The city of Monkey King

Chapter 238: If I kill him, what can you do with me? [Three more]

Under the crescent moon, there are several black clouds passing by.

At this moment, above the seven-star square, there is a dead silence.

Nearly the seven-seven-star disciples, all of them are honest and honest, facing the roof and bowing to the evil mask.

Four eyes are opposite, Qin Feng smokes and looks at the **** eyes under the masks of the evil spirits.

"who are you?"

The hoarse voice came from under the mask and floated between the heavens and the earth.

"and who are you?"

Qin Feng did not answer, but asked a question.

"who am I?"

Under the mask of evil spirits, there was a hoarse laughter. "The monk in the cloud waters, there are still people who don't know my name. It seems that I really have been escaping the world for too long."

"How old are you? Why should I know your name?"

Qin Feng faintly opened, his eyes filled with disdain.

Laozi is inherited from the Great Holy Spirit. For the sake of the Wanjie Wanxun, what kind of egg do you count, and still force it in front of Laozi? !

"Young people, you know, arrogance will always bring sad results."

The hoarse voice was cold and continued to flow from under the mask.

"Is it?"

The corner of Qin Feng’s mouth rose slightly, and the smoke of the cigarette in his mouth slowly floated. In his eyes, the flame leaps, the man of the evil spirit mask, there is nothing under the black.

"But just an avatar, do you think you can keep your dog's life?"

As soon as this was said, the **** star of the Star Master was a little scared. He was indeed an incarnation, and it was a very fragile incarnation.

This is the incarnation of the early seven-star palace, but it only feels that the seven-star gate will be extinguished.

If not, at this moment, he still retreats in the body temple, he will never come to the Seven Stars Gate, and even if he wants to come, he will not be able to catch up.

"You are threatening this seat?"

The star god, the **** pupils slammed, the silver stars in front of him, all of them disappeared, including the seven-star array over the Qin wind. Under a strange force, the life was crushed. .

Of course, for the destruction of the Seven Stars array, Qin Feng did not stop, otherwise it would never be crushed so easily.

"The people who have angered the seat, for thousands of years, no one has a good end."

In the hoarse voice, there is already anger!


Qin Feng looked at such a star-like lord, and his eyes were full of smiles, but this laugh was sneer.

Step out!

However, between a second, Qin Feng’s figure appeared on the left side of Shi Heng, and on the right side of Shi Heng, he was the head of the Star.

The hand, pressed against the head of the earth and stone, scared the stone to squat.

"If I kill him, how can you help me?"

The voice faded out, and Qin Feng swept his eyes on the star master, and then the spirits rushed into the body of Shiheng!

"Holy, the Lord... save, save me..."

Shi Heng looked up to the star of the Lord, and his eyes showed despair. The Star Master was just about to shoot, and suddenly there was a sword ringing between the heavens and the earth.

One hundred and eight stalks of the sword, suddenly indulged the star of the Lord.

"Save you? No one can save you."

Qin Feng's nephew was cold, and the spiritual power rushed into Shi Heng's knowledge of the sea, rushing into his dantian, rushing his knowledge of the sea, Jin Dan burst, even the soul, but also a handle smashed in the body.

And all this, Qin Feng is doing in front of this star master.

"You, very good."

The star of the star, the eyes have a cold color, he does not care about the life and death of Shi Heng, do not care about the life and death of these seven-star disciples, death and death, no difference for him.

But... this person’s contempt for himself has completely angered him.

Thousands of years ago, even the owner of the Kunlun Mountains did not dare to be like this to yourself!

"One day, this seat will let you know what is not good..."


Qin Feng slightly raised his eyes, but he has not waited for the "dead" word of the star **** to speak out. One hundred and eight handles of the sword of the sky, and instantly fell toward the incarnation of the star god, the sword swayed and passed, completely twisted Become nothingness.

Then he retracted the hand pressed on the stone cross head. At this moment, the stone cross is dead and can no longer die.

The first generation of the seven-star gatekeeper, the peak of the knot, was killed by Qin Feng as a chicken.

Turned around, Qin Feng swept to these seven-star disciples, and his eyes were cold.

These seven-star disciples, including those who are the elders of the knot, are all stunned at the moment. All this happens too fast and too ridiculous!

Originally they saw the presence of the Lord, thinking that everything would be settled. This unknown child must be under the Holy Spirit of the Lord and died in the presence of the Lord.

Who ever thought of it!

Everything is in the blink of an eye, and their gatekeeper Shi Heng is so dead, and even the Lord is dead...

At least in the eyes of many ordinary disciples, their Lord is indeed dead, and there is no dead body, no residue left.


"Awful, terrible!"



The hearts of the people suddenly dissipated a large piece. These seven-star disciples were all panicked and started to turn around and ran.

Even those elders who are dying, the deacons of the foundations, are also escaping from the imperial wind, and they are afraid of losing their lives.

Qin Feng just looked at these fleeing people coldly, and his body was covered with a hundred and eight swords, and turned into a blue stream, going straight to these people who fled.


at the same time.

Jingzhou Qijia, among the ancestors.

"Miss Miss, as long as you say the secret point of the key, I promise, you can not suffer from this, I can still give you freedom, wherever you want to go."

"How? Say, still don't say?"

Locking the corner of the mouth with a sinister smile, in this mid-air, Qi Linger's soul is suspended by five chains, now in her soul, with an illusory blue flame burning.

Qi Linger bit his teeth, endured the pain of the flames burning, and slammed the lock in front of him.

She is not stupid!

If you say it yourself, you will die.

Maybe there is a news coming out tomorrow, Miss Qi Jiasan is violent and dead.

Not to mention, perhaps there is still a chance to live, at least for a while.

And... this key, she remembers what her father said, and repeated it, never tell anyone!

That is the key to the mountain!

"It seems that Miss San still refuses to cooperate."

Locked his head and smiled and said: "Then it is no wonder that the old slaves don't miss the old days."

After that, there was a trace of sorrow in the eyes of the lock. Suddenly, in the body of Qi Linger, these faint blue flames turned into a kind of fire snake, and slammed into the soul of Qi Linger.

"Ah! Ah!!"

Qi Linger looked at the fire snakes, the dark blue snake core, scared screaming, desperately trying to struggle, but how can they not get rid of these five chains.

Fire snakes, one after another into the soul, painful! 2k novel reading network

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