The city of Monkey King

Chapter 177: A difference of two minutes! [Three more]


Seeing the white wolf coming slowly, Wuxing can no longer calm down, and quickly screamed!

The infusion of the sound was quickly introduced into the ears of the five hundred ghosts, and the group finally reacted from the previous shock and shock.

"Ghosts, screaming at...

The ones who built the foundation deacons, they all belonged to the various eyes of the formation. At this time, they quickly responded and shouted loudly.

Then the five hundred people began to wrap around Wuxing, and arranged a pattern in a certain pattern.

In the hands of every ghostly disciple, the ghost flags are all appearing!

Wuxing, standing at the very center of the array, is now raising his hand. In his hand, the thousand sneaks with a handle of 20 meters are reappearing!

Including Wuxing, everyone looked at the white wolf coming from the clear pool, and sweated coldly.

The white wolf's forefoot, the party stepped ashore.

The silver wolf smashed through the large array of five hundred people.

"The second pen, hehe."

Different from the sound of the **** dog before, the majesty, with the supreme meaning!

The sound falls, bang!

The forefront of these five hundred people, with a full 50 people, just like an air bomb in the void, instantly fifty people were crushed into meat sauce!

There is no left bone residue!

The blood of fifty people condensed, spilled on the ground, flowing into the river...

These people screamed before they died!

The power of space, killing people invisible!

This is also the horror!

"Open up!"

The death of fifty people, the scalp that Wu Xing looked numb, this strange way of killing is simply horrible!

Suddenly, the remaining more than 400 ghosts and disciples raised their flags in their hands. For a time, the flags were displayed, and black fog emerged from the flags. These people were completely shrouded in them. Raging.

The sneaky squad is the array method created by the first star of the former Tianxing Church. The array is divided into three equal steps according to the number of eyes, nine arrays of eyes, thirty-six arrays of eyes. One hundred and eight eyes.

In the nine-eye array, the martial arts peaks and monks are the main eye, and the eight qis are the secondary eye, plus the ninety-nine qi qis, this sneaky squad is enough to resist the foundation. Monk!

Thirty-six arrays of eyes, with the foundation of the peak of the monk as the main line of the eye, plus thirty-five build a base of the eye, supplemented by three hundred and ninety-six training monks, formed into a ghostly array, can resist the knot Dan Monk!

And the 108-eye array is based on the eyes of the monks of the Dan, coupled with the foundation of thousands of people, in theory, can resist the Yuan Ying monks.

At first, the law was created to counter the first Yuan Ying monk in Yunshui, the Kunlunge master who was a thousand years ago.


This is just an imaginary theory. Even if it is the Ghost Church of the Glory of the Year, thousands of foundations can be gathered, but it is impossible to find one hundred and eight Danish monks, to reach that scale, unless the whole The monks of the Stars taught the Danish monks to get to the Ghost Hall, but that is impossible.

At this moment, Wu Xing's main eyes are the sneaky array of thirty-six eyes that are known to resist the death of Dan.

The raging black fog rolled, and the evil spirits screamed in the screaming. In this main eye, Wu Xing, a pair of eyes staring tightly at the white wolf, in his opinion, as long as the white wolf enters the ghost If you are strong, you can trap it and kill it!

"I thought it would be awkward to make a few knots? Dogs, I am going south, you are a ball!"

Tianjiuyun stunned the wolf's mouth, and slammed it, then slammed it.

Call ~!

The wind blew in the blink of an eye, and the dark mist covered the sneaky scorpion. Under this breath, it was actually directly dissipating most of the black fog.

For a time, the ghostly disciples who were originally in the dark fog suddenly lost their sense of security, and they all looked at the big white wolf that came and slammed.

I was afraid that suddenly I would become the same as the No. 50 person before.

The sky is full of clouds, and the silver plaque sweeps through this sneaky array. It sweeps over more than 400 people, and the wolf has a slap in the face.

"The third stroke of the dead, cross."


Jiangzhou Sudi, one of the ancient wells, is unremarkable, surrounded by towering trees.

At the moment, beside this ancient well, He Hua, Qiu Qiu, Zhang Dawei, three people are here.

"He old, let me come this time, the time 15 years ago, you have not fully recovered yet."

Qiu Chuang said, 15 years ago, there were two monks in the fight in Jiangzhou City, the battle of life and death, will not take into account any secular world.

Under the lingering wave, it once ruined a small half of the city, and that time it was forced to helplessly, and started a big memory of the memory.

"Or I am coming, your repair is not enough. You can only use it once in a year. If it fails, the consequences are unpredictable."

He Hua frowned and said that he couldn’t make a joke about this kind of thing. Once the memory was broken, the panic of the secular world will spread rapidly during the year.

Then he raised his hand and injected it into the ancient well. In time, the square of the ancient well was 100 meters long, and it began to have a pattern of lines, emitting white light.

The light is getting more and more prosperous!

Days, with dark clouds began to gather, as if echoing with this light.

After the dark clouds, it soon rained.

It’s heavy rain.

Qin's building.

In the office of the chairman of the board, Zuo Yingjie just placed the Nangong Yi people on the sofa in the office and was about to get up and leave.


There was no rain outside, and as the rain fell, even the air in the house became fresh.

Zuo Yingjie, turned and just walked to the door of the office, the door was opened, the front foot was not carried out, and suddenly...

"Oh, no, how do I run mad, this is coming, am I not playing games with the big king?"

Zuo Yingjie swept through the four weeks, especially when he saw the Nangong Yi people sleeping on the sofa.

Not only him, but the average person in Jiangzhou City.

Twelve hours, it is a whole day, reminiscent of the big array, washed away the memory of all the mortals of Jiangzhou.


With the cloud and the body, Qin Feng stood on the golden hoop, and the wind swept through his hair. At this time, the sky began to rain and felt the rain. Qin Feng frowned slightly.

He could feel the unusualness of the rain, but he didn't have time to pay attention to it. Now he can already look at the outline of the manor, but at this speed, it takes at least three minutes to reach.

When I saw the dark fog outside the manor, Qin Feng’s eyes were in a hurry.

At the same time.

Qin Feng Mei Yu’s fierce...

In the other direction, there are two streams of light, which are actually galloping in the direction of the Qin's manor.

At this time, I will choose to go to Qin's Manor. What I do is self-evident!

These two streams are closer than the Qin wind, and it takes only one minute to reach the manor! There is a difference of two minutes between them!

"Two knots..."

Seeing the two streams of light that appeared in this, Qin Feng’s chill in the cold! 2k novel reading network

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