The city of Monkey King

Chapter 248: Outside the door! [Three more]

"No, no... I don't want to die!"

"Oh, save me... save me!"


"No, don't!!"


Among the Thunder Pools, the so-called ‘嫡系’ that belonged to Qi Deng’s veins were all extinct by the Thunder. No matter how screaming, there is no use for half a dime.

These people are called tragic.

However, they never thought about it. When they aligned with the people of Linger, they screamed, but the screams of those people became their laughter.

Now, it’s just a screaming turn, and today they are at their home!

For these people's sorrow, Qin Feng simply did not care.

His eyes fell on the remaining twenty more monks and monks. These monks and monks, all of them are trembled at the moment. They never thought that the kid who was at the peak of the building could be strong enough. .

Previously, a stick actually put more than a dozen knots of monks directly...

Just a stick, a stick! All dead? !

If it is not really discovered, they can never believe that the cloud water industry will find such a thing!

But at the moment, they obviously didn't have much time to be shocked by what happened. Because in front of them, there was already a thundering dragon, and from the sky, there were hundreds of blue swords and galloping down!

For these, these twenty more monks, there is no way to resist, even running can not run! There is only one fate waiting for them... dead!

Perhaps this is the cause and effect of their lives. Their hands are stained with the blood of those who are loyal to their families. Now, it is their turn to pay their debts!

Thunder roaring, Jianguang roaring!

The entire mine pool has completely become a place of killing!

However, the work of three or four interest, these more than 20 knots of monks, or was swallowed up by the Thunder, the whole body was burst into a powder by the Thunder, or was worn by the Cangjian sword, the breath is extinct! No one escapes!

There are also those 嫡 一 齐 齐 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

When everything disappears, when the thunder pool is also scattered, the entire square suddenly becomes dead...

Qi Hong took his thousands of people and looked at everything in front of him.

‘啪’ is a slap in the face.

Ma's... will hurt!

This is not a dream!

"This is too...!"

Qi Hong saw the back of Qin Feng. At the moment, even the adjectives could not be found. In addition to his horror, his eyes were only shocked!

At this moment, among the people who walked out of the House of Representatives, the last one left, Qi Deng!

"you you you…"

At this moment, Qi Deng, with a terrified face, completely forgot that he was a powerful monk of the peak of the knot, he was already scared!

When Qin Feng’s eyes fell on him, his heart was fierce. The first thing he thought of was not a battle with Qin Feng, but how to run!

It’s a must if you look like this.

"You, you have to be together, I will give you the family!"

"What do you want, what do I give you!"

Qi Deng suddenly spoke like a fool and said such a string of words.

Sure enough, such a person who cherishes his life, even if it is in a state of mortality, is also trying to seek a life.

It’s better to be a dog than to be a good person.

"I want your life."

Qin Feng faintly opened, and the one hundred and eight stalks of the sword were instantly aligned with Qi Deng.

"Okay, good man, I am, I am just obeying, I don't want to... I..."

Qi Deng slammed down and slammed down toward Qin Feng, which was a fierce gimmick, squeaking, and his nose and tears fell.

The elders of Qi Jiada, the monks of Jie Dan... are actually the appearance of this, it is simply ridiculous.

If you change your heart and soul, under Qideng’s gimmick, you might have put this Qi Deng a horse, but it’s a pity... He met Qin Feng.

Qin Feng, never eat this set!

Very early on, he understood the truth. People are deceived by people, and they are softly being riding. To treat some people, you must be jealous! And it’s going to make him feel scared!

Eyes, slightly squinted at Qi Deng, the hundred and hundred handles of the sword, with the sound of swords, turned into a blue stream of light and went straight to Qideng's head.

Passing by, he sent him a heart-warming package, Qi Deng Qihan, the father and son die almost exactly the same, it can be regarded as a father and son.

Qi Deng is dead, the pulse, and his accomplices are also dead!

Qin Feng looked at the forum in front of him, and a stick screamed out and thundered!

The entire hall of the council was directly smashed from the middle, and the whole temple collapsed. When the temple collapsed, hundreds of meters away, another temple was reflected in the eyes of Qin Feng.

It is a temple that is no less than the size of this hall, and its plaque has four words.


Qin Feng saw this Qi Jiazong, his eyes became even more cold. Before his knowledge, he stopped from here, and at this moment... from this temple, there was a scream.

That is, the voice of Qi Linger!

"Linger sister!"

Liu Man heard this voice, suddenly his face changed abruptly, and rushed toward the temple, and Niu Dazhuang was ‘oh! ‘The call, quickly followed up.

When they were two hundred meters away from Qijiazong, they suddenly found that before the gate of Qijiazong, Qin Feng’s figure was already outside the door.

In those eyes, it was covered with deep chill!

Hand, toward this door, lifted up!

And at the moment, in the door.

Qi Linger’s soul was suspended in the air, and it was tightly fitted by the spiked net, and the ice and fire were still continuing. Her soul trembled in this pain, the unspeakable pain, the moment. It will not stop, it is simply able to torture people into madmen!

Even called, Qi Linger is still unable to move at this moment! She is close to numbness!

"Miss Miss, I advise you to hurry and say! Otherwise, this kind of pain, all the time, all the time, you think about it, is it worth it?"

The lock sneered and opened his mouth, trying to break Qi Linger's psychological defense, but his face was not very good at the moment. Just a burst of loud noise outside, shouting and shouting, these voices he did not hear.

Just because I heard it, I was even more annoyed! Because he got the news, but it was a monk who built the foundation, and he was so troublesome!

"Qi Deng this dog thing, the power of the family, even a small monk can not do, I really do not know how to repair the knot of the peak, to achieve the Qi family elders! It is really waste!"

Biting his teeth, there is a hint of suffocation in the eyes of the lock.

"When the key is taken, the old waste is killed."

The lock is so thought of at the moment, but he does not know... Qi Deng, who is about to die, has been killed by Qin Feng!

At this moment, Qin Feng is just outside the door! 2k novel reading network

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