The city of Monkey King

Chapter 247: Into the inner palace city!

Qijia Neigong City, Qi Deng, who is still in the hall of the proceedings at the moment, with the departure of the lock, Qi Deng has already stood up, and this expression is no longer the timid shrinking of the lock. .

Turning to a very majestic face, is the attitude of the superior!

A pair of eyes, scanning the dozens of old parents in the entire temple, these people in the eyes of Qi Deng, have bowed their heads.

These elders, among which the minimum is repaired by the end of the knot, can be described as the core of the Qi family.

But a few days ago, the number of these elders was doubled.

As for those who are less, most of the whereabouts of the moment are the palace of the king, and some of them have no qualifications to enter the palace of the king, and the soul flies!

Those people are naturally loyal to the loyalty of the family, able to solve these loyal people within a few days, and there is no big turmoil.

At least from the outside, there is not much movement in Qi.

It can be seen that this lock has been lurking for at least a hundred years in Qijia, and the plan is extremely thorough. If not, it is impossible to do this step!

At this time, from the outside of the hall, seven people hurriedly ran up, his face was extremely ugly!

The intrusion of seven people suddenly caught the attention of others.

"What is it?"

Qi Deng saw these seven people, his face is very bad, these seven guys dare to break into without any notice!

"Big, big elder!"

The seven commanders uniformed and bowed, and the most middle one, continued to speak: "There are strong enemies, Qihong anti-water, Qi, Qihan son, dead."

When I said this, the cold sweat on the head of the person was condensed into a line, and the cockroach fell down, and did not dare to look at Qi Deng’s eyes.

When the moment of the death of Qi Han was heard, all the people in the temple were all stunned, and the group kept quiet and chose to shut up.

Qi Deng, the whole person is a glimpse first, then the eyes seem to burst out!

"You, you, what are you talking about! You say it again!!"

Qi Deng couldn't help but roar, and the voice echoed in the entire parliament!

"Humble, arrogant, Qi, Qi Han, has fallen!"


The commander of the speech, just finished talking, a powerful impact came on the face, the whole person was directly blasted out of the hall, rolled over the ground for more than ten laps to stop, vomiting blood!

And it is at this moment!


The gate of the inner palace city was forcibly pushed open!

Qi Deng looked out of the hall and listened to the horror of the ear from the outside, thinking that his only son was killed! There is no anger in the eyes!

"Everyone, go out with me."

Qi Deng walked out of the temple, with a full body of killing, the dozens of elders in the temple, are also behind them.

Except for the commander who was bombarded, the other six were wiped out of the cold sweat at the moment, and quickly turned to follow.

at the same time.

Among the Qi Jiazong shackles, Qi Linger’s soul, which was suspended in the air by five chains, is now as if it is to be dissipated. The soul seems to be transparent.

"Miss Miss, do you want to continue your mouth?"

Locking his mouth and laughing, at the moment, in the body of Qi Linger's soul, there is a net with a blue smoldering fire. On this net, it is a dense spike, full of tens of thousands.

"This net goes down, your soul will be riddled with holes, even... the soul flies."

"Now, you still have time, as long as you say the key, you can be free from any pain."

The sound, coming out of the lock, reverberated in the sacred swaying white candle.

"The soul is flying?"

Qi Linger opened his eyes in a difficult way, snorted, and looked at the locks with extreme contempt, his voice was weak: "Do you dare to let me fly? I am dead, and what you want is gone."

When I heard this, I felt a violent color in my eyes! Because Qi Linger... is right!

"Miss Miss, you know that the most annoying thing I have in my life is being threatened."

"Yes? That's great."

"court death!"

The lock slammed coldly, then the hand lifted up and grabbed it. The net was a momentary close, tightly attached to the soul of Qi Linger, and the 10,000 spikes pierced Qi Linger. In the soul!

Pain, rise from the soul!

The tragic cry came from this shack.


In the ear of a person!

The pair was covered with ice and cold, and the Qin wind swept through the inner palace city. This inner palace city has more than 20 halls!

The temple that held Qi Linger was behind the biggest hall of the temple!

That is!

Qin Feng looked at more than 30 knotty monks who walked out of the hall of the council!

Kill those who block yourself and you can reach!

"kill him."

Qi Deng’s face was furious and walked out of the House of the House. When he saw Qin Feng, there was no nonsense. Under one command, more than 30 monks and monks behind him were turned into streamers and went straight to Qin Feng!

Qi Hong, who was not far behind Qin Feng, saw more than 30 monks and buddies at the same time and shot at Qin Feng. At this time, he suddenly became very embarrassed. With his thousands of people, he did not even have one. Move, there are dozens of meters across the Qin wind.

This product really just wants to save lives, what kills the thief, are shit.

"Stand up and don't move."

Qin Feng faintly opened, this is what he said to Liu Man and Niu Dazhuang on his side.

Hand, rest in the ear!

The eyes looked at the more than thirty streams of rushing toward themselves, these thirty more monks!

Scorpion, a little glimpse!

In an instant, the golden hoop fell into the palm of the hand, the golden light flashed, the fierce grip, the ancient gold iron rod in hand, and then swept out with one hand and one stick toward the air!

The other end of the gold hoop is getting louder against the wind, hehe!

A huge ancient gold iron rod is reflected in the eyes of people!

More than a dozen loud noises, those rushing to the knot of the monk, when the golden hoop swept through the moment, as long as it was picked up by the golden hoop, all of them are scattered!

Not even the time of screaming!

For a moment!

More than 30 knots of Dan disappeared and suddenly died more than a dozen, and there are more than 20 remaining Dan monks, the streamer stopped in the middle of the road, one by one looking at Qin Feng...

However, the person they saw, these eyes, will be the last nightmare of their life!

The eyes filled with cold eyes fell into the eyes of these monks.

At the same time, the sound of thunder was made in this square in front of the temple. The whole circle was transformed into a thunder pool. Those who belonged to Qi Deng’s veins were horrified to watch the thunder appearing everywhere, screaming. Sound, crying, endless!

Among the thunder pools, the silver thunder whistling in it, and one after another, a thundering dragon, gathered out from it!

Xuan Zang Lei Long!

And in this sky, Jianming Xiaotian! Under the moonlight silver light, one hundred and eight handles with a blue sky and a sword, the tip of the sword pointed directly below, pointing to the more than twenty knots of monks! 2k novel reading network

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