The city of Monkey King

Chapter 251: Not saved but saved! [Three more]

The state of the Kyushu Center, which is also known as Yuzhou.

The capital city of Yuzhou, Yucheng, the dawn of the day, the whole city is still in silence, a piece of security.

And in this central building of the Yucheng Center.

A 90-storey building at the top of the building, the 98th floor, one of the closed rooms, this room is surrounded by white walls, except for the four oil lamps hanging on the four walls. Nothing else.

The center of the house has one person kneeling on the ground.

At this moment, all the four oil lamps ‘call’ were extinguished, and the whole room was in the darkness of silence. The man sitting on the knees opened his eyes!

The face was fierce red, and the sound of ‘wow’ spit out the blood. The whole person’s breath suddenly fell by half, just like a sick scorpion.


Holding his chest, one hand on the ground, the face of the lock has an angry color, he worked hard for a hundred years in the family, so it was destroyed in the same day!

From the key, it is obviously the last step!

Angry, angry, unwilling!

At this moment, in the dark eastern corner of the room, there was a figure appearing. When this figure appeared, it was kneeling on the ground with a slight hoarse voice.

"See the right, the sect of the sect is reported, the key of the literary master has been succeeded before an hour, the nine keys have been stalked, and only the family has a handle, but also the right to complete the mission as soon as possible, to help the Lord as soon as possible Complete the great cause."

"The Sovereign also said that he has not yet presented the right to defeat the Lord, and hopes that the right can understand the lord's pains and not let him down."

"This ambassador knows."

The lock wiped the blood from the corner of the mouth, and there was a hint of ochre in the eyes!

I think that he was so fascinated by the soul of the lord, and even mixed into this place, the nine handles lacked one... Fortunately, the demon lord cut him a few faces, and he was not present.

If it is known to the Holy One, I am afraid that Thunder will be furious! Who can't keep this life!

The most urgent task is to get the key to the hand! If not, this matter will be known to the Lord sooner or later!

"Left can you come back?"

The lock looked at the shadow in the darkness.

"Left makes the soul still in the main hall, and at this moment, the soul is at the Faerie."

The shadow of the shadow in the dark came out.

This soul, the soul, this is the mode of the soul of the soul of the cultivation!

For example, the body that died in the lock before the lock, but his soul is attached to a Qi family, so even if it is dead, at most, his own soul is dissipated, the soul is severely damaged, and will not be killed. It can be restored after one or two years of cultivation.

Of course, this also has shortcomings. The soul and the soul can only control one at the same time. Therefore, when the soul is acting, the soul is hidden in an extremely safe place.

"This is what you know, let's go back."

The locks faintly open, and the shadows in the darkness are slowly hidden in the darkness.

"Fairy Academy..."

The lock station got up, this time... he wants to use this soul!

In his opinion, he will blast the ice and fire, and Miss Qi Jiasan will die, and before she dies, she will definitely tell the person the whereabouts of the key!

The one who makes you feel embarrassed!

In the eyes of the lock, you have passed a violent gas!


Faerie College.

The pavilion where Qi Linger lived before, at this moment, the pavilion has already disappeared. Instead, it is the enchantment of a blue flame, and the trapped inside is the soul.

At this moment, the soul of the soul, sitting cross-legged in the center of this enchantment, closed eyes, slowly opened.

"Nine handles lack one... Miss Qi Jiasan was taken away by an unknown architect."

Muttering to himself, these are all known to him from his own soul. There is a touch of color in the eyes of the soul: "Unknown Zhuji monks... can kill the Qiji monks of the Qi family elders."

At this moment, in his mind, a person's appearance, Qin Feng.

"It’s no wonder that the guy who lost the lock will lose."

Slightly raised his head, the dawn of the sky, the direction of the soul, it is a mountain peak, in the land of the mountain, there is a person, one of the deputy director of the fairy, Yu Yiming.

"The last key..."

In the eyes of the soul, this last key must have fallen into the hands of Qin Feng!

The idea of ​​this point is that the spirits are locked and the two are the same.

"Hey, I thought I could hide by changing my name?"

The corner of the soul of the soul has a sinister smile. If this is heard by Qin Feng, I am afraid that it will be a fierce glimpse.

Change name...

That was the way Lin Yuexi and Qin Chuxue hid in Xianling College.

The corner of the mouth was slightly moving, and one of the sounds was actually worn out by the enchantment and went straight to Yu Yiming, who was at the top of the mountain.

However, the number of interest, the Yu Yiming who stood in the foothills, looked at the ghosts from afar, then turned and left.

The ninth handle must be handed, no matter what, no matter what the price!


Breaking red days, slowly rising from the east.

The land of Jingzhou and Liangzhou has a mountain range. It is covered with rain and fog all year round, and it is called Yushan.

The drugstore, which is well-known throughout the Yunshui industry, is the main peak of this rainy mountain.

At this moment, in the land above the rainy mountain, a blue stream of light gallops and stays over the main peak.

Qin Feng holds Qi Linger in his arms, and he has an eager eye. He can feel that Qi Linger’s body has begun to resist his spiritual power!

This... is a sign of death!

The powerful impact of the two blasts of the ice and fire, the body and spirit of Qi Linger are on the verge of extreme collapse!

As long as a little careless, the body is gray, and the soul is scattered.

Qin Feng looked at the main peak of the rainy mountain, the rain and the fog haunted, and there was a glimpse of a jade pavilion inside, and a large number of planned medicine fields, with a strong aura.

"The younger Qin Feng, come to seek medicine!"

Qin Feng shouted out, and the voice echoed throughout the main peak, but... the voice echoed for a long time, but there was no response.

I have long heard that although the people of the medicine cabinet are in the world of medical science, but these people are not proud of each other, saving people can not help people completely.

"My friend is suffering from a strange injury, and his life is in jeopardy. I also ask the seniors of the medicine cabinet to help one or two! The younger generation must have a good report!"

Qin Feng shouted again, still... only the voice echoed, but did not get the slightest response!

Didn't the people in the medicine cabinet hear it? !


This group of guys are monks, and they are not ordinary monks. The people of alchemy are far more than ordinary people. Don’t say that Qin Feng’s infusion is so sturdy, that is, mortals are here for a scorpion, and they can definitely hear it!

These old guys! Obviously, I plan to see you die!

Qin Feng, the scorpion slightly colded up.

And at this moment, from the main peak of Yushan, there is a voice coming out, the voice is extremely impatient, and arrogant!

"Medicine Hill rules, people who seek medicine for treatment, must worship at the gate of the mountain three times, nine short, a fragrant, more than three or five days, since someone came to pick up, where is the nameless boy?! Do not understand The rules are roaring in this roar, this time disrespectful, the medicine cabinet is not saved, and it is not going to roll quickly!"

The voice, echoing in the sky, full of arrogance.

The scorpion of Qin Feng has changed from a cold to a deep cold!

Who knows how long it will take to follow your rules, let alone three or five days, a fragrant incense, is a cup of tea, Qi Linger can not wait!

Disrespectful? Where are you disrespectful? !

The number of gifts, I have already given.

Face, also gave.

Don't talk about the number of gifts, don't shame your face, then no wonder Laozi plays hard with you!

Not saving? !

Not saved but saved! 2k novel reading network

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