The city of Monkey King

Chapter 249: Damn it! [Request for tickets! 】

"Is that you..."

Qi Linger's soul, at this moment is suspended in the air by five chains, the whole body is stabbed into the soul, the ice and fire are heavy, the handover is switched!

Pain... especially painful!

Uncomfortable... unbearable!

It hurts that Qi Linger is already numb in the pain.

It is difficult for Qi Linger to know where he is.

But at this moment... her eyes suddenly burst into brilliance, looking at the direction of the temple door, her eyes, the first time she had tears.

She seems to have heard his breathing.

It's like being in the ear, it's so clear.

It's you…

It's you……

Is that you…

You came.

"What? Still want someone to save you?"

The lock saw the appearance of Qi Linger, and there was a hot scent in his eyes. He raised his hand and a black whip appeared in his hand. This is a whip that is specially used to beat the soul!

A whip goes down, enough to make people feel bad for ten days!

At this moment, on the face of the lock, there is a hustle and bustle, and he does not intend to continue to be a smile!

"Let you not say!"

With a sly, the black whip in the hand, swiftly waved toward Qi Linger!

It is also at this moment!


The temple door, fiercely blasted, a blue stream of light passed, the black whip in the lock of the hand directly broke in the Jianguang, followed by a few handles of stream, from Qi Linger's body.

Chains, the thorn net... everything is broken under the sword.

Before the lock response, a figure was swept by the wind, and Qin Feng waved his hand and took the body of Qi Linger into his arms. It happened that the soul of Qi Linger fell into the flesh.


Qi Ling's soul returned to the flesh, she... opened her eyes, when she saw the familiar face, the face that was so stinky, from beginning to end, no matter how tortured, she did not drop her tears. .

At this moment, the red eyes and the tears rushed out.

"You are a bad person... How come you come... How come! You know... I am so scared, I am so scared..."

Qi Linger leaned on the chest of Qin Feng, crying... laughing and crying, crying.

At this moment, she seems to have forgotten the pain caused by the double fire in her body.

Just because I saw his joy.

She forgot her pain at the moment, Qin Feng is in the eyes, under the eyes of fire, all the conditions of Qi Linger's body are extremely clear, the change of ice and fire!

Just watching, you know that it is suffering, let alone endure this painful Qi Linger!

Qin Feng’s heart is already angry!

At this moment, the lock, watching the Qin Feng appearing in the temple, see Qi Ling children holding Qin Feng, the whole person's face is full of anger!

"A bunch of waste!"

The nature of the lock is naturally the people of Qi Deng, but now it doesn't make sense. After all, these people are already dead.

At the same time... his body shape is also fierce and retreat outside the temple!

He is very clear that he secretly controls the soul of others is a good hand, but if it is directly relative, even that Qi Deng Deng Dan Feng is not an opponent, he certainly can not be, or run first!

The people who take the soul of the sect are not good at fighting, and they are good at hiding, controlling the soul, and disguising.

The Qin wind swept over the locks that escaped from the temple, and the eyes were cold and stunned. One hundred and eight handles of the swords of the sky, suddenly rushed out and chased up!

It is already a ruined hall of the ruins, at the moment...

Under the moonlight, the lock is on top of this ruin, and in his whole body, one hundred and eight handles of the sword, exudes swordsmanship, and surrounds it in the middle, this lock is to run and there is no land. run!

Qi Hong and his thousands of guards at home, this time is a comeback!

"Give me around!"

With Qi Hong’s order, the thousands of guards will suddenly be locked up on the ruins!

At this moment, Qin Feng held Qi Linger and slowly walked out toward the ruins. Those Qijia escorts quickly separated a road.

"How is the Linger sister?!"

Liu Man quickly ran to the side of Qin Feng. When he saw the change of Qi Linger's body in the Qin Feng Huai, he saw the weak appearance of Qi Linger, and suddenly his tears fell.

On the other side, Niu Dazhuang saw Qi Linger's appearance, and the more angry nose was blown up! I am so angry that I look at the eyes of the lock, and I can’t wait to directly kill the lock!

Qin Feng looks indifferent at the moment, but his heart is squatting. He can feel the change of Qi Linger at this moment. The body is divided into two parts, part of which is cold and part of which is hot.

But the time of death, this hot and cold exchange, this pain, think about it is enough to make people scalp numb!

For a long time... torture can kill people alive!

"Give me the antidote."

Qin Feng looked up at the lock, his eyes were cold, and his voice was silent.

"Oh? Do you want to dissolve the medicine?"

Locked at this moment, smiled, turned and looked at Qin Feng, completely do not care about the one hundred and eight handles of the sword.

Only need a thought of Qin Feng, this one hundred and eight handles can be slashed into a sieve in an instant!

"give me."

Qin Feng once again spoke, the sound came from the abyss of Jiuyin, with the ultimate chill, listening to the human ear as a cold mans in the back.

One out!

The sword of the sky, with a few handles in a moment, passes through the locks, but it is not the key.

Blood, dyed red clothes.

"Ha ha…"

The lock squats slightly, gasping for a big mouth, and there is fine and dense sweat on his face.


Looking up at Qin Feng, grinning!

"I will let you give it to me!"

Qin Feng is almost roaring!

The one hundred and eight stalks of the sword, issued a terrifying sword, like crazy, in the lock of the whole body, criss-cross, one after another, countless sword marks appear on the lock!

Blood, dripping not only, in the body ten meters round, are scattered blood.

The lock couldn't hold, and the whole person slammed on the ground. At this moment, he looked up and looked at Qin Feng. The face seemed to be afraid, and his eyes seemed to be shaking.

He seems to be compromising.

"You want to dissolve the medicine, I, I will give it to you."

Said, raised his hand.

Qin Feng saw the sudden change of attitude, although strange, but the heart is also slightly loose... However, in the next moment! When Qin Feng saw the smug smile of the cockroach suddenly appearing on the face of the lock, suddenly his heart slammed!

"Give you!"

The hand that lifted the lock, a fierce grip!


With the lock in one hand, in the body of Qi Linger, there is a subtle sound, the ice and fire two heavy Dan, completely burst!

Endless ice and fire, in the blink of an eye will all of Qi Linger, including the soul, swallow it!

Qi Linger, the whole person suddenly trembled fiercely!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Locking, like madness, laughs.


Qin Feng is in the middle of the cold!

One hundred and eight handles of the sword, this time without the slightest mercy, the sword is almost the key! With Ling Rui's sword squatting down! 2k novel reading network

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