The city of Monkey King

Chapter 184: No drunk sword fairy Lu Changyi!

Among the peach forests.

Song Yu fell asleep, his body floated above the Lingquan, with a strong aura condensed into a fog, surrounded by it, this aura will maintain her physical body soul during the sleep without being damaged.

On the bank of Lingquan, Yunling is treating injuries in the body for Qin Feng.

Just at the moment!

Yun Ling’s hand stopped and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"what happened?"

Qin Feng found that Yun Ling stopped, but also stood up.

"someone is coming."

Yunling raised his hand, and suddenly there was a peach blossom and danced out. In the middle of the air, it condensed into a flower curtain, which reflected the scene outside the Taolin.

In this flower scene, Qin Feng saw the familiar person.

Alcoholic madman, sword is not drunk!

"He came to me."

Qin Feng can guess it with a little thought. From the last time he was able to find himself in the autumn, he could judge himself, and he must have been imprinted by this wine madman.

"Do you want him to come in?"

Yun Ling looks at Qin Feng, although she can't be a peach, but it doesn't matter if people come in.

"For the time being, I will go out and meet him first."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he turned and walked out into the jungle.

Ten minutes later.

Outside the Xiantao Mausoleum, the sword was not drunk and looked at this waste rock forest. The whole person stood in the same place, his eyes were extremely complicated, and those past events that he did not want to think of were vivid.

At this time, on the waste rock forest, the peach blossoms, the Qin wind walked out from the peach blossoms, and appeared in the eyes of the sword.


Standing in front of the sword no drunk three meters, Qin Feng respectfully took a gift, after all, this wine madman saved his life.

"Take me in."

I thought that the wine madman would say something else, but it was such a mouth.

After seeing the madman several times, Qin Feng was the first to see him in this serious appearance. The past madman was a drunkard who was half-drunken and full of drunkenness.

"The younger generation can't be killed."

Qin Feng also answered very quickly, so inexplicably took him in, Qin Feng was responsible for Yunling security.

"Ouyang Shaoqin is not inside?"

The wine madman did not care about Qin Feng’s refusal, just asked.

Ouyang Shaoqin...

Qin Feng frowned, he remembered the old man, Yun Ling said, she respected the surname Ouyang, but did not know the name.

In this way, Ouyang Shaoqin, who is talking about the wine madman, is the name of the old predecessor.

"Yes, but Ouyang's predecessors have already sat down."

Qin Feng did not intend to deceive the madman. Since the wine madman can ask this sentence, it is on his behalf to determine the existence of Ouyang Shaoqin.

"Sit down..."

The drunkard took a deep breath: "Kid, do you want to know who I am?"

Qin Feng looked at the wine madman. To be honest, he now knows that the wine madman is called a sword and is not drunk. He really doesn't know who the goods are. How many people are looking for themselves all day long.

"miss you."

"My real name is Lu Changyi. A hundred years ago, Yunshui Zhongxiu sent me no drunk swordsmanship. Since then, I have no drunkenness for the sword."

"I am from a vulgar family. At the age of 18, I set foot on the Kunlun Mountain to learn from the arts. My brother, the first person in the fairy pavilion, the owner of Kunlun, a sword and holy Han Xiu."

The wine madman said this because he knew that Qin Feng in front of him knew something from Ouyang Shaoqin.

Qin Feng Jian Mei micro-condensation.

Han Xiu is the father of Yun Ling, and the wine madman is the younger brother of Han Xiu, so that is the uncle of Yun Ling.

"Take me in."

The wine madman spoke again, this time Qin Feng silently counted, did not refuse.

Since it is the younger brother of Han Xiu and the acquaintance of Ouyang Shaoqin, it will naturally not be harmful to Yunling.

"Predecessors, please."

Then Qin Feng turned and walked toward Taolin, and the wine madman followed.

The peach blossoms in the forest danced, and the wine madman looked at the peach blossoms that fell from the body, and there was a strong old intention in his eyes.

This makes Qin Feng very strange...

This wine madman, if it is only Yunling’s father’s younger brother, how can there be such an emotion, and that eye is obviously a nostalgia for the beloved.

It’s hard to be the old man with Ouyang...

It is also unlikely that the Ouyang old predecessor is obviously much bigger than his seniority.


Qin Feng and the wine madman stepped out of the jungle. At the moment, on the big peach tree on the shore of Lingquan, Yunling, who was wearing a white dress, was sitting on the branch.

Seeing the wine madman that appeared with Qin Feng, there was no surprise, just drifting down the ground.

And the wine madman, when you see Yunling's moment, it is the whole person.


The subconscious came forward, but it was stopped by Qin Feng.

"Predecessors have to make a mistake, she is Yunling, Xia Yurou is dead."

Qin Feng sings low and drinks, this is also the moment... He understands why the wine madman will look like this.

Han Xiu and Xia Yurou, Lu Changyi and Xia Yurou...

I am afraid that the two brothers and sisters once loved the same woman.

As for the specific entanglements, it is still unclear and it is impossible to find out.

However, there is a bit of Qin Feng can be sure, the current wine madman wine does not leave, a sword is far away from the Quartet, although from Kunlun, but never returned to the mountain gate in a hundred years, it should have a great relationship with Xia Yurou's death.

"Yun Ling...she, is she called Yunling?"

The wine madman looked at the shore of Lingquan, a woman who had a seven-point appearance with Xia Yurou. He finally decided that she was not Xia Yurou.

It is the daughter of Xia Yurou!


Qin Feng nodded and then stepped forward.

"Linger, this predecessor saved my life. He and your teacher are also old-fashioned. I brought him in."

“Shi Zun once said that when guests are far away, they should meet with wine.”

Yun Ling smiled and raised her hand. The peach blossoms floated in front of the wine madman and finally condensed and turned into a jar of wine.

Peach blossoms.

‘There is a guest coming, when you meet with wine.’

Yunling’s words echoed in the ear of the wine madman. A hundred years ago, Fenghua Taolin, he and his brother Han Xiu went to find Ouyang Shaoqin, and saw a woman, a white skirt, oblique Lying above the peach blossom branch, with a smile on the corner of the mouth, welcomes this.

The woman, named Xia Yurou.

At that time, it was also a ‘Peach Blossom’.

Qin Feng looked at the wine madman who stood in the place and did not move for a long time. He was silent for a long while.

"The old people have already paid for the clouds, and the past is accompanied by the water. The seniors have to worry about it."

As soon as the wine madman raised his hand, he grabbed the peach blossom and raised his head into the wine.

The wine spilled on the face, faintly visible, in the eyes of the wine madman, with tears accompanied by wine.

"Good wine!"

The wine madman laughed and waved, and a silver light went straight to Yunling.

Yunling raised her hand and took the silver light into her hands.

That is a bunch of small silver bells.

"This string of Yunling was handed over to me by your mother in the same year. Now I will give it to you."

After that, the wine madman turned and walked outside the Taolin.

Yunling is kneeling in the same place, looking at the small silver bell in her hand, she first heard the word mother!

She, there is a mother... 2k novel reading network

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