The city of Monkey King

Chapter 222: The fire is burning! Seven stars even beads!


The soul of Hangyan, seeing the brontosaurus flying out of the Tiantai Leichi, was suddenly stunned!

This technique was found in an abyss in his early years. His name is Xuan Zang Lei Long, and Thunder is his own external claim.

At that time, he knew that this technique was not from the cloud, but from the powerful outside world.

Xuan Zang Lei Long, there are three levels of display!

First, the snake!

Second, phlegm!

Third, the dragon!

He spent more than two hundred years of research, which was finally reluctant to degenerate thirty years ago. In fact, it is not a slap in the face. The four thunders that he had condensed before, the appearance of the snake head has grown a corner. At most, it is half a mile.

The extent to which it can be applied is related to the sheer level of spiritual power.

Qin Feng cultivated is the immortal, the natural spiritual power is extremely incomparable, the general method of Wan Da is quick to comprehend, and one shot is Lei Long!

"how is this possible!"

Hangyan soul sees this brontosaurus, with fear and unbelievable color. How does this method of Qin Feng come about? ! However, this is also the last expression of his life. With the roaring sound, Thunder Dragon swallowed it in his abdomen at a glance, and thunder was raging, and the soul of this hang was completely turned into nothingness!


At this moment, when another brontosaurus was about to swallow Hu Kuo, Cheng Ping rushed in, and a huge handprint slammed on the brontosaurus, and the dragon was scattered.

"Great elder!"

Hu Kuo soul quickly came to Cheng Ping and looked at the Qin Feng standing on the top of the platform. The whole person was so scared that he said that it was unfavorable. If Cheng Ping did not catch up in time, his end and Hang Yan would not have What is the difference.

Cheng Ping frowned and looked at Qin Feng on the roof.

He didn't even think of it... This seemingly unusual building kid, it contains such a powerful force!

Above the rooftop, Qin Feng’s black and red pupils were black and black, and looked up to Cheng Ping. They had a fury for the dragon that was broken up!

Yang Tianchang, the ghosts in the entire enchantment are under the guise of Qin Feng, began to tremble!


On the outskirts of Jiangzhou, the 3,000 disciples who were still alive, five hundred spirits were drained in an instant, and turned into ash in despair.

"Into the magic..."

Cheng Ping looked at Qin Feng, who looked like this. He had a condensate color in his eyes, and his eyes slammed.


A low drink, suddenly, in the sky above the building's rooftop, a starlight flashed out in this dim enchanted sky.


Another starlight appears!

In the hands of Cheng Ping, the printing of the law changed rapidly.

"Scorpio, Heaven!"

Immediately after the two stars, once again emerged from the void!

"Yu Heng, open the sun, shake the light!"

Hands into the wind, then a fierce combination!

"Seven stars and beads!"

The old voice echoed throughout Jiangzhou!

The seven stars that appeared, with the sound of Cheng Ping falling, are now one!

The most powerful method of Qixingmen is that only the gatekeeper and the elders are qualified to learn!

Seven stars even beads!

In this dim enchantment, the stars are falling and sprinkling on the roof of the building. These seemingly soft stars are like a line of sharp edges, and everything will be cut off!


Cheng Ping’s eyes have a stern color, and the seven stars of the sky bloom with dazzling brilliance. Countless stars are in line and fall toward the Qin wind.


The star line passed, Qin Feng's body, the clothes were cut into strips, and a trace of blood appeared on the body.

"Ah! Ah!!"

Feeling the pain, Qin Feng madly roared!

The ghosts in his heart are burning like a prairie, turning this pain into resentment! Turned into strength!

"The flesh is so powerful!"

Cheng Ping saw that the star line did not annihilate Qin Feng, and his eyes were surprised. He rarely used this trick. After careful calculation, he has only used it three times since he learned the Seven Stars.

This is the third time.

The first two people, all in the moment of the star line, was cut into thousands of paragraphs!

"This seat has to look at how long you can last."

Cheng Ping’s hand prints again and again, and the seven stars of the sky are actually falling rapidly. They surround the roof of the building and cover the Qin wind.


With a low drink, the seven stars illuminate each other and turn into a seven-diamond star enchantment, which will cover the Qin wind.

Above the sky, Cheng Ping, who saw the seven-star array condensed, showed a hot smile in his eyes, and a cold light passed.


As soon as the sound came out, the starlight was enchanted, and the inexhaustible star lines were interlaced.

"Ah! Ah!!"

One after another, the star line, cut in the body of Qin Feng, one after another blood marks, the number is not exactly how many, even Qin Feng's face is also covered with blood marks.

Blood, dyed red clothes!

Qin Feng’s painful screams almost echoed throughout Jiangzhou!

Full of interest.

The star line stopped, but the enchantment did not dissipate, as if it were the next attack.


Qin Feng, who is covered in blood, is half-squatting on the ground and gasping with a big mouth.

Looking down, looking at the ground, the eyes are black and red, but full of endless anger!

Fire, burning!

On a street near the financial building, an ink-colored Lamborghini galloped quickly, and the car was twisted and twisted from time to time. Fortunately, there was no one on the street. If it wasn't, it wouldn't know how much it would die.

Nangong Yi people nervously put the steering wheel, she just took the driver's license, but never really touched the car, this is the first time driving alone, or driving such a high-end sports car, it is already sweating, can drive from the suburbs The city has come, it has been really.

This also blames Qin Feng, has never given her a device, nor can it come.

Through the windshield, Nangong Yiren saw her as a building monk. She saw the financial building. She also saw everything that happened at the top of the building. She saw the star-shaped seven-diamond array and saw the full array. Blood and Qin Feng!

She heard the sound of Qin Feng, she felt the pain of Qin Feng.

Eyes are red, with a decisive intention!

Even if I die... I have to go!

"I won't let you alone!"

"Never will!"

Above the sky, after Cheng Ping, Hu Kuo, who had just calmed down, was also shocked to see the Qin wind in the Seven Stars array. For Qin Feng to persist in the Seven Stars for so long, he was really astonished.

"The elders, this is too strange, if not kill..."

"He, he will die."

After waiting for Hu Kuo to finish, Cheng Ping is an icy opening.

At the same time, the seven-star array that had been stopped, once again has a starlight bloom!

The Tiantai Center, Qin Feng, who is half-hearted in the ground, has resentment in his eyes, has anger, and has a killing!

The blood on the body, the pain you feel!

Let him become even more crazy!


Cheng Ping gritted his teeth! Seven Stars starlight!

At the same time, Qin Feng is a big day!


Booming and banging! !

On the outskirts of Jiangzhou, three hundred and fifty-nine are in the blink of an eye, all bursting in an instant!

The remaining more than two thousand disciples, the spiritual power was taken out at this moment, and the body became a fly ash! 2k novel reading network

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