The city of Monkey King

Chapter 236: The wind helps the fire! Seven Stars! [Request for tickets]

Hundreds of fire groups with ice and cold light illuminate the sky above the main hall, illuminating the entire night.

Nearly a thousand seven-star disciples, this moment is stunned, watching these fire groups, feeling the breath that came out of the fire group, one by one is stunned, scared to tremble!

"Open the door inside!"

Shi Heng is a change of face, not to mention, one raises his hand, fierce over the entire square, seven stars of starlight appear in the air, connected into one, turned into a silver light curtain, covering the entire sky.

The disciples of nearly seventy-seven stars have also been printed one after another. From their bodies, each has a silver light rising from the sky to support this big battle!

This is the moment.

Qin Feng's scorpion is cold and cold, and his hands fall. These hundreds of ice flames are rushing toward the masses.


This large-scale light curtain, in the fall of the ice flame fireball, there are several large holes in the blink of an eye, although it can block most of them, there are still dozens of fire groups into the formation.

Ice flames, falling into the crowd, swept across the sky!

Just at the moment when the ice flame fell into the crowd, there was a gust of wind, and it was picked up in the entire square.

The wind helps the fire!

However, the effort between the numbers and the interest, the ice flames raging and whistling, thousands of seven-star disciples, all under the ice flame, burnt bones are not saved, want to run are not know where to run.

"Good boy!"

Shi Heng saw this scene, and the meat on his face was already shaking.

Behind him, more than 30 elders of the elders, seeing this scene is not the horror to the extreme, although the big squad inside the door was rushed together, but it was so blasted, it is really It is hard to believe.


At this moment, Shi Heng was a big drinker. The seven-star disciples who were originally flustered were rushing backwards, and Shi Heng took more than 30 elders behind him and walked to the front of the disciples.

With his hands behind his back, he snorted, and suddenly, from Shi Heng’s body, he had the pressure of the peak of the knot, and swept through the raging ice flames and extinguished them all.

At this point, the seven-star disciples who were burned to the ground by the flames were only quietly quiet, and all of them were embarrassed.

"who are you?!"

Shi Heng, with a pair of eyes with anger, looked at Qin Feng, who stood in the distance at the cracked gate, and screamed.

He was very surprised when the Seven Stars Gate provoked such a person.

Qin Feng mouth licked the smoke, his eyes looked cold and calm and looked at Shi Heng, a pair of eyes, full of disdain.

"I really think that I am strong?!"

Seeing Qin Feng ignores himself, Shi Heng is even more angry, and his hand is fierce. A black stone axe with a big foot is in his hand, and his hand holds the handle of the axe.


The stone axe in his hand, violently squatting in front of him, the three-footed stone axe, actually appeared in the phantom of Baizhang.


The stone axe is facing the Qin wind, the entire ground, the square is full of bursts into powder, countless smoke rolled up, but the expression of Shi Heng has changed.

"how come…!"

The smoke and dust scattered in the wind, Qin Feng raised one hand and held the stone axe phantom. No matter how the stone cross pressed down, even the floor tiles under the Qin wind were not trapped, broken, all Qin. The ground outside the wind.

This scene was seen in the eyes of the seven-star disciples.

"How, how is it possible!"

"The door is the peak of the knot, the top of this kid is a monk who built the foundation, even if it is amazing... this..."

"Would we like to open the sneak? This is the main thing that the door can't beat!"

"Look again..."

"This kid is too special, I am the first time I saw the doorkeeper being tempered into this look."


The hearts of the people become unstable. These seven-star disciples are all looking at me and I see you. After all, it is important to have a small life. If it is not Shi Heng and this group of elders are still there, I am afraid that one is already running.

At this time, Qin Feng looked up at Shi Heng, grasping the hand of the stone axe phantom, fiercely pinched!


The illusion of this stone axe exploded, and even the three-footed entity in the hands of Shi Heng was turned into a powder and dissipated.

"how is this possible!"

Stone cross-consciously exclaimed, looking at his empty hands, but at this moment, when he was horrified, in front of him, a figure appeared, a pair of cold scorpions reflected in his eyes.


A fierce sigh in my heart, but it was too late to escape.

Qin Feng’s foot is in the heart of Shi Heng’s heart, hehe! Shi Heng’s whole person flew down under this foot, squatting on the plaque of the Seven Star Temple and rushing into the roof of the Seven Star Temple. The entire roof was directly smashed by half.

"The doorkeeper!"

"Fast! Save the door!"

The rest of the people are screaming in shock, but shouting, how to save? !

In particular, the more than 30 elders of the Dan, looked at Qin Feng one by one, the urine was scared out, and even the moving bombs did not dare to move, fearing that Qin Feng would raise their hands and give them results.

This is the existence that can not be met by the peak of the knot, where they may be opponents.


At this time, there was a roaring voice echoing in the entire square. The roof of the Seven Star Temple, the stone cross that stood up from the tile, was full of blood at the moment, and there was a crazy color on his face. At this moment, he was already angry. One of the ultimate, as the owner of the Seven Stars, has never been so embarrassed for centuries!

And still being a nameless generation, a foundation-based monk!

"Kid, you are very good, and you succeeded in angering the Lord."

Shi Heng said wickedly, his hands together, began to seal.

"This is the main thing for you to taste, the seven-star array is amazing! Let you know, offend my seven-star door!"


As the sound of Shi Heng fell, the handprints glimpsed, and suddenly it was over the square, and a starlight came out of the void, and it flashed.


The sound is starting again, and it is another starlight.

"It’s a seven-star array! Hahaha, this kid is dead!"

"Under the Seven Stars, there is no living!"

"Envy, it’s a pity. The Seven Stars can only be learned by the elders and the gatekeepers."

"This kid is definitely going to die. I haven't heard anyone who can go out alive from the Seven Stars. It's not a good thing to pretend to be overpowered!"


A group of people, seeing the emergence of this seven-star array, there are a lot of excitement on their faces. In their view, under the Seven Stars, the person who committed this crime must be dead.

However... just in the next moment!

"Hey? Isn't the doorkeeper only able to bear the Tianshu star? How come there are three in the sky?!"

"Put your shit...there are really three!"

"You, look at the kid!"


Qin Feng, at this moment is also the hands of the seal.


A faint speech, in his land above, after the Scorpio, the second star appeared. 2k novel reading network

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