legendary nine-tailed swallowing wolf. This is what Qin Feng told her, although she is not sure how the nine-tailed swallowing wolf exists.

In the distance, Wuxing did not stop Tao Chang, but looked at it with great interest.

In his opinion, this sudden appearance of the dog is very interesting, but it is just a jump clown, help out, and all the time to see a farce.

"A group of slag."

The **** dog didn't stand this time, but chose to land on four legs, watching the dark foggy evil spirits, one looking up, one mouth!

A raging suction appeared in his mouth, and the raging black fog began to roll, and the evil spirits rushed into the mouth of the **** dog.

As before, the fierce evil spirits, when they noticed this suction, began to desperately want to escape, but it was useless.

When the **** dog opened his teeth, it was already destined to end!

One after another evil spirit, swallowed into the belly by the **** dog!

Nine tails swallow the wolf, claiming to be able to swallow even the sky, these evil spirits count as a fur ball!

Do you think that I will indigestion? ! It’s not a dog’s blow, but there’s no advantage in other places, it’s good in the intestines! As long as the dog is willing, the Atlantic can give you a drink!

That is, a dozen seconds of work, the thousands of evil spirits made by this hundred people were swallowed up.

Stopped... completely stunned!

The sneaky disciples who sacrificed the evil spirits stood in the same place, looking at this incredible scene. The dog in front of him even swallowed thousands of evil spirits!

These evil spirits are all the souls of the mortals, and they are tortured and forged by the secret tricks of the ghosts. It almost erases all the minds of the soul and becomes the existence of the servant.

But because of this, in the process of inhuman forging, these evil spirits are full of anger, hatred, and tyranny!

Raw swallow? ! joke! Don't say thousands, even if you swallow a body, it is enough to make people mentally mad.

But don't say madness... This black dog doesn't take this seriously at all.

"How could this be!"

Tao Chang is also stunned at this moment, do not know how to deal with it, which is far beyond his imagination.

"Is this a scorpion?"

At this time, the **** dog blinked in the eyes.

Next, he spoke in Mandarin.

The **** dog only speaks Mandarin in two situations in his life. The first one is when Qin Feng is forced by a kitchen knife.

The second is anger, serious time!

And now, it is the second!

The **** dog is very angry, especially angry. I am sleeping. I wake up and see my little snowy girl become this look!

If Laozi does not send you one by one to see the king!

Laozi is not called Tianjiuyunyun!

"Today, the dog is free to teach, how to write the word 'death'!"

The phrase fell into the ears of everyone, and on the **** dog, there was a dazzling white light bloom!

The glare of the force is dazzling, and the five hundred people, including Wuxing, are all flashed and can’t open their eyes!

However... when the white light dissipated, when they opened their eyes, the scene in front of them completely calmed them!

A three-headed white wolf, standing on its knees, three feet of wolf fluttering, the most surprising thing for these ghostly disciples is the tail of the white wolf, there are actually two!

Nine tails swallow the wolf, one tail represents a realm.

The first tail corresponds to the practice of Qi.

The second tail, build the base!

In this realm, the nine tails swallow the wolf, except for a few extremely abnormal existences between the heavens and the earth, such as the ‘Qin Feng’, that is the invincible existence!

Just like the sky nine clouds said, these are the slag!

"This, this, this...!"

Tao Chang looked at the sudden appearance of the white wolf, his chin was almost gone, obviously it was a wretched dog! How to become such a mighty white wolf now!

Other ghosts and disciples are also watching the white wolf, but also subconsciously retreating.

"The word 'death' is divided into six strokes."

Tianjiuyunyun did not have any previous banter, cold mouth, slowly stepping on the water, the water rippled.

The majestic silver and white wolf, the more than a dozen ghosts and disciples standing on the water.

"The first pen, horizontal."

Words fall, in the middle of these ghost gate disciples, the space has a whirlpool of people, the more than a dozen ghosts and disciples, suddenly changed their face, desperately want to escape, but it is useless!

The whirlpool of the speedy whirl, sucking in the dozens of ghosts and disciples, before the whirlpool, the screams of fear of these people, the expression of panic on the face, the nakedness of the five hundred ghosts and disciples In the eyes.

One by one, the eyes are straight.

Don't say they...

Tao Chang, the foundation of the foundation, even the rudder of Wuxing, the base of the foundation, is also stunned!

He has never seen such a spell, let alone... still appearing from such a strange wolf!

Solve the more than ten people, the silver wolf howling, sweeping the five hundred ghosts and disciples on the shore, step by step, stepping on the water and walking towards the shore.

A wolf, everyone is back!

The nine tails of the swallows, the reason why they were regarded as one of the most demon of the Wanjie, even the two Buddhas did not dare to move.

The biggest reason is that the nine tails swallow the sky, mastering the imaginary space avenue!

This is the power that is difficult to enlighten in the Holy Ghost, and the nine tails swallow the heavens and the earth, the creation of heaven and earth, from the moment when the blood is awakened is possessed!

Lin Yuexi, next to the big stone, looked at this scene with amazement. She clearly remembered that the last time, the white wolf had only one tail. Now... there are two!

"Little black."

Qin Chuxue looked at the white wolf figure, and there was peace of mind in the eyes. This is the only one in the world that can give her a sense of security in addition to her own brother.

He is the demon, the king of the demon, the king of the nine-tailed family!

Its name, the sky is nine clouds! 2k novel reading network

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