The city of Monkey King

Chapter 250: You won't die!

Sword and spirit, sweeping over the body of the lock!

However, in the twinkling of an eye, one hundred and eight handles of the sword of the sky, the lock is completely slashed into a sieve!

Blood fog, cockroaches burst!

However... it’s weird!

The locks that Wan Jian passed through the heart, but there was no pain and despair in front of his face. Instead, he looked at the Qin wind in the distance with a strange smile.

When the eyes lost their minds.

The figure was straight and backward, and he fell on the ruins, splashing some smoke.

Then the amazing thing happened. The lock on the ground fell, and the body was filled with a black mist, looks, body shape. When the black fog dissipated, it was no longer the original appearance, but another person’s Looks like a rounded eye, a big mouth, and the death is extraordinarily infiltrating!

Qin Feng in the distance, naturally saw this scene.

This guy...not dead!

It seems that his body is not here, this ‘lock 魄’ is just a prosthesis that he knows possessed!

However, at this moment, Qin Feng has no intention to care whether the lock is a real death or a suspended animation. Qi Linger in his arms is trembled violently.

Ice and fire two heavy Dan burst in her body, the raging ice cold and blazing in her body criss-cross, this time... no longer the two ice fire conversion before it is so simple!

It's the whole body, almost every inch of flesh and blood, the ice and fire are changing at any time!

"I am so uncomfortable... so uncomfortable..."

Qi Linger, like a wounded kitten, curled up in the arms of Qin Feng, closed his eyes, clenched his teeth tightly, and couldn’t help but tremble, with cold sweat falling like rain, wet Through the clothes.

"Linger sister, what happened to her?!"

On the side of Liu Man saw Qi Linger's appearance, and suddenly he couldn't do it. Niu Dazhuang was even more anxious and sweaty, and he kept calling.

"She won't have anything."

Qin Feng, looking down at Qi Linger in his arms, has a firm intention in his eyes.

The figure jumped up, and a sturdy sword pad was on the sole of the foot, turning into a sword light and galloping away from the sky!

"You, where are you going to take the Linger sister?!"

When Qin Feng, who saw the royals, suddenly shouted, Niu Dazhuang couldn’t help but squat toward the sky.

Qin Feng's Jianguang, but the number of interest is disappearing in the horizon.

Qi Hong saw the Jianguang disappeared in the sky, and could not help but loose his heart.

Qin Feng is here, his heart pressure is really big... After all, this is the existence of killing himself.

"Grand leader, we, what should we do now?"

At the side of Qi Hong, his cronies swept away the broken scene around him, and could not help but ask.

Who can think of the once brilliant family, has become what it is now.

The previous infighting lost nearly 30% of the power. At this moment, Qin Feng killed 30%. Today's Qi family, only these Miyagi guards and those outside the Qi family.

It’s a complete waste, and it’s absolutely impossible to recover without a five or six hundred years.

"What to do? This kind of thing has to be asked! Are you saying that you are stupid?!"

Qi Hong coldly glanced at his cronies, and then screamed: "Everyone, immediately follow me to welcome the owner!"

The owner of his mouth, naturally, is not a dead Qi, but Qi Shizhou! The second son of Qi Wei, the second brother of Qi Linger! It is also the only person in the Qi family who is qualified to inherit the position of the owner!

Although Qi Shizhou had been locked up by Qi Shi and Qi Deng, but it was only a slap in the face, even the right to live in the inner palace city is not, has been confined to a deserted house in Zhonggong City, Day and night are guarded and banned in the dark cabin, it is a luxury to think out.

Qi Hong took people to the Zhonggong City with great enthusiasm. Liu Man and Niu Dazhuang were in a hurry.

As for Qin Feng...

At this moment, Qin Feng is at the fastest speed to defend the sword!

Where he is going, Yushan Yaoge!

The rain mountain where the medicine cabinet is located is at the junction of Jingzhou and Liangzhou. It is not far from Jingye City. It is also the most famous place in the world for medical treatment. Its owner is also regarded as Yunshui by Yunshui. First **** doctor.

Regarding the medicine cabinet, there has been a saying in the cloud water world: the rotten white bones are not scattered, and they dare to refuse the gates of the government.

That means, in addition to the regular Yangshou has done, no matter what the injury, but as long as the soul does not scatter, his medicine cabinet can pull people back from the ghost gate!

Of course, this is an exaggeration of words, but it has also been seen from this point of view, medicine cabinet medicine, at least in the cloud water world is the crown is unparalleled.

Qi Linger now, in this case, Qin Feng, who does not understand medical skills, can't cope with it. Apart from the medicine cabinet, he can't find any other way!

"Qin, Qin Feng... I, I... I want it, I am going to die."

Qin Ling, who is in the arms of Qin Feng, opened her eyes in a difficult way. The eyes were very tired. She tried hard to open it, but she couldn’t help but close. She looked up at Qin Feng’s face as much as possible. She... still wants to watch it a few more times.

She wants to remember this face in the soul, never forgetting.

Even if it is dead, it is a reincarnation...

"You will not die."

Qin Feng brows and wrinkles, snorting and drinking low.

"Ming, obviously, it is you who said that I will die..."

Qi Linger showed a smile, playful and intermittent, although this moment of playful, this smirk is so weak, so weak.

This sentence, can not help but let Qin Feng think of the last dialogue between himself and Qi Linger before that, it was at Xianling College, he said three words, each sentence is said that Qi Linger left to die.

Who ever thought...

Qin Feng, a scorpion fierce!

"If I don't let you die, even if it's ten temples! You can't take you away!"

"It’s stinking..."

Qi Linger in the Qin Feng Huai, heard this, despite the pain in the body, but the face, but it is a smile, it is a happy smile.

The hand was wrapped around the neck of Qin Feng, and the head was smashed into the heart of Qin Feng. Qi Linger looked at the side of Qin Feng with a slight gaze.

"Miss Ben... For the time being, I believe you for the time being, you, one... once."

After saying this, Qi Linger’s consciousness slowly fell asleep. The eyes that looked at Qin Feng’s face were also slowly closed, and the hand holding Qin’s neck fell.

Qi Linger leaned on Qin Feng's arms and fainted in the past.

The violent impact of the two ice and fire has already surpassed the limit that she can endure. It is a miracle to persist until now.

Qin Feng looked down at Qi Linger, even if it was fainting, the body could not stop shaking, the whistling wind swept the blue silk of Qi Linger, and it was also the hair that fluttered through the corners of the eyes before the Qin wind. His spiritual power surged into Qi Linger's body, trying to contain the power of the ice.

However, it didn't have much effect. The power of this ice fire came too violently. In the moment of the explosion, it was almost instantaneous to cover every inch of Qi Linger.

Looking at Qi Linger who was sleeping in the past, Qin Feng did not know why, and the minds of the past could not help but emerge from the past. From the first time in Zhuyin Mountain Villa, two people met...

At first, she thought she was just a ruthless Missy.

Later, I slowly learned that although Qi Linger grew up from a small collection, she was not arrogant, not arrogant, but her heart was extremely kind, and she liked to fight.

Taking a deep breath, the mood was very heavy, and Qin Feng looked straight ahead.

The horizon is already beginning to dawn, with a glimmer of red light shining from the clouds.

A blue sword rainbow, passing under the dawn of red light. 2k novel reading network

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