The city of Monkey King

Chapter 245: Never ink! [Three more]

Yongchangmen, above the Zhonggong city wall, Qi Hong, a dark robe, looked at Qin Feng, which is getting closer and closer on the corridor. A pair of thick eyebrows are tightly wrinkled. He wants to shoot, he can think twice, the hand is actually Trembling, I dare not go up.

"Big, big, big commander, we have already killed more than a thousand brothers, and then continue..."

There is a person beside him. At this moment, his face is very tense. He can't help but sweat. More than a thousand people are dead in the hands of one person.

This kind of thing, if he did not see it with his own eyes, he would not believe in killing him!

"The seven commanders did not come? Didn't get my order?!"

Qi Hong's face is iron and blue. In this Miyagi defense, the nine thousand guards are commanded by the seven squadrons and guarded by seven. Under normal circumstances, he does not need to personally command this command.

However, this time, the seven commanders, collectively disappeared, and collectively did not listen to the dispatch.

"The big commander, your order has been conveyed to the seven commanders, but the seven commanders said..."

The people around Qi Hong, slightly bowed their heads, and said what they wanted.


Qi Hong’s face was cold, and he knew that there was absolutely an inside story.

"Qi, Qi Hangong gave orders to the seven commanders, and they were not allowed to come."


Qi Hong’s hand on the railing was fiercely pinched, and the entire stone fence was pinched!

There are anger colors in those eyes!

"What son! The son is only the owner of the bloodline can be matched! He Qihan is just an ordinary elder, what is it?! And why give them seven people to order!"

Qi Hong was angered, but he himself knew that although Qi Han was still the ordinary elder in the Ming Dynasty, in the hearts of others, he was already the heir to the next owner!

Whoever offends, does not dare to offend the next boss!

"Qi Hong's commander, oh oh, such a big fire, this is the fire of who."

At this time, there was a joke, and I saw only one end of the wall, a middle-aged man with a robes, and a servant on his side.

In addition, there are seven people behind him. These seven people are all black and hard, that is, the seven leaders.

Originally these seven people should have been obeyed by Qi Hong, and now they are indeed behind Qi Han, one by one, they will not put Qi Hong in the eye!

"Why are you going to transfer them seven people? Don't you know the situation of Yongchangmen now?!"

Qi Hongben was a temper. When he saw Qi Han, he almost went straight to the violent meal, or was dragged by the next person.

"Oh? Situation? What situation?"

Qi Han, who is leisurely coming, has a cold face at this moment, and there is a hot color in the middle of the sigh: "I only know that our Qi Hongda commander, with nearly 10,000 people, even a small monk who built a foundation is not sure."

"It’s just throwing away my face."

Qi Han swept the two-meter-meter corridor connecting the outer palace city outside the Zhonggong City. When he saw the body guarding the body of the house, it was even more sarcasm.

"Oh, it seems that there is a way for Xihan Gongzi. If so, then I am here to see how Qi Han’s son has left this person."

After saying that Qi Hong retired a few steps, a pair of stalls regardless of the posture.

"Whether, let this son teach him to teach Qi Hongda, how to be a good commander, not to eat and work all day."

Qi Han said with deep meaning, Qi Hong just snorted and did not answer.

"When you are a top-notch monk, what kind of guards do you need to use to kill your life?! It is stupid!"

Again, this time, Qi Han did not give a face, and Qi Hong’s sighs were straightforward. If it wasn’t for Qi Deng’s share of Qi’s Daquan, Qi Hong’s slap in the face would have slammed him in front of him. The tired guy is shooting dead!

"And optimistic, this son is repaired in the middle of the knot, how to take this person minutes."

"The son can't be in danger!"

Next to the three faces changed, and quickly made a sound, the seven leaders at this time are also all in one: "The son can not, this person is given to the next seven people!"

Qi Han chuckled: "No, if the son does not personally shoot, I am afraid that some people are not convinced."

Some people in his mouth naturally refer to Qi Hong.

Then step out, Qi Han figure directly toward the corridor.

Qi Hong, standing in the back, looked coldly at Qihan, who was heading for the corridor, with sneer and sarcasm in his eyes.

In his view, this Qi Han is a complete silly fork, loading goods.

If you can repair the talented person, you will get the person in this position. !

The reason why Qi Hong has not shot, but chooses to fill in with his life, that is to hurt his life!

From the moment, just in the moment when the 80,000 arrows were turned down, Qi Hong’s life and instinct that he had tempered for so many years told him that the sudden appearance of this person is absolutely not as simple as the foundation of the foundation! And dare to be alone, it is impossible to be so simple!

If you want to take a shot, I am afraid that this old life has to be put in. He still wants to live for a few more years.

Therefore, Qi Hong will not hesitate to ring the family clock and bring together the entire Qizhou power of Jingzhou! When those people arrive, he will have the opportunity to get out of the palace!

Qi Hong will think like this, and obviously, Qi Han can't think of it. At the moment, he just wants to force it.

And it is the kind that doesn't pretend to be uncomfortable!

In his opinion…

This time the disaster is the best time to stand up!

Looking at Qin Feng, who is 100 meters away from him, Qi Han’s eyes have an unbearable color, and he can even imagine!

As long as you put the people in front of you in a hurry, the things that Qi Hong can't do are easily handled by himself, and his own prestige will be completely opened in Qi, and the era of Qi's own is coming soon!

He has even imagined that others respectfully call him the scene of the ‘less master’!

The more I think about my heart, the more I am happy, the smug smile, I can’t help but appear on my face.

"Is this person afraid of being a fool? A person is smirking, what is he laughing at?"

Liu Man behind Qin Feng doubted himself, and Niu Dazhuang around her was a few strokes.

"I know you know, you are smarter than him."

Liu Man picked up his toes and patted the shoulders of Niu Da Zhuang, and Niu Dazhuang was nodded with satisfaction.

"Kid, I am a family..."

Qi Han smiled arrogantly, pressing the excitement in his heart, and suffocating Dan Tian, ​​he was about to say his name.

But when he hadn’t finished talking about it, his face changed dramatically!

With a hundred and eight blue streams, go straight to it!

Qin Fengyu is covered with frost!

I am murdered by Qin Feng and never inked with you!

What's more, Qi Linger is in pain at the moment, Qin Feng did not have time in this ink! 2k novel reading network

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