The city of Monkey King

Chapter 252: Once again, I will kill you! [four more]

The rain and fog covered the entire main peak, and there was a flame in the Qin dynasty.


Under these eyes, the entire mountain of the main peak of the rainy mountain is reflected in the shackles.

Clear lines of circulation.

That one eye is clear!

"No rescue?!"

Qin Feng screamed coldly, and in a flash, from his body, one hundred and eight stalks of the sword screamed away, and instantly fell toward the scene of this big battle!


The sword fell and the eyes collapsed. This mountain squad began to collapse!

The main peak of the entire rainy mountain is violently shaken with the collapse of the big array!

"Bold mad!"

From the main peak of Yushan, there is a roaring voice coming out!

However, in the twinkling of an eye, a stream of light came from the sky, with a very angry snoring, it was a monk under the seal, I want to come today is his turn guard.

When this Xia Dan's product was repaired, it was noticed that Qin Feng was only a foundation monk, and suddenly became more annoyed.

"I am guilty of ruining the pharmacy..."

The old man has a pair of eyes on the Qin wind, this has not finished!

Qin Feng's figure, in an instant, appeared in front of him, his eyes were cold, holding Qi Linger in his arms, and one foot was slamming toward the people.


This Xia Dan product monk, like a cannonball landing, was directly dragged back to the main peak of the rain mountain, slammed on the ground, splashing smoke.

Qin Feng held Qi Linger, his eyes were cold and deserted, and he was allowed to break through the mouth of this large array.

Feet, stepping on the ground of the main peak of the rainy mountain.

Under the soles of the feet, it is a white jade masonry. The place where the Qin wind falls is the most central place in the medicine court, Danchang!

On top of this Dan field, there are hundreds of Dan Ding regulars.

And around the Qin Feng, there are already thirty or fifty old men gathered together, and they are paying attention to Qin Feng.

On the ground where the old man fell before, there was a group of people who quickly helped the old man to get up. It was also a look of Qin Feng.

The people in this group of medicines are used to the arrogance on weekdays. Others, even the nine great families, and the six people come to them to do alchemy, they are all polite, lest they should be offended, let alone This kid.

Those who dare to fight the medicine cabinet! It’s just too lawless!

"You want to save her?"

At this moment, one is dressed in a gray robe, his hair is half-white and half gray, and his beard is all white. Obviously, the person with the highest qualification in this group of people is stunned by the Qi Linger held in the arms of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked at this person and nodded.

"This kind of appearance still saves what is saved, the mortal person, the waste of medicine Danli."

The old man did not know the truth or deliberately said this, when the words came out, suddenly Qin Feng scorpion stunned, in a twinkling of an instant, a constant pressure on the old man.


The old man was directly bombarded by hundreds of meters, and even more than a dozen Dan Ding, this is on the ground.

"Iron old!"

"Iron old! Look at the iron old thing!"

Suddenly this bunch of people were panicked, and quickly ran towards the old man with white beard.

"The old man said that she didn't save it, she didn't save it! Even if it was the owner's shot, it was not saved!"

I didn't expect that the old man was still very strong. The whole man was kneeling on the ground. An old bone was estimated to have broken several pieces, but he still shouted loudly!

"Again, I will kill you."

Qin Feng coldly squinted at the white-bearded old man who was lying on the ground. The old man was called Ironwood. As his name is, it is an old stubborn, iron-wood, and obeying the rules.

He saw that Qin Feng did not follow the rules and asked for medicine. In addition, he rushed into the pharmacy, and suddenly he was angry. But he did not tell lies. When he saw Qi Linger’s first sight, he concluded that Qi Linger had no save!

Must die!

He said that he wanted to let Qin Feng die, who knows that Qin Feng is not in a word.

Ironwood climbed up from the ground, and an old-fashioned flesh was trembled. He had never been so shameful.

"Kid, you listen to the old man, the female doll in your hand, she must..."

The words of Tiemu have not been finished yet. Several people around him have quickly smashed the mouth of Tiemu.

"Iron old, you will say less, this kid is unclear, not good."

Several people joined hands and were afraid that Tiemu would come back with a sentence of "must die."

Looking at the old man said, Qin Feng brows up, he saw it, this white beard old man did not mean to say so.

But it really means this...

Is it... even the medicine cabinet can't save her? !

Qin Feng looked at Qi Linger, who was sleeping in his arms, and his brows wrinkled.

The big array was broken!

The entire drug court was alarmed. The young alchemists, even some apprentices who specialize in growing medicines in the medicine fields, all gathered together on the side of Qin Feng.

All of them are shocked and angry!

As a person in the medicine cabinet, they have always been superior. When they were treated like this, they were so wronged that even the old-fashioned iron wood did not dare to suffer.

After all, the strength is there, the pressure from the Qin Feng body, even if these people are the top of the knot, but also do not dare to move.

"What is this kid's head?! It's so arrogant, the old man has a great grace for the former Kunlunge, and he is the oldest man of the iron, even if it is the sword of the Kunlun Pavilion, he will be polite when he sees the old man." Hello, is this kid a teasing?! Even the old iron dare to fight!"

"I don't know, I have never seen this character. It seems that only the foundation of the foundation is repaired, but the real strength is strong. I don't think it will be lower than the top grade. Otherwise, the elders will not let go. Regardless of."

"Don't talk about it! The owner is here!"

"Wow, I am alarmed by the owner?! I came to the drugstore for 13 years as a drug field apprentice. This is the first time I have seen the owner!"

"A rumor is a hundred years ago, I don't know what happened. Since then, the owner has rarely appeared. Don't say that you only have 13 years. I have been in the drug court for 30 years. This is the first time I have seen the cabinet. Lord! It is estimated that this time the big battle was broken, the trouble was too big, and the owner had to come out and town!"

"Excited! Excited!"

"Fast, fast, fast!"


There are not many people in the medicine cabinet. The elders Dan Shi, the ordinary Dan teacher, the apprentices who manage the medicine field, etc. add up to a thousand or so.

After all, alchemy is one way, the emphasis is on qualifications and patience, and there is no use for people.

At this moment, these people are respectfully separated from each other. They are all bowed and bowed. They have an old man in a purple and white robes and walked out of this crowd.

The maze is majestic, and the body exudes the scent of the peak of the knot, but this breath...but it is more powerful than the ordinary peak of the knot.

"The power of a strong soul."

Qin Feng saw the drug cabinet owner coming, but also a surprise, the people of alchemy are really different, the power of this spirit is far superior to the same level!

However, as the owner of the drug cabinet approached, Qin Feng’s eyebrows slowly wrinkled.

I don't know why... He thinks that this drug cabinet owner is a little like a person in the impression.

A woman, or an old man.

Yun Ling's master, the late person, Ouyang Shaoqin. 2k novel reading network

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