The city of Monkey King

Chapter 243: Exit the palace gate to kill! [Request for tickets]


Thousands of arrows are all in one, and the arrow tip flashes in the moonlight, and it falls into the eyes!

Arrow, the sound of breaking the wind into the ear, Liu Man scared the subconscious mind to hug his head is screaming up, Niu Dazhuang is not, a violent, suddenly the whole hot and hot, become red!

Open up!

boom! The marble floor under the feet burst, and the whole person was three meters long, and the whole body was like a fire. A man who blocked his body around Liu Man!

And Qin Feng, when the moment of the arrow came, just raised his eyes.

Between the moments!

A scene that made everyone horrified!

The arrow that broke through the wind, at this moment, actually stayed in the air, and can't enter any more!

Above the passages on the high walls on both sides, the guards, the eyes, all looked straight, and when they were shackled, they shouted again: "Give me a shot! Continue shooting!"

The sounds sounded on both sides of the entire high wall, and the guards who were still in the midst of squadrons were continually taking arrows, one by one and toward the Qin Feng three people in the corridor.

However, no matter how many arrows fell, when they were ten meters away from the Qin wind, they stayed in the air and did not move, as if the world was still.

After round and round, when the ten rounds of arrows rained, the entire corridor was over, and it was already densely covered with arrows, at least as many as seven or eighty thousand!

At this moment, Liu Man hides in the strong body of the big red hair, watching the cold light that radiates cold light under the moonlight, and can't help but fall down the cold sweat.

But she is also strange, these arrows. Why didn't you fall? !

"How could this be!"

On both sides of the high wall, that one of the guards is full of face! No one thought that things would evolve to this point!

Qin Feng, the look is still indifferent, he did not care about these falling arrows, just sprinkled some knowledge, control these arrows.

At this moment, the main gods are sweeping across the entire Miyagi, and every place is carefully searched! Search for the traces of Qi Linger!

At this moment, a touch of joy in the middle!

"found it."

Muttering to himself, when the words came out, the 80,000 arrows that stayed in the air were actually turning the arrows together!


The guards who saw this scene all changed their faces: "Fast, fast shield!"

The voice hasn't been shouted yet, and 80,000 arrows, like the heavy rain, are shot toward these escorts, and they are rushing! That is the voice of the arrow into the flesh!

A large piece of Qijia escort, fell directly from the wall, fell on both sides of the corridor, blood flowed to the ground, and died.


Qin Feng did not look at these dead guards and continued to walk towards the end of the corridor.

It is not that he does not know that it is more convenient to go to the air, but that he can feel that there is an extremely powerful array in the sky above the Qijiagong City, that is, to prevent others from breaking into the air.

This array of methods has been reinforced and tempered by the family's millennium. The strength of its defense, even if the current Qin wind can not be broken at a moment, forced to go to the other side will be delayed for a long time.

In contrast, it is more convenient to kill directly from the palace gate!

Liu Man looked behind the Qin Feng with a look of horror. Everyone looked silly... She always knew that Qin Feng was abnormal, but when did she become so abnormal! Completely beyond her imagination!

Quickly followed the bulls and followed.

Above the walls of the two sides of the corridor, the guards of the guards all had horror in their looks. They looked at each of these large blocks of wounded or dead guards. I don’t know what to do.

They didn't even think of it, such a guy who only built the foundation peak, it was so difficult to get it!

At this time, a voice fell into the ears of everyone, and these guards were all in one.

"The command of the great commander, the opening of the palace gate, killing!"

These guards are all looking at the Qin Feng who walked toward the Zhonggong Gate, although they know that this kid is powerful enough to make people fear!

But the order is down, have to obey!

"Open the palace gate, go out and kill!"

According to a series of orders, the sound of Zhong Ding in the entire Miyagi is getting stronger and stronger! The sound is getting bigger and bigger!


This bell, turned into a melodious voice, only the voice that the monk can hear, from Jingye City, reverberating within the entire Jingzhou hundreds of cities!

There are countless scattered Qijia strongholds, and everyone inside is hearing this bell. Without saying anything, leading everyone in the stronghold, tens of thousands of monks go straight to Jingye City!

"Qin, Qin metamorphosis, have you found Linger sister?"

Liu Man looked at Qin Feng, who was walking in front of him, smoking a cigarette, his footsteps were steady, and his expression was calm. She was very astonished. How can this person be so calm after killing so many people!

On both sides of the corridor, there is a dead body. Is it so indifferent to killing people? !

Liu Man thinks this is really true... killing? ! Qin Feng has long remembered how many people he killed. At first, there may be a hidden heart, but now it is nothing. In his opinion, the people he killed are killing!

"Well, I found it."

Qin Feng was smoking, but he nodded slightly. He did find it. He found the trace of Qi Linger’s breath around the center of the inner palace, but the last thing that disappeared was there. Before the temple, it can be inferred that Qi Linger must be in the temple!

However, the gods can't enter the temple. The gods of Qin Feng can feel that there is a very powerful array of shields around the temple. If the body does not arrive in person, it is absolutely clear. Can't penetrate.

This is also a side note, Qi Linger is very likely to be in the temple!

"What about her Linger sister, how is she now?"

Liu Man is also a child of the family of comprehension. Although it is not a big family, he can understand a lot of things. Naturally, he knows that Qin Feng has a sense of God, and he is busy asking questions.

"God can't get in, I don't know yet."

Qin Feng’s scorpion is slightly condensed. At this moment, in the front 50 meters, the door of Zhonggongcheng was pushed open, and countless Qijia escorts rushed out in the killing sound. Behind him, the two sides of the high wall, there are also countless Qijia guards jumping down.

One after the other, Qin Feng was caught in the middle! In the hands are holding the bright instruments!

"The commander of the great commander, the person who committed the crime, kills innocent!"

A voice, which was uploaded from the palace wall, was the guardian of the building's top, but at the moment he had just finished speaking, a blue stream of light swept from his neck.

The guard was a long squat, subconsciously licking his neck, but it was useless.

Blood, spewing out! 2k novel reading network

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