The city of Monkey King

Chapter 185: One and him, and her gamble!

Yunling... Yunling.

No wonder Yunling will call this name.

It seems that the origin of this string of clouds is also extraordinary.

Qin Feng looked at the string of silver bells in a daze, and Jianmei was slightly condensed. He knew that nothing was said now, and everything relied on Yunling himself.

fair enough.

Don't use your own brain to say everything, let Yunling accept it little by little.

Starting with her own name, I started with this string of clouds.

Qin Feng turned to look at Song Yu above the Lingquan. His mother is now in a deep sleep. Fortunately, there is no danger to life. Compared with cultivation, there is no place more safe than Xiantaolin.

If it is not because you are here, even if you are a madman, you can't find it here, and you won't find the existence of Xiantaolin.

It is most appropriate to let your mother stay here.

Turning around, Qin Feng walked outside Taolin, and he still has a lot to do.

Ghost Gate, Qixingmen, this time the two families have died for thousands of people, including three knots, and will never give up, and the troubles will only increase.

And Qin Feng faintly felt that something was wrong, why did the two join hands? Is the relationship so good? !

When Qin Feng walked out of Taolin, the wine madman waited for him here early, while drinking the altar peach blossom.


Qin Feng shouted and then walked up.

"Your boy, luck is better than me."

The wine madman grinned at Qin Feng, then took a wine gourd at the waist, and suddenly the gourd became bigger and floated in the air.

"Go, where are you going? The old man will take you on a journey."

Qin Feng did not refuse, jumped up and stood behind the liquor madman.

"Jiangzhou Sudi."

"Sit steady, get up!"

The wine madman laughed and took a gourd. The gourd was slowly lifted up and then turned into a stream of light.

The wind, whistling in the ear, plucking the hair in front of the forehead.

The wine madman is sitting on the head of the gourd, and the Qin wind is sitting at the end of the gourd.

The wine madman is drinking the altar peach blossom, and the Qin wind is a cigarette.

"Kid, remember the business that I said when I saved you in the last few days? You have to promise the old man one thing."

"Remember, talk about it, what the predecessors have, but it doesn't matter."

Qin Feng swept his eyes around this time. This wine gourd flew not generally slow, apparently the wine madman deliberately.

"Be my apprentice, attend the Kunlun Grand Ceremony and become the owner of the lesser."

The wine madman did not insult at all, and raised his own request.

Qin Feng never likes ink.

"Don't do it."

Simple, very straightforward, just two words.

"Hey, kid, you can't play it, you promised the old man before!"

The wine madman’s eyes slammed and stood up with the wine jar. The posture was the feeling of fighting.

"You can participate in the ceremony, you can do it with a small cabinet, but you can't be a disciple."

Qin Feng stunned the eyes of the madman, that means, you want to fight, I am afraid of you!

"The old man repaired the peak of the knot, a sword and a hundred years of the world, who dare not respect me?! Who is not afraid of it?! If the old man wants to accept the apprentice, as long as a word, Kyushu, you believe that people who come to the teacher can From Zhangzhou to Yangzhou!"

The drunkard is obviously a little drunk, and it’s awkward.

"Then you go and collect, what are you staring at me?"

Qin Feng is smoking, he is impossible to apprentice, and it is impossible to apprentice in this life.

After all, he is very clear about his identity, the sacred demon of the Wanjie demon, once out of the cloud water world, declare his identity, then he is the heavenly holy!

How can I apprentice!

"You kid, don't you really worship me?!"

The wine madman slammed into the side of Qin Feng and blushes.

"Don't worship, I want to worship you and find someone else."

Qin Feng is still the same sentence.

"Good boy, good enough, old man likes! The old man likes it!"

The madman stunned for a few seconds, then stood up and laughed.

"But... you have to participate in the Kunlun Grand Prix and become a lesser owner. You must have the identity of Kunlun Mountain."

"Well... not as good as this."

The wine madman is a man, and Qin Feng is too lazy to reason.

"You don't need to really worship me as a teacher. You only need to be my disciple when you attend the ceremony. How about it? The old man has a good idea!"

"Why do you want me to attend this grand ceremony? Do you want to be the Lord of Kunlun?"

If it is just a fake, Qin Feng will have nothing to do, help the wine madman to do this, it is also the life-saving grace, but he is very strange what the madman is.

After all, in the view of Qin Feng, this wine madman is not interested in wine, and the other should have no feeling.

"Ah, what does the Lord of Kunlun do? The reason why the old man is doing it is just for a bet, one..."

The wine madman's eyes were deep and deep, and he took a sip of his face.

"One and him, and her gamble."

"I promise you."

Qin Feng nodded and blinked at the ground below, then stood up.

"The place has arrived, and the younger brother has left."

Do not say anything, do not wait for what the wine madman said, Qin Feng jumped directly.

"Hey, you kid, don't know how to respect the elders?! The old man did not promise you to run! Is there any more points?!"

The wine madman yelled at the neck and jumped a few words toward the figure of Qin Feng. However, it seemed to be angry, but it was actually laughing.

Then it was also a leap, turning into a sword light, and the wine gourd was turned into a streamer.

"The sword takes the wind, the heavens and the earth are happy, haha... hahahaha!!"

The laughter echoed between the heavens and the earth.

The Qin Feng, who stood on the ground, stood outside the Sifang Temple and looked up at the drunken madman.

Yu Jian is riding the wind, and the heavens and the earth are free, and the thousand cups swallow the sun and the moon, and the 10,000 cups are drunk.

Seemingly chic, Qin Feng at the moment sounds full of a deep sadness.

The wine madman, with wine, with chic, to cover up the inner pain, to paralyze his own sorrows of the past, to forget the memories that can not be remembered, but not willing to read.

That period of past, Lu Changyi, Han Xiu, Xia Yurou, must be involved in entanglement.

The long laughter of the wine madman alarmed the place.

Soon, a large group of people in the Suzhou area of ​​Jiangzhou ran out, and they looked up at the sky.

Including He Hua, even if it is weak, it is also a quick step out.

The previous voice, he is naturally familiar, the sword is not drunk.

But when I came out, I didn’t see the sword at all, but I saw Qin Feng.

Of these people, the fastest rushing out of course is Qi Linger. She spent the whole day wandering in front of the square mirror, and she could not find the trace of Qin Feng.

"You are finally back!"

Qi Linger saw the Qin wind, suddenly laughed, excitedly ran forward, subconsciously want to give Qin Feng a big hug, Qin Feng is also the side of the subconscious body, Qi Linger rushed empty, almost Did not drop a dog to eat.

"you you you you you!"

This scene was seen by many local disciples, and they all grinned.

Qi Linger pointed at Qin Feng, smashed his feet, and his face was red. 2k novel reading network

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