The city of Monkey King

Chapter 221: Qin magic! [Request for tickets! 】

"These flying swords are very spiritual. They know that they are dodging themselves. Bringing them back and tempering them will definitely be extremely good."

Hang Yan and Hu Kuo, the two men caught the sky and the sword of the seventy-two handles, and caught them, but they were all invisible, and when they caught, they disappeared.

The nine-handed swordsmanship entity, from the beginning to the end, is tightly wrapped around the body of Qin Feng, protecting Qin Feng.

However, because of this, it is better to reflect the quality of this flying sword. The greed is even worse in the eyes of the two.

"It seems that I will not kill this kid. These flying swords will not be obedient."

Hang Yan tried several times and was defeated, faintly opening, and there was a hint of killing in the words.

"This is reasonable."

Hu Kuo on the side was also caught in the air. The two were the top-ranking monks of Jie Dan. Even a few flying swords could not be fixed. Naturally, it was very uncomfortable in my heart.

The best way is to kill the owner of Feijian and make it a sword without a master.

The eyes of both of them looked at Qin Feng at the same time.

However, when they look at Qin Feng's moment, they are all a glimpse, because... they have a pair of eyes and they are watching them.

Black and red pupils, slightly black lips, there is a strange smile at the moment, in the body of Qin Feng, the fire!

"not good!"

Hang Yan and Hu Kuo saw that Qin Feng’s eyes were all awkward in his heart, just about to step back and dodge!

In the sky above the two, there is a huge ice and blue flame slamming down!


And this has not stopped!

Under one fall, another is another, then... come again!

A full 18-piece ice flame, all within the countdown!

For a time, the entire building roof is whizzing!

Qin Feng, stood up, grinning at the corner of his mouth, bloodthirsty smile!

As soon as he raised his hand, in his hand, the golden light is now, the fierce grip, the golden hoop in hand!

Step by step, walk toward the place where the ice flame dissipates.

"This kid...!"

Hang Yan, Hu Kuo, at this moment, the two men gasped, they were slightly embarrassed, just the 18 ice flames, although they did not cause any fatal injuries to them, but also caught a surprise.

The two are pampered and used to it, and he has fallen into this situation. In the eyes, they are all angry!

"Chemical three yuan! Leichi is now!"

Hang Yan's hands were fiercely combined. In an instant, the whole roof suddenly had a thunderous sound, and numerous silver lightnings appeared.


A low drink, from this thunder pool, the lightning is actually turned into four dragons look like a fierce rush to Qin Feng.

When Hangyan started, there was no rest on the side of Hu Kuo, and he kept talking about what was going on in his mouth. When the Hangyan Thunder appeared in an instant, it was also a flash of his hands.


From his body, there are four purple streams of light, four purple chains, which instantly bind the hands and feet of Qin Feng.

The other end of the four chains is divided into four sides and flies directly to the ground of the building. The four ends are embedded in the earth, and the force of the ground will control the Qin wind.

The shape of Qin Feng is also at this moment, slightly stopped.

Hang Yan saw this scene, and his mouth showed a smug smile.


The four thunders with the sound of thunder, instantly fell into the body of Qin Feng, for a while, the thunder and lightning roared, loud noise!

Where Qin Feng is located, the Thunder turns into a beam of light, which rises to the sky and continues to dissipate after a long period of interest.

In the land above the sky, Cheng Ping, who was still worried about things changing, saw his scene and relaxed in his heart.

He is also the top ten elders of the Seven Stars Gate. He is very clear.

Thunderbolt is an accidental achievement of Hangyan’s early years of travel. After that, he became the strongest method of his life. Even if he was repaired, he would not be willing to face him.

In front of this kid, although it seems weird, the probability of being able to survive under the Thunder Thunder is almost zero!

Afterwards, he did not continue to pay attention. Cheng Ping began to fully disperse the refining city.

"Elder Hu, it seems that you and I are joining hands, and there are few opponents in the world."

Hangyan saw his own thunderous skill, apparently very proud, caressed his goatee, and said with a smile.

"I just helped the elders of Hanging to fight, and I can't talk about joining forces."

"Hu Elder's words are modest, and the thunder's technique is most likely to avoid the opponent's rapid movement, and the embarrassment of your elders is the strongest in the door, no... I am afraid that the entire cloud water industry is hard to find, and you are there. My thunder can get it."

The two actually began to tout each other.

In the center of Leichi, the Thunder still remained, and the dazzling silver light covered the Qin wind, making people unable to see how Qin Feng was at the moment.


On the outskirts of Jiangzhou, Yuanshan Ling Mine, in front of the tomb of Luo Haigen.

The Nangong Yi people looked at Luo Qinghan, who was leaning against the tombstone, and had a tangled color in her eyes. She saw the figure of Qin Fenghua as a hundred feet, and could also see the flash of black fire in the downtown of Jiangzhou.

She knows that there must be a lot of danger.

She is worried about Qin Feng... she does not want to stay here.

She wants to know what happened to Qin Feng...

Biting a bite on the lips, Nangong Yi people have a firm eye, she has a decision in mind!


"Hu elders, since the people have already killed, Fan Jiang is also dead, you and I quickly collected the flying swords, wait until the elders dispersed the refining city, and quickly left, and so on, the fairy pavilion must send people before Come, later will change."

After the two touted each other, Hangyan said.

"The elders of Hanghang are justified. Before the Lord has not left, I should not wait for the confrontation with Xiange. Then you and I will speed up."

Hang Yan, Hu Kuo, all with a smile on his face, put his gaze on the seventy-two-handed sword, and raised his hand.

They did not find that the seventy-two handles of the sword had already disappeared.

The next moment... the chain of the earth that has been smashed into powder!

I saw a figure, like the wind, passing between them, Hangyan and Hukuo are all in one body.

The figure of Qin Feng appeared behind the two people, slightly lowering his head, and in his hands, there were two swords of the sky.

The land of the tip of the sky, a drop of blood, slowly falling.

At the neck of Hangyan and Hukuo, two blood marks appeared instantly, one second later... two heads rolled directly down.

And almost the same moment, the other seventy handles of the sword, Jian Ming picked up! Turning into a blue stream, passing through Hangyan and Hukuo Dantian, they will completely destroy their Dantian Jindan!

That is to say, at the same moment, there are two souls. The souls of Hangyan and Hukuo come out from the flesh. They all have a frightened expression on their faces, and they rush to the sky in a crazy way.

Qin Feng, with a bloodthirsty smile on his mouth, a cold black-red pupil, and looking up at the two souls who are rushing away.

On top of this thunder pool, there are two Thunder Dragons condensing out in the blink of an eye, breaking through the sky and rushing into the souls of these two people! 2k novel reading network

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