The city of Monkey King

Chapter 244: Die, I don't say it!

At the moment, Qijiawaigonggong is playing hot, and the inner palace city is calm, why should everyone do what they are doing, and continue to enjoy themselves.

For these Qi family ‘嫡系’, of course, the current Qi family is one of the many collaterals in the past, that is, the one of the great elders Qi Deng.

In the eyes of these people, the news from the following people is only a monk who built the foundation of the monk in the palace city, and can't look down on any storms, and he is not at ease.

As for the sound of Zhong Ding, which is heard throughout the city, they feel that the people in the guardian hall are too small to do so. Why do you have to do something small?

"Qi Hong’s guy has always been doing this. It’s going to be a city full of wind and rain. If it’s not for the children of the five generations of my department, I have already adjusted him.”

On the wall of the inner palace city, a middle-aged man dressed in a gorgeous dress and wearing a robes, looking coldly at the direction of the Yongchang outer palace door, on the other side, killing the sound!

Beside this person, there is a common servant, like this servant, who is generally the family that has been brought back from other decaying families that have been destroyed in the past, or the extremely remote fading of the family. Finally, I am servant.

"Yes, yes, how can Qi Hongda’s commander compare with the son of you, you are the eldest son of the elders, the future homeowner..."

"Hey! Qi San, you have to stop this, although my father is a great elder, but my department is always a sideline, now the owner still exists, the inheritance of the family owner's own family, can not be chaotic The point next to you."

Qi Han smiled and said with a servant around him.

Qi Sanyi, then quickly slammed the ground, slamming the ground to the head, squeaking: "Qi three damn, Qi San should not talk."

"Get up, I don't blame you."

In the eyes of Qi Han, there was a smug smile. Today’s Qi family is a singer, and it lives in name only. When he kills Qi Shizhou, his old man Qi Deng is the owner. After waiting for a hundred years, Qi Deng is returning to heaven. John's!

"Go, let me go to Yongchangmen to see, I have to look at this Qihong, what the **** is doing, a foundation-based monk can also make this look!"

Qi Han glanced at the sleeves and turned to walk in the direction of Yongchangmen. Qi San, who was kneeling on the ground, stood up and followed.

At the same time.

The most central place of the Qi family is also the most important place in the Qi family. In ordinary times, no family other than the family and the elders should be close to half a point.

Qi Jiazong! It enshrines the spirits of the ancestors of the Qi family!

"Miss Three, the taste of ice and fire is very good?"

Locking his mouth and laughing, sitting in a Taishi chair, tilting his legs, watching the curled up at the corner of the table where the spirits are enshrined, dressed in white filial piety, constantly shivering Qi Linger.



The sound of Zhong Ding echoed throughout the family, and the bell was naturally introduced into the Ancestral Hall.

Qi Linger heard the bell, and looked up fiercely. There was a glimmer of joy in his eyes. Through the window of this temple, he looked at the scene outside the window, the night sky...

"He... is he?"

"No, impossible, he, how could he know that I am here..."

"And... don't come... don't come..."

In Qi Linger's view, Qin Feng's cultivation is not enough to save himself, but he will put himself in.

Muttering to himself, at this moment, Qi Linger’s face was a cold and a fire. Suddenly... this cold change of the moment has changed!

On Qi Linger's face, the left half of the face is in the cold, even the eyelashes are frosty, and in her right half, it is like a fire, hot sweat.

But at the next interest, the two converted, the left half turned into a fire, and the right half was in the cold.

More painful than before, Qi Linger grabbed his own hands and arms, nails are embedded in the flesh, blood dripping down.

"Miss Miss, I forgot to tell you that this ice and fire will evolve slowly over time, separating your body, and different regions have different cycles of change. This is much more painful than pure ice and fire. Now it’s two left and right, maybe it’s three, four, ten, and one hundred!”

The lock licked his mouth with a hazy smile, and stood up at the moment.

The hand grabbed Qi Linger, and the five chains quickly pulled out the soul of Qi Linger from the flesh and hung in the middle of the temple.

From the perspective of the soul, this ice and fire is more obvious.

One red and one blue, constantly changing left and right, Qi Linger’s painful screaming power is gone.

"Miss Qi San, is it hard for you to ask someone to save you? I can tell you very responsibly, unless it is the sword of the Kunlun Mountain, no one can save you in this cloud world!"

"The only thing that can save you from the fire is only yourself! Say the whereabouts of the key!"

As soon as he raised his hand, he suddenly slashed his knife wide and crossed the sword.


Qi Linger, the already dumb scorpion, was actually crying again.

"How? Still not willing to say?"

The lock smirked, and the eyes were covered with coldness, and one raised his hand. Before the soul of Qi Linger, there were twelve wide-handed swords with a blue flame.

Seeing these soul knives, Qi Linger’s eyes are trembled, and she understands how painful these soul knives are on their souls!

Life is worse than death!


In the eyes of Qi Linger, silence, after the silence, she... laughed, like a crazy smile.

The lock brows wrinkled and looked at Qi Linger, and when Qi Linger’s laughter stopped, the eyes were decided! Hey, lock it!

"Dead, I don't say it!"

"Is it?"

The lock was suffocating and the eyes were stunned. These twelve handles burned the soul knife of the blue flame, and slammed toward Qi Linger!


The screaming screams came from this scorpion and echoed in the night.

Yongchang Gate.

Above the corridor connecting the outer palace with the middle palace, the moment is already full of dead bodies, and a layer of layers of dead Qijia escorts, said that it is not an corpse!

Qin Fengzizi is cold and has a golden hoop in his hand, but when he is close, all of them are a stick to the cockroaches on the spot.

Blood, splashed a few squats on the cheeks of Qin Feng.

The wind at night passes over the hair that is slightly eye-catching!

The cold and ruthless eyes swept through the escorts who were still alive. These guards experienced the killings just now. They were already scared and their hearts were trembled. They all went backwards and looked at Qin Feng with horror.

In their view, the person in front of you is an out-and-out killer!

At this time, Qin Feng’s ear moved slightly, he heard it... He heard the scream of scream!

That voice is so familiar!


In the eyes of Qin Feng, the moment is filled with frost, and the raging killings are emitted from the whole body! 2k novel reading network

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