The city of Monkey King

Chapter 230: Dasheng Yuwei! [Request for tickets]

Black clouds are all over the sky.

The torrential rain continued to fall down and landed in the entire cloud waters.

At this moment, Jiangzhou City is already like a waste city. It is full of desolation, and next to the ruins of the financial building, the wine madman and the people of Qingzhou Branch are brows when the rain falls. It’s up.

Even if it is a leisurely Kyushu on weekdays, the wine madman who does not put anyone in his eyes, is also slightly bowed at the moment.

Heavenly soldiers inspected the lower bounds, not to mention him, even if it is a sword of the Kunlun Mountains, you have to bow your head! Don't dare to look straight!

Among the ruins, Qin Feng holds the Nangong Yi people in the arms, and the whole aura of Jiangzhou, the rivers generally come from the Quartet, and madly flow into the body of the Nangong Yi people.

The rain was blocked by the spiritual power.

Qin Fengmei Yu wrinkles, this day soldiers patrol, the past is generally only a few days of time will leave, but this time, for three minutes, this rain continues.

Not only is Qin Feng thinking so much, but the wine madman and other people also have doubtful colors on their faces. It seems that this time the Heavenly Soldiers inspected and discovered what was generally.

At this moment, Qin Feng suddenly thought of something!


Glanced at the golden hoop on his side, he just forgot to put the golden hoop up!

People in the cloud water world don't know Dinghai Shenzhen, even if they can think of it, they will never believe it, but those who inspect the Heavenly Soldiers can't know!

There was a cold feeling in the shackles, and Qin Feng held the boxing tightly.

Above the horizon black clouds.

"What? You didn't read it wrong?! How can Dinghai Shenzhen appear in such a small world."

Another soldier who heard the words 'Dinghai Shenzhen' was also surprised.

"You see it yourself, it's there."

The Tianbing, who found the golden hoop, pointed his hand in the direction of Jiangzhou. He couldn’t find it. After all, the golden hoop did not spread his breath, but the aura of Jiangzhou was too eye-catching, and the aura condensed into a real river. Even the Tianbing can not help but look a little more.

But this is a few more eyes, I saw something that he couldn’t believe in killing him.

"It really is!"

Another day soldier also saw it clearly, suddenly his face was tense, and the sea **** pin appeared... that is to say, Qitian Dasheng Sun Wukong is in this world, and the two of them are just small Tianbing, and Sun Wukong can make them die. Hundreds of times.

Going up and asking? joke! Who knows what the Qitian Dasheng is now, and maybe they will disappear when they show up.

"How, what should I do?"

Although they came to inspect, they never thought about what to do after they found out.

"I will go to Tianfu to sue the government, you are staring at it, don't make any mistakes."

The Tianbing, who first discovered the golden hoop, said this, and did not wait for another soldier to nod. Turning around is turning into a silver light, and it is running faster than a rabbit.

", you are too unruly!"

The Tianbing left behind looked at the departing companion, his face was white, why didn’t he want to run... Stay here? ! In his opinion, it is on the edge of the ghost gate! Although there are possibilities for the soul to fly!

In the past, hundreds of millions of demon lords, Qitian Dasheng Sun Wukong, the Great Saints flag passed, the Heavenly Soldiers are nothing but the wind and the wind, this is the name of Hehewei, when hundreds of thousands of soldiers, Wanjie Xianfo are all unable to take him, he is small Small patrols where the soldiers dare to commit!

And obviously the Tianbing who came with him is to find a reason to run the road, to inform Tianfu, just use the sound stone just fine, you don’t need to run it yourself!

He swallowed his throat and had sweat on his face. The Tianbing was very cautious to hide his body in the clouds.

Rain, slamming down.

Jiangzhou's spiritual long river has begun to slowly dissipate. Since then, the entire state of Angkor has been cut by as much as 70%, and it has been included in the body by the Nangong Yi people.

In the ruins of this financial building, the injury was nourished by the aura, and the atmosphere of the Nangong Yi people has already stabilized, but it is still in a coma, but there is nothing wrong with it. It is estimated that you will sleep again. After a few days of cultivation, you can recover as you have.

Holding the Nangong Yiren, Qin Feng, stood up.

It’s been a ten-minute walk from the rainstorm!

The black cloud of the sky did not mean to disperse. The golden hoop stick on the side of Qin Feng, floating at the moment, turned into an ancient gold streamer and directly fell into the ears of Qin Feng.

This time, Qin Feng raised his head, and the cold scorpion looked at the dark clouds in the sky!

When Qin Feng looked up at the moment of the day, the wine madman, even the double, and the dry Qingzhou branch cabinet monk, are all stunned!

"Kid, what are you doing?! Don't look at the sky!"

Liquor madman sang to Qin Feng, he stood in the peak of Yunshui for a hundred years, but because he stood at the peak of a circle, he became more clear, the cloud water world is small in the Wanjie, what is the peak of the Dan, even if it is The brothers’ Yuan Ying repairs are all ants!

The peak of the cloud water world, the ants in the Wanjie!

For the sound of the wine madman, Qin Feng just did not hear the general, just look at the sky, watching the dark cloud.

In the eyelids, the flames flicker, the fire eyes are golden!

He saw the silver armor that was hidden in the dark clouds. The chilly chill in the middle of the cymbal, although his madness has receded, but the hatred of the phoenix Buddha is still echoing in his heart.

If it is not that the strength is not enough now, he has already gone up with a stick to the day.

However, Qin Feng is also very strange. When he looks at this day soldier, this day soldier is also watching him, so this time... This Tianbing should have discovered the golden hoop, but why not shoot? !

It seems to be a very fearful look.

Qin Feng naturally does not know... In his view, Sun Wukong’s original heart has already been integrated into his own knowledge of the sea and has become a great holy inheritance. In this soldier’s view, Qi Tian Da Sheng Sun Wukong can still continue to live!

How dare he move? !

In the dark clouds of the sky, the soldiers saw the golden hoops in the ears of Qin Feng, and also saw the eyes of Qin Feng, especially when they saw the eyes of the eyes, the whole person was scared and trembled!

He had the privilege of participating in a war against the demon monkey. Although he was only a small soldier, he saw Sun Wukong, the gold armor, the red dragonfly flying in the battle, and an ancient gold iron rod in his hand. Wherever passed, the fairy Buddha soul is scattered! Unstoppable!

He also saw the eyes of the flames leaping, and the eyes they saw at the moment were exactly the same.

Although he could not see the shadow of Sun Wukong from the eyes of the masters of the eyes, although he only felt the cultivation of the foundation, but obviously he would not believe, in his view, this is the illusion that Sun Wukong used to cover up his identity.

When Qin Feng looked at him, the Tianbing body was stunned, his legs began to soften, and no matter what punishment he would take if he left without permission, turning around was turned into a silver light.

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