The city of Monkey King

Chapter 228: Do not leave, do not give up.

Jiangzhou was completely destroyed.

Hundreds of high-rise buildings have been cut off from the sixty-seventh floor. In this scene, thousands of mortals are really looking at them, one by one in a panic and fleeing.

But... these people don’t know where to run or what to run.

Completely chaotic!

"Tong Yong, take people to stabilize the mortal in Jiangzhou."

Even the doubles saw the chaos in the city of Jiangzhou, and the white eyebrows were wrinkled, and the voice snorted.

"Yes, the old man!"

Tong Yong nodded quickly, and then there were hundreds of people in the library, which turned into streamers, scattered throughout the entire state of Jiangzhou!

Nowadays, this situation does not hide anything. It is a royal device that displays all kinds of abilities that the past mortals could not imagine. In these horrifying eyes, the monks of the divisions landed one by one.

And it is at this time!

Above the sky, the center of the battle between the Qin wind and the wine madman, a fierce explosion of a bang, followed by a stream of light, falling from the sky!


The streamer slammed into the ground.

Unbiased, this stream of light happened to fall on the pile of ruins of the financial building, splashing with smoke.

"Bad boy, it’s really awkward to start..."

In the center of the ruins, the wine madman licked his chest and slowly stood up and wiped the ash on his face.

The body rolled for a while, the blood slipped from the corner of the mouth, and there was a color in the eyes. Fortunately, he was decisive. Just at the previous moment, he did not hesitate to use the strongest body seal of Kunlun Mountain, too dry Kunlun! Otherwise, under the attack just now, I am afraid that it is not as simple as a blood flow. It is estimated that half life is gone.

"This kid, how strong is this to the point!"

The eyebrows are tight, and the former liquor madman is also planning to forcefully break up the wildfires in Qin Feng. Now it seems that this is completely a fantasy, not to mention the ghosts in the Qin Feng body, it is not easy to save their lives. It is.

Just after the landing of the madman, from the sky, a black and fierce landing, a bang, black fire landing, hundreds of cracks on the ground.

The fire is scattered, and the shape of Qin Feng appears.

The golden hoop sticks on the shoulder, and the one hundred and eight-handed swords of the whole body circulate around, and the whole body is black and raging. Among the black and red pupils, there is bloodthirsty killing!

"Last generation!"

Seeing this scene in the distant sky, the whole person is a white face, although I thought that the madman may be defeated, but when this moment really comes, even the double is still in a state of unbelievable. .

After all, is this second only to the existence of a sword saint, actually lost? !

Quickly carrying the rest of the people, they landed around the ruins of this financial building.

The wine madman swept his eyes and the people around him, not wrinkled.

The Qin Feng in front of you can win without relying on many people. Even if these people are shot together, they will die!

"What are you doing?! How far is it for those who take you to go to the old man."

In the ears of the double, the sound of the wine madman fell into his ear.

After the sound, the wine madman looked at Qin Feng and greeted the black and red pupils. He didn't think of it. One day, he would have been fighting this kid and he lost.

Sure enough, the world is changing.

Qin Feng was black and raging. At this moment, it was more prosperous than before. He grinned and took bloodthirsty killings. Step by step, he walked toward the wine madman. Every step fell, and the ground was sunken.

The murder brought him a very pleasant feeling, especially to kill this kind of person who can fight with himself.

Looking at the smile of Qin Feng, the wine madman also laughed, but it was a helpless smile.

"Boy, you didn't want to worship the old man as a teacher before, but you despise the old man's ability. The old man will give you a good hand today."

The wine madman took a deep breath, his eyes were free and easy, and he lifted the waist wine gourd in one hand, and the wine was dropped into the mouth.

"Good wine!"

A big laugh, in an instant, the sound of Jianqi screams, like a thousand birds and forests, the sound of the sky is loud, with the wine madman as the center, there is a sword circle of a kilometer square!

The wine gourd burst in the hand, and the burst of the wine turned into a smash, but it was a sword with a handle that exudes an icy breath!

"The wine sword is not drunk! The drunk sword has no shadow!"

In an instant, in this sword array, there is a phantom of a wine madman in all directions, it is impossible to tell which is a real wine madman!

These phantoms appeared, and the sword that had a handle of alcohol was falling into the hands of these phantoms.

Even the Qin wind that was connected to the madness could not help but stop the pace slightly. The eyes of the bloodthirsty eyes looked at the phantoms of the whole body, and they had doubtful colors.

And it is at this moment!


A voice, echoing in this sword array, that is the voice of the wine madman!

All the phantoms are smashing down, and Wan Dao Jian Guang is going toward Qin Feng!


In the Qin Feng body, the ground bursts wildly, the smoke and dust are everywhere, and it is impossible to see the figure of Qin Feng.


When Wandao Jianguang fell, the anger of Qin Feng came out again!

He is angry!


The golden hoop in the hand, slamming into the ground, an invisible air wave, with the Qin wind as the center, instantly dissipating, all the illusions of the wine madman, under this blast, can not resist the slightest, completely collapsed !

But these are not important, the wine madman never intended to use these phantoms to subdue the Qin wind!

Phantom, just a blind man!

The real killing trick is after these phantoms!

Into the sword, the sword is one!

A sword light, at a very fast speed, went straight to the Qin wind, this sword ... straight into the heart of Qin Feng, the wine madman to use this sword, the ghosts in the heart of Qin Feng are all gone!

Even if this sword goes down, Qin Feng is very likely to die!

Do not hesitate!

Because of the wine madman at the moment, there is no choice! This is his only chance!

This is the strongest sword in the life of a madman!

At this moment, Qin Feng is already unable to escape...


Qin Feng fiercely looked up, and the sword light reflected in the middle of the scorpion, the black and red pupils slammed fiercely, with a touch of sorrow!

However... just at this moment!

When the sword is about to penetrate the heart of the Qin Feng heart, a white shadow is actually appearing in the three-meter land of Qin Feng.


The wine madman slammed a glimpse, he clearly set up a sword array, how did the woman come in!

But this sword has not been received!

That's too late!

call out!

Jianguang passed through the heart of the Nangong Yiren, and this moment also gave Qinfeng the time to react. The fierce stick out, and the knot was solidly on the sword, directly smashing the sword, and the wine madman from the sword. Flying out of the body.

The whole person hit the sword array! Severe vomiting blood!

Blood, slipping from the mouth of Nangong Yiren, slowly turned his head, she... finally saw him.

She finally came to his side.

No matter what he looks like, she wants to be with him.

Do not leave, do not give up.

Looking at the autumn wind, looking at Qin Feng, his face has a sweet smile, like a flower dyed with blood, blooming beautiful. 2k novel reading network

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