The city of Monkey King

Chapter 227: The battle of two! [Request for tickets]

The condensed wine became a blade, the sword was in the hand, and the wine madman was suddenly stunned, watching the Qin wind rushing toward himself.

Such as the fine crystal sword of the wine is lifted up, on top of this sword, the moment is the sharp sword violent!

"Sword test Kyushu!"

The wine madman looks a glimpse, the body of the scorpion has no wind and automatic, the sword in the hand is a sound of screaming, the sword refers to the sword body, then the sword, fiercely slamming toward the Qin wind, Jianqi From the blade, it rises and falls!

At this moment, Qin Feng is still in a state of madness. The body shape is turned into a black fire, and the golden hoop stick is held in the hand. Looking at the coming of the sword, there is no fear in the eyes, but it is more addictive. The madness of blood!

Grinning and screaming, slamming a stick!

The golden hoop sticks with a black fire, and it instantly turns into a big one!


Thousands of swords and the sticks in the air, in an instant, the sword burst! The dazzling light blooms at the junction!

The entire city of Jiangzhou!

Everyone is standing on a large and small street, seeing the amazing scene above the sky, seeing the two people killed in the sky, the dazzling light at this moment, everyone is subconsciously closed I was upset and frightened! I can't believe what happened today!

Not only mortals, including those of the Qingzhou Branch, but this moment is also a shocking mouth to close together, this level of killing, for them, too far away! Even if it is a aftermath, it is enough to kill them thousands of times!

"Grand, who... who is not drunk?"

In the side of the double body, Tong Yong, looking at the direction of the group's bright light at the moment, with amazement in his eyes, could not help but ask.

Even the double did not speak, just nodded slightly, and got the determination of even the double. Tong Yong had an inexplicable excitement in his eyes. The one who was called the sword of no drunkenness, the idiot in the sword, was almost invincible under Yuan Ying. The strong cross sword repairs Lu Changyi, even if it is seen by the six directors of the fairy pavilion, it also has to be called a brother.

These characters are already standing in the waters of the waters. They have always been the leader of the dragons. It is difficult to see the top. Although Tong Yong is the elder of the Fair Pavilion, he may want to see Lu Changyi. Far from enough!

This time I can see for myself, although it is far from wait and see, but Tong Yong is still excited, and the tight nerves are loose. In his opinion, this powerful sword repair shot, will definitely be able to enter that magic The people give a complete suppression!

He thinks this way, but he can't even do it. He knows that Qin Feng and Cheng Ping are killing! Although Lu Changyi is far stronger than Cheng Ping, can it be killed? ! The same is the scene of the peak of the knot, no one knows whether Lu Changyi can do it, but this enchanted person, did it!

Even the white eyebrows are tight... Look at the center of the light bloom!

At the same time, it is already the financial building that has been turned into ruins. The Nangong Yi people are barefooted, with a white dress and a white dress with long hair, raising the skirt in the wind, because of the dust on the face. It has been dyed a few times, but it has added a few different beauty.

Looking up at the sky, for this blooming light, the subconsciously raises his hand and blocks his eyes, and there is a worrying color in his eyes. She wants to go to Qin Feng’s side, but she has no foundation, but there is no instrument. I can only watch this in a hurry and pray for the Qin wind.

The brilliance of the glory is almost to cover most of the Jiangzhou, and even the sun in the sky is faintly eclipsed by this light.

"Kid, you wake up to the old man! You continue this way, the evil will be Kyushu, the harm will be your own! Your mother, your sister, have you forgotten?! Where do you put them? ?! Don't wake up quickly!"

The center of the ray, two figures, a stick of a sword, the speed is extremely fast, constantly back and forth in this half-air collision, each collision is a virtual explosion-like sound.

At the same time, the wine madman continued to sing and drink, want to wake up Qin Feng!


Qin Feng stopped his body shape, licked his teeth and turned his neck. The black and red pupil looked at the wine madman. For the madman, Qin Feng did not listen to it.

He can't listen to it!

At this moment, he is still blinded by hate and anger. Sun Wukong’s hatred of the fairy Buddha is absolutely impossible for a madman to give up a few words!

The fire of Huaguoshan, the blood of the night river, the tragic sorrow of Wan Yao, the tears of Azi...

These are constantly rolling in the heart of Qin Feng!

The fire, since it has already been caused, can only be poured out, only blood!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The wildfire is rising again!

Instead of not taking a break, it has become stronger!

In the hands of a black hoop with a black fire, once again swiftly waved toward the wine madman, at the same time, in his body, seventy-two handles of the sword!

Yang Tianda, this moment, the seventy-two handles of the sword, is actually split again, but not all split, to complete the complete upgrade, the strength of the Yuan Ying class, Qin Feng is clearly not at this moment!

Only half of the split, more than thirty-six handles, a total of one hundred and eight handles of the sword!

One hundred and eight roads of blue and blue, with the sound of whistling, along the golden hoops also rushed to the wine madman!

And this... far from finished!

On the six sides of the wine madman, six ice flame fireballs, almost in an instant!

"Oops! This kid is getting more and more energetic!"

The wine madman brows, he can't hide! The power of Kunlun in the body is tumbling! The sword in your hand dissipated and began to flash quickly!

Everything, but it is happening in an instant!

When Qin Feng’s golden hoops, one hundred and eight handles of Cangwu swords, and six ice flames and fireballs, the moments of Qi Qi’s fall, the hands of the wine madman’s fast-printing are also stopped!

"Too dry Kunlun print! Hey!"


Heaven and earth, under this attack, eclipsed!

The powerful impact, from the center of the two people, spread out over Jiangzhou, like a nuclear bomb bursting half, swept across the upper part of the state of Jiangzhou, all the high-rises, but all parts over 100 meters are under this impact Was cut into powder!

The Qin's Building, the office of the technical department, Zuo Yingjie and the King of the Kings are all at the moment when the thunder sounds, and they are scared to the ground, and the whistling wind rushes!

And when the wind dissipated, the three looked up in horror, above them, it was the sky, the original building was gone, here... is the last layer.

Fortunately, because of the vibrations in Jiangzhou, the employees on the upper floors have all ran out of the building.

"Old, old, boss... I, I, my eyes are not spent?!"

Xiao Wang’s voice was stuttering.

The three men were kneeling on the ground, and there was an inexplicable horror in their eyes. I couldn’t believe it. This scene really happened in front of my eyes! 2k novel reading network

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