The city of Monkey King

Chapter 231: Green flamingo family!

In the dark night, the stars are twinkling, and the vicinity is like a cloud, and there are countless light beams with white light.

Here is the thirty-sixth day.

These light groups are the one size interface.

"Shizi, you can reach the red fire world in seven days. There are so many soldiers there, and the king has repeatedly smashed. Are we going to pretend a little?"

There are two streams of light passing through this dark night, just in time to stay in front of an interface.

The streamer is scattered, it is two people, the first person looks handsome, wearing a Tsing Yi, floating in the fairy, the most striking is his hair, the color of the blue, his eyes, but also has two green marks.

And by his side, there is an old man who seems to be a servant.

If the servant does not say it for a while, he will say that this man, if Qin Feng sees it, will certainly be able to recognize it!

This person is the only son of Qing Yu Wang, Qing Yu Lie.

Qing Yu Wang, the green flamingo family, was also one of the many demon kings who followed Qi Tian Da Sheng Zheng Wan Wan, but in the final battle of the Nantianmen, Qing Yu Wang did not participate, so in the heavens clearing the demon At that time, Qing Yu Wang received the wind in advance, and his own people were hidden.

"Where is this place?"

Qing Yu slammed the interface in front of her eyes and said.

"If you return to the world, according to the boundary map, this industry is called Yunshui, just a small interface that has not yet developed."

Not yet open, it is said that there is no such thing as a monk who can not actively contact the outside world. In the Wanjie, this kind of interface is called the barbarians, but anyone who is a little repaired is disdainful. Go in.

"The world is lacking, go to this world and rest for two days."

Qing Yu Lie yawned and said that the servants around him naturally did not dare to have any opinions.

And it is at this time!

A silver streamer emerged from the cloud waters, extremely rushed, just like an escape.

"Inspecting Heavenly Soldiers..."

Seeing the silver stream that appeared, Qing Yu’s mouth smirked a smile, the world’s son of Qing Yu Wang, but the famous love tossed, when I saw this patrol, the Tianbing was full of confusion, and suddenly came to the interest.

Raise your hand!

It was clearly a thousand miles away from the soldier of the day, but in the whole body of the soldier, there was a huge hand, and he grabbed it, and did not wait for the soldiers to react.

When he looked up again, he had already appeared in front of Qing Yulie.

Qing Yulie did not have any insults with this day. The gods were extremely violent and rushed into the sea to know the sea. It was the effort of one or two interest, the brow of Qing Yu Lie, a fierce condensate!

The Heavenly Soldier in front of him is a direct blow of the ‘砰’, including the soul is also dissipated into nothingness.

"Shizi, the situation is unclear now, the strict investigation of Xianting is getting tighter, and it is better to kill the soldiers."

A servant bowed his head and reminded him.

"If you know what you shouldn't know, he will die."

From the sea of ​​the soldiers of the day, Qing Yulie knows the pinnacle of the sea in the water and the world, and also sees the face!

"Yes, the world."

The servant nodded and did not dare to speak.

At this time, from the cloud water world, there is a silver streamer rushing out. Compared with the above, this road is more panic, as if it is a step later, it will take his life.

Out of the cloud water world, this day soldier's face was a little better, recalling the confrontation just now, he still has a lingering fear, just want to stop and catch his breath, suddenly a sense of oppression that makes him suffocate, has not waited for him to react .

The cyan fire is shrouded in a moment, a breath, the body with the soul, completely burned out!


Killing this second Heavenly Soldier, Qing Yu Lie glanced at the Yunshui world, and a mouthful of sound was heard from the corner of his mouth. Then he turned and turned into a blue light galloping away.

"Shizi, the red fire world is in front..."

"Don't go to the red fire world, as soon as I return to the Qingyu Palace, I will see the father!"

Qing Yu Lie Mei is wrinkled, but there is a color of joy and excitement in his eyes. He wants to tell this news to his father!

Dasheng, coming back soon!


Qin Feng naturally does not know about this happening outside the cloud water industry.

Between the erroneous and the wrong, he escaped this robbery. After all, if at this time, the two Heavenly Soldiers passed the news to Tianfu and reached Xianting.

That Qin wind has only one way to die.

And there is no suspense in death.

Because of him now, there is no such thing as the refining of the gods in the cloud water world. If you want to hide in other interfaces, you can't do it.

When the Heavenly Soldier comes, he will die.

Qin Feng himself is also aware of this, frowning at this moment, the dark clouds in this sky have been scattered, but his heart is more and more tight, he himself... is it not discovered? !

However, when he looked up at the sky.

A clear and respectful voice fell into his ear, this voice... coming from outside the world!

"The Holy Spirit is not worried. The two patrols have been killed by the subordinates. The Holy Spirit can be cultivated in this small world. On the day of the recovery, my flamingo family will definitely welcome the family!"

"The Great Sacred Flag will surely reignite the ravages of the world!"

Apparently in the eyes of Qing Yulie, Qin Feng is Sun Wukong!

"Green flamingo family..."

Qin Feng looked at the sky, his brow slightly wrinkled, and he had a great inheritance. Naturally, he knew the existence of this green flamingo family.

At the same time, Jingzhou, Jingye City, one of the nine major families, Qijia House!

Qi Jiazong, the house is full of white candles, Qi Linger alone in this shackle, wearing filial piety, waxy face, sitting on the ground, looks filled with despair and sluggish, looking at this The full-fledged spirit card, which has a spiritual card, is his father Qi Qi.

Under his father, there is still one party, his big brother Qi Shining.

At this moment, the Qi family changed completely. When she and her uncle went back to the family, they realized that this family is not the original one.

It is already impossible to leave.

His older brother, Qi Shining, died, a ridiculous reason, ‘violent’.

It’s ridiculous to make up the reason for the tyranny of the monk.

His second brother, Qi Shizhou, was used as a lord to become a family owner, and she, the three daughters of this family, was kept in this shackle all day long and could not go out half a step.

Those who have been loyal to the loyalty are killing and killing, imprisonment in captivity, everything goes by, and the vast project is completed within a few days!

Obviously this is a conspiracy to conspire for hundreds of years! Step by step is a good calculation!

Today's Qi family is obeying the life of the elder elder Ziden, but Qi Linger knows that this Qi Deng is just a person who conveys orders. Like his second brother Qi Shizhou, he can only be considered relatively free. Hey.

All the orders are from a servant...

One, the old servant who used to be very fond of Qi Linger. 2k novel reading network

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