The city of Monkey King

Chapter 239: Ice and fire two Dan! [Request for tickets]

I don't know where I am.

The days here, whether white or dark, are shrouded in dark fog.

A huge three-story black stone palace, at this moment, from this palace, there was a violent anger coming out.

As soon as the voice came out, the entire palace was shaken. All the black armor guards defended throughout the palace were scared to knees and trembled.

"Nine waiters listen, the Lord calls, immediately see you!"

Another voice rang from the black stone temple.


Zhangzhou, Yucheng, under the night, a sword rainbow crossed the sky.

Qin Feng stood on the tip of the sword, calm and indifferent, and destroyed the Seven Star Gate. For Qin Feng, it is not difficult.

And the words of the Lord's incarnation before being annihilated, Qin Feng is not in the heart.

In the water and water world, people who can threaten his Qin Feng have not climbed out of the mother's stomach.

Jianhong, galloping toward Qingzhou.

After half an hour.

Jiangzhou City, this time is already busy, all kinds of rescue operations are unfolding. The whole public opinion is even more tense. There are nine out of ten earthquakes in Jiangzhou, but it is very puzzling that the victims who have experienced the earthquake However, I don’t know how this earthquake happened. I don’t even know how to go downstairs.

For this strange thing, some 'bricks' will soon give an explanation. The statement explains that this is a catastrophic group of amnesia, which is extremely difficult to happen. That is to say, the earthquake wave affects a lot of human brain waves. of…

It seems to be very reasonable to say, in fact, it is a special dog.

At the moment, outside the Jiangzhou, outside the Xiantao Mausoleum.

Qin Feng 眸 眸 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中 中

"How can it happen so soon!"

The figure is like a wind in this peach forest, Taolin Center, Lingquan.

At this moment, the cloud bell, as usual, is also the clothes faded, the body is immersed in the middle of the Lingquan, the long hair scattered on the surface of the water, the clavicle of the white scorpion, slightly revealing half of the towering snow peak, the pendant that Qin Feng gave her. Falling between the snow-capped gullies, it is extremely eye-catching, and the face is flushed with flushing.

That love, and it happened again!

It’s just that the time is not right. This time, the last time, obviously not a month!

However, at this time, there is no time to think about why this **** poison is attacking in advance. Qin Feng looked at the scene in front of him. He looked at the side of Lingquan and was covered by the fog. Qin Feng frowned and stepped on it. Out, the body did not enter the water, came to Yunling's body.


At this moment, Yun Ling is obviously a drug attack, and she has not completely lost consciousness. When she saw Qin Feng, there was an eagerness in her eyes.

"We, we will use the last method."

Yunling looked at Qin Feng, but instinctively embraced Qin Feng, smooth skin, and Yun Ling has already faded the clothes, making the Qin wind a glimpse, subconscious tying hard.

Last time? !

Qin Feng couldn't help but think of the scene that happened last time. That time, he almost changed Yun Ling from a girl to a mature woman.

After a dry cough, Qin Feng’s storage ring flashed, and a medicinal herb appeared in his hand.

"Let's relax, you should take this medicinal medicine first."

Qin Feng said nothing, directly sent this medicinal medicine into Yunling mouth.

When the medicinal herbs entered the body, the hotness of Yunling began to dissipate, and her eyes began to become sober.

When Qin Feng saw Yunling’s sober eyes, he also knew that...some things, after all, could not hold back.

In Yunling’s eyes, there are doubts.

It is from that affair.

When this affair appeared, Yun Ling felt the scent of her master from the medicinal herbs.

Ten minutes later.

Yunling has already dressed her clothes, or is it a white dress.

"You don't have to ask me about the drug, this is what your master left for you. You will know after reading it."

Qin Feng and Yun Ling stood face to face, raising their hands, in the hands of Qin Feng, one more peach.

This peach is the shadow flower.

"What is the teacher left for me?"

Yunling looked at the shadow flower in the hands of Qin Feng. It was very doubtful. When he raised his hand, the flower fell into his hands.

"After reading the flowers, you can understand everything."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he turned and walked toward the edge of Lingquan. Looking at the mother in the fog, Qin Feng’s spiritual power was not ready to check, and when he found the vitality of his mother’s body. When.

Qin Feng is understanding...

Why Yun Ling's love will prematurely attack.

In the body of Song Yu, Qin Feng sensed a very strong trace of spiritual power. This spiritual power is Yun Ling.

In other words, Yun Ling brows at least dozens of times for his mother baptism! Use spiritual power to maintain the safety of your mother's body.

Obviously two or three times a day, but Yun Ling is only dozens of times, showing its intention.

Such delicate use of spiritual power naturally leads Yun Ling to become weak and weak, and this leads to the premature attack of the emotion.

However, Yunling never said this to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng slightly looked at the eyes of Yunling, looked at the woman's back, to tell the truth, after the shadow was given to Yunling, Qin Feng regretted a bit.

He did not want Yunling to fall into entanglement and pain.

Yunling, who has lived in Taolin for a hundred years, is so cute and gratifying, carefree.

This kind of sorrow is as if it should not appear on her face.

But the facts are facts, and some things that should be faced sooner or later.

Qin Feng regained his gaze, and he believed that when Yun Ling looked at everything described in the shadow flower, he would give himself an answer.

This Taolin, out, still can't.


Qi family.

Qi Jiazong.

"You are very much beyond my expectations. I didn't expect that the loyal Qi Jiasan, who is arrogant on weekdays, is so sturdy."

At this moment, Qi Linger, the soul has returned to the flesh, the whole person is kneeling on the ground, there is no point in strength, even the words are open without mouth, can only blink and lock.

"But I am not in a hurry. I have a lot of torture in the torture of the soul. I will change the pattern tomorrow, but before that, I have to give Miss San something to eat. After all, I am tired, and the right is to supplement my strength."

The lock smirked, then went to Qi Linger's side, and there was a red and blue half of the medicinal medicine in his hand. At this moment, Qi Linger couldn't get rid of it. He could only watch the lock squat and force the medicinal herbs to feed. Into his mouth.

The medicinal herbs were not in the body of Qi Linger, and the locks stood up and the corners of the mouth were filled with ‘legal’ smiles.

"This is called the ice and the two heavy Dan, the cold and the cold, the fire of the breath, the taste is wonderful, it is not uncommon, Miss San can slowly taste it."

After laughing, he turned and left.

The door, oh, shut.

Qi Linger, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly had a frost on his face. He couldn’t help but tremble, but at the next moment, the frost disappeared, and it turned into a hot red. The whole person was like a fire!

This ice and fire two Dan, began to attack! 2k novel reading network

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