The city of Monkey King

Chapter 237: Lord!

"Seven Stars?!"

The stone cross that is condensing the seven stars, seeing the Tianzhu and Tianshuxing appearing above the Qin wind, is also a sigh of relief, and there is a suspicious color in the eyes!

Seven Stars, this is the unique skill of the Seven Stars. In addition to the great elders and gatekeepers of each generation, there is absolutely no third person in the world to display!

How did this kid in front of you do it? !

"A kid who can only be a fur, dare to compare with the seven-star array of the Lord! It is a delusion!"

Shi Heng's face is iron and blue, and his hands are constantly changing and printing: "Scorpio, Heaven, Yuheng!"

In the land above him, the moment is three more starlights, five stars, and the stars are overflowing.

"Hey! Kid, compare with me!"

Shi Heng looked over the Qin wind, still the two stars of Tianzhu and Tianshu, the rest of the stars are not appearing. In his view, Qin Feng only knows one and a half points, it is impossible to display a complete seven-star array.

"Two more stars, the Lord will send you to see the king!"

Shi Heng's handprints changed rapidly again, and began to condense the last two stars: open the sun, shake the light!

As long as the seven stars are out, the seven-star array is made!

However, at this moment, in the sky above Qin Feng, the original Tianzhu Tianshu is next to the two stars, but there are another five stars in the blink of an eye.

The time when these five stars appear is almost the same moment!

"Seven stars! He turned into a seven-star!"

"I am going, faster than the owner!"

"He, he, where did he learn?!"

"Five stars come together, this... this is incredible!"


The seven-star disciples, at this moment, are watching, and the seven-star door's stunts will be displayed by people outside the Seven Stars, and they will be faster than their gatekeepers! More shocking!

If it really didn’t happen, no one would believe it!

"Five stars come out... this person, this person!"

Shi Heng nervously looked at the seven stars above Qin Feng, the fine sweat covered his forehead, but he was very strange, why Qin Feng condensed out seven stars, but still did not shoot.

Qin Feng does not shoot at this moment, naturally there is the truth of Qin Feng.

With the smoke, Qin Feng slightly raised his eyes and looked at the stone cross on the roof. He had to wait for the stone to condense into a seven-star array, so that he could try the seven-star array he had formed.

After all, Qin Feng wanted to use the stone cross pig to try the knife.

"Done yet?"

After waiting for five interest, the stone seven-star array still failed.

Qin Feng, speaking for the first time.

In the voice, full of impatience, contempt in the eyes.

"You, don't be crazy!"

The stone on the roof heard this sentence, the lungs of the gas were all blown up, the neck was red, and the heart was violent, and the blood of the heart spurted out!

"Kid, I want you to see what is called the Seven Stars, let you know, what is desperate!"

Shi Hengyi, suddenly in his sky, next to the five stars, the last two stars, Kaiyang, shaking, all appear in the blood, and these seven stars, at this moment, all Made a **** color.

When Qin Feng saw this scene, he could not help but reveal a hint of curiosity.

It seems that this stone cross, the control of the seven-star array is better than the Cheng Ping, which is much more powerful.

Although Qin Feng of Jiangzhou was in a state of madness when he was in a war with Cheng Ping, after the waking, those memories still existed. Qin Feng clearly remembered that Cheng Ping’s performance of the Seven Stars was only radiant. The blood color, the seven main stars did not change color.

And this stone cross, but even the seven main stars are discolored, it can be seen that the two of the seven star array of rumors, one just stays on the surface, one is infiltrated into the essence.

However... for the current Qin Feng, there is no big difference.


Shi Heng saw the seven-star blood mangfold condensed, and his face also showed a sense of self-confidence, low-pitched, seven-star lianzhu, blood-colored awns, turned into a million **** star line, went straight to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng, just squinted at the stone cross, the seven stars above him, is also a twinkling of stars, the star line is scattered, the same goes toward the stone.

One silver and one blood, the two-color star line meets in half space.

A surprising scene took place, and the **** star line, which seemed to be more powerful, was completely dissipated under the silver star line.

The silver star line, passing over the **** seven-star array, the entire seven-star array, the moment is penetrated, the seven blood-colored stars, all burst!


Seven bursts of sounds rang and rang across the sky.

The level of spiritual quality between the two is not an order of magnitude! The seven-star array that condenses out is naturally not an order of magnitude!

"how is this possible!"

Shi Heng saw this scene and his eyes were rounded.

He did not expect that the seven-star blood squad that he had condensed with his heart and blood was directly crushed!

The seven-star smashed, the power of anti-smear surged, and Shi Heng couldn't help but spray a few mouthfuls of old blood, but I haven't waited for the stone to move slowly. Those silver stars are already coming toward him.

At this moment, from the depths of my heart, Shi Heng felt the breath of death, the back was cold, and the cold sweat slammed down, but it was impossible to run!

Silver star line, reflected in the pupil, infinitely enlarged!

And it is at this time! Just when this silver star line is about to make the stone cross into a sieve!

From the moonlight night of the sky, a black air whistling, and immediately fell by the side of the stone cross, with a hand raised from the black gas, these incoming star lines, all stagnate in midair.

Seeing this sudden black gas, Qin Feng brows.

From this person's body, he felt a very strange atmosphere, ancient... yes, it is ancient!

This is the atmosphere that people who have lived for at least a thousand years can have!

Shi Heng, who had been stunned by the moment, looked at the people around him fiercely. The black gas dissipated. He was a man in ancient black with a sly black evil mask on his face.

When I saw the moment of the mask, Shi Heng made a glimpse of the whole person, and quickly slammed on one knee.

"Seven-Star Church is stone-crossing and meets the Lord!"

"See the Lord!"

The more than thirty elders of the elders saw the mask of the evil spirits, and they also slammed into the ground.

The rest of the seven-star disciples, this moment is also awesome, but also very excited, this is the legendary Lord! They are all smashed!

"See the Lord!"


The sound echoes like a tide in this world.

"The Lord..."

Qin Feng looked at the evil mask, and his brow wrinkled slightly.

The first time he heard the word "Lord" was in Wang Chengkou of Xianling College, the phrase "God of the Holy Spirit, a thousand years."

When Qin Feng looked at the man of the evil spirit mask, under the mask of the evil spirits, the eyes of the **** eyes like evil spirits also looked at Qin Feng. 2k novel reading network

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