The city of Monkey King

Chapter 183: The sword is not drunk! [Three more]


"How come you are coming so soon?"

On the bank of Lingquan, Yunling saw Qin Feng falling from the sky, and she was very surprised. After all, Qin Feng used to come late at night, and he just left this morning.

And Qin Feng also said when he left, this has something to do in recent days, and will not come to Taolin.

"I will explain it later, please ask the seniors to save my mother."

There is anxiousness in Qin Feng’s eyes. Song Yu, on his back, is not only as simple as white, but has a thick layer of dead air. This is the form of death.

Yunling did not ask much. He nodded and raised his hand. The Song Song, who was suddenly on the back of Qin Feng, floated.

After a push, Song Song’s figure floated on the top of Lingquan.

The fingers are light, and a few white lights are broken into the body of Song Yu.

"The exhaustion of spiritual power has already damaged 90% of the foundation, and the soul of life is full of worry."

Yun Ling is quietly open, these words fall in the heart of Qin Feng, they are like a big stone in the heart.

"Can you still save?!"

Qin Feng almost said this with his teeth. This is his mother. He gave birth to his mother. When he saw his mother, his heart was already bleeding.

He has passed away his father, can no longer lose his mother, even if he can withstand, Qin Chuxue can not bear such a blow!

Seeing that Qin Feng looks like this, Yun Ling has some doubts and seems to have some understanding.

"Is this the family that Master respects?"

Muttering to himself, Yun Ling looked at Song Song, who floated above Lingquan.

She remembered that when she was sitting down, she had a similar mood to Qin Feng.

"I will do my best."

Yun Ling then raised her hand. Suddenly, the whole Lingquan began to surge, and the aura rolled up.

These spiritual waters are actually condensed into the appearance of a Danding, and Song Yu is in this tripod.


Qin Feng looked at Song Ding in Dan Ding, thinking of the beginning and end of the people, the eyes have a violent killing intention!

Seven Star Gate, Ghost Gate, Poison Valley, Photographer!

In the past, a few churches taught by the stars, except for the slightest relaxation of the soul-like sects, almost all of them are endless grievances with the Qin wind!

Time, little by little.

Six hours passed away. During this period, Qin Feng stood in the same place, motionless, and looked at it without saying a word.

At this time, Yunling’s raised hand slowly fell, and the water ding on the Lingquan was also dissipated. The Song dynasty fell, lying calmly above the water.

"Life has been saved for the time being."

Yunling turned and looked at Qin Feng. For six hours without interruption, Yunling had a fine sweat on her forehead and her face was very poor.

When Qin Feng heard this, his heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Yunling. He carefully retreated a few steps and bowed toward Yunling.

"Save the mother's grace, Qin Feng will not forget this life!"

Yun Ling smiled slightly: "You sent me a ‘wind forward,' I saved your mother, the teacher said the words, and changed the feelings. So, I don’t have any kind of sympathy.”

"Hope the wind?"

Qin Feng has a slight glimpse, what is the ‘probation of the wind’.

"It is it."

Yun Ling smiled and pointed to the pendant between her neck.

“Why is it called the wind?”

Qin Feng subconsciously asked a word.

"Because... because... anyway, it is called the wind."

Yun Ling’s rare blush.

Qin Feng is not stupid. In fact, when he asked this sentence, he already understood it.

Looking forward to the wind, it is very straightforward.

Looking forward to the arrival of Qin Feng.

The meaning, the so-called geometry, is something that individuals can know.

Perhaps Yunling does not have the love of men and women. It may be just an attachment. After all, for many years, except for the teacher she has already sat down, her life is now only Qin Feng.

The atmosphere was once a little embarrassing.

In the end, Yun Ling first opened the mouth: "I have stabilized your mother's injury with the 13-point method, but Dan Tian is almost exhausted, and consciousness falls into a deep sleep. Unless there is a living Dan or a Yuan Ying monk, it is difficult for Dantian to recover. Life, wake up hopeless."

“Life is Dan? Is it difficult to refine?”

Qin Fengjian brow wrinkles, as for the second option, Yuan Ying monk, he simply did not want to, the entire cloud water world, unless he reached that repair, otherwise Yuan Ying only one person, Kunlun Pavilion, Yun Ling's father Han Xiu .

I want to let this old man who is uncontested with the world to think too much.

"It is not difficult to refine, but I listened to the teacher and said that this Dan has only the medicine cabinet to have Dan Fang."

Yaoge, Qin Feng also heard from Qi Linger several times, this is independent of the power outside the fairy pavilion.

The Dan Dao Master, who is close to Jiucheng in the Yunshui area, is the precious Danfang who has nearly 80% of the entire cloud water industry. It has been passed down for thousands of years and is the object of all parties' efforts to win over.

"Your own injury is not light. I will adjust the injury for you first. You are forced to suppress it with external spiritual power. It is always no way."

Yun Ling looked at Qin Feng and said with a little worry.

"Working hard."

Qin Feng nodded. He looked out and Yunling was very tired now.

"Nothing, sit down."

Yunling smiled sweetly, then raised her hand, and several white light did not enter the body of Qin Feng, and began to treat the wounds for Qin Feng.

As for the matter of Sheng Ling Dan, no matter what, Qin Feng will get the life of the spirit, he will never let his mother sleep like this!


Jiangzhou Sudi.

Qi Linger has settled Lin Yuexi, Qin Chuxue and Big Black Dog, and learned from Lin Yue’s mouth that something happened.

Now she is most worried about Qin Feng, obviously injured, and running around!

She originally wanted to use the square mirror to see where Qin Feng went, but in the square mirror, I couldn't see it.

This made Qi Linger more anxious, for fear of what happened to Qin Feng, the whole person rushed back and forth in front of the square mirror.

"Linger sister, you don't turn, I have to head..."

Zhang Dawei, who was on the side, said that he had not finished talking about it, and he greeted Qi Linger’s murderous gaze.

"Ha... Hahaha, I, I mean, my head must be awake a hundred times, and Linger’s sister turns beautiful and unparalleled! It’s really eye-catching! You continue... haha, continue.”

Zhang Dawei smiled and pulled himself back from the edge of being beaten.

At the same time.

Xiantaoling, a waste rock forest.

Beyond this dry forest, the sky fell with a sword, a robes, a scum, a sword on the back, a wine gourd at the waist, and no sword.

"How did this kid run this ghost place... Hey? Where did the people go?"

The sword was not drunk and swept through the four weeks. He didn't see anyone at all, but the seal of his gods left on Qin Feng told him that Qin Feng is here!

"The old man doesn't believe it! I can't find your kid!"

The sword was not drunk and smiled. The hand became a sword and pointed out a finger toward the front.

Sword gas came out from the fingertips and disappeared in front of the three feet in front of him.


After the breath, another stream of light bursts out from the void, which is the automatic response when the Taolin illusion is attacked.

A peach stream streamed straight to the sword without drunk, and the sword was not drunk and shaped to hide.

However, the breath in this streamer made the sword drunk and changed, and the whole person was in the same place.

"Ouyang Shaoqin..." 2k novel reading network

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