The city of Monkey King

Chapter 254: All are counts. [Request for tickets]

Yushan Pharmaceutical Pavilion, its most important place, is the Pharmacy Court.

In this Pharmacopoeia, the Danfang, which is nearly 80% of the entire cloud water, is stored. This is the accumulation of the drugstore for thousands of years.

There are even a lot of Danfang, which did not belong to the Yunshui world. In this Pharmacopoeia, there are also collections.

In the entire medicine cabinet, only the owner can enter the Pharmacopoeia Pavilion at will. Anyone who has no cabinet owner will enter the Pharmacy Court.

Lightly ousted from the mountain gate, but was abolished and became a mortal.

The Pharmacopoeia Pavilion was originally used to store thousands of Danfangs. However, one day before a hundred years ago, the owner of the Yaoge Pavilion, Ouyang Changyu, entered the Pharmacy Court and did not appear for three years.

Since then, this Pharmacopoeia has been taken up and down by the Medicine Court, acquiesced to become the residence of the drug cabinet owner.

At the moment, in the Pharmacopoeia.

Qin Feng looked around at a list of bookshelves up to 100 meters high. The roll of the scent of Dan Fang, or paper rolls, or a simple book, or a bamboo book, was placed on top of these bookshelves.

In the center of this circle of bookshelves, there is a piece of wooden vacant land with a radius of ten feet. Apart from one side of the grass, there is nothing in it. This is the place where Ouyang Changyu meditates on weekdays.

"Put her down."

Ouyang Changchun turned and looked at Qi Linger in the hands of Qin Feng, faintly opening.

Qin Feng nodded slightly, and then gently placed Qi Linger on the wooden board. Qi Linger’s body touched the ground, and the wooden board under her body began with a blue-green root. Appeared, slowly surrounding Qi Linger.

Then there is a flower and grass growing up.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng’s nephew slammed!

"Don't worry, this Pharmacopoeia Pavilion is built from the body of the Lingshu. Although it has become a wood, it can still be spiritual, and it is so weak that it is artificially fervented to her."

Ouyang Changyu said, Qin Feng saw a few more eyes on these flowers and found that he was indeed giving life to Qi Linger, and he was relieved and stood up.

"The owner, please."

Qin Feng looked at Ouyang Changyu, and his eyes were dignified.

"Please, I am useless, you have to ask yourself."

Ouyang Changchun looked at Qin Feng: "The soul of the soul of the soul of the two heavy Dan, its blood and fire poison is the soul, this poison is difficult to understand, let alone this ice and fire two heavy Dan has been completely dispersed, think It is impossible to save her with the power of medicinal herbs."

Qin Fan was silent when he spoke this time.

Qin Feng is very clear, Ouyang Changchun does not need to lie to him at this moment, since Ouyang Changyu can see that Qi Linger is suffering from the two sacred Dan, the person who is the owner of the Pharmacy, is naturally clear that Qi Linger is currently situation.

He said that there is no salvation, then it is really no help!

"Is there really no other way?!"

Qin Feng looked at Qi Linger, who was lying on the wooden board and surrounded by flowers and plants growing on the wooden board, frowning tightly.

"Are you not listening to the old man seriously? The old man said, the person who asked is not me, but yourself."


Qin Feng Mei Yu a condensate.

"Yes, it is you, this one in the Pharmacopoeia. You can use this method to get the poison of the ice to yourself, if you have to be willing to bear the poison of the fire."

"I am willing."

Qin Feng decisively responded, and the answer was so fast, but it was that Ouyang Chang could not help but look at it. In this way, it was nothing more than a life-changing life. This guy was so easily taken up!

Do you really not take your life as a life? !

"Can you think clearly?"

"Although your strength is strong, even if it is your body, you may not be able to withstand the poison of ice that has been hunted. You are likely to die."

Ouyang Changchun looked at Qin Feng, one word and one sentence, said with a condensate.

He said that this is not a joke, at least for him, even if this poison is passed to him, his alchemy teacher who is at the peak of the dynasty is also mortal.

In his view, Qin Feng is such a kid, it is not as strong as his own spirit, and the foundation is stable.

"What will she do? I will pass the poison to myself, she will be able to live?"

Qin Feng did not ask himself if he died. He only cares a little, and Qi Linger will not live.

"If I am there, my life can be saved. If I can wake up, I have to look at her own creation."

"The Lord of the House also asks you."

Qin Feng looked at Ouyang Changchun, without hesitation.

Ouyang Changchun saw that Qin Feng was so decisive that he could not help but reveal the meaning of appreciation. He had seen countless people and never seen Qin Feng, who did not take his life.

It is rare for a person to be one and the other, to be able to use his own life to change the lives of others.

"Who is this woman? I am so willing to do so."

Ouyang Changyi raised his hand, from the east side of the bookshelf, the seventy-eighth floor of the bookshelf, a roll of quaint blue bamboo slips floated out, hanging in the air.

In his opinion, if it is not a relative, it is also a pair of monks.

However, Qin Feng’s answer was to make him feel awkward.


Qin Feng just replied with an understatement, and then moved to the bamboo book, the book was simply taken into the hands.

"Friends, it’s really a righteous word."

Ouyang Changyu smiled and then spoke again.

"I have another question to ask before you can make a fire for her."

Ouyang Changchun looked at Qin Feng. He was afraid that Qin Feng would die. He wanted to ask if he had no time to ask.

"The owner wants to ask is the Ouyang Shaoqin predecessor."

Don't wait for Ouyang Changchun to say that Qin Feng can also know.

"Yes, Shaoqin, she..."

As soon as I heard Ouyang Shaoqin, Ouyang Changyu was obviously excited: "Where is she now?!"

Qin Feng looked at Ouyang Changchun and was silent for a long while: "Ouyang's old predecessors had already sat down in front of a child."

As soon as this was said, Ouyang Changyu was like a lightning strike, and he was in the same place!

"Sit with? How? How is it possible! With her birthday, it should be..."

According to Ouyang Chang’s estimation, Ouyang Shaoqin has at least a hundred years of Shouyuan’s right... What he doesn’t know is that in order to give Yunling a remedy that can relieve the drug, Ouyang Shaoqin is often Overdraft general use of spiritual power alchemy, almost all day and night, naturally hurts Shouyuan.

In addition, in the last time, I used my own five or six years of life to reproduce thirty-six lyrics.

This is only a hundred years ahead of the seat.

"Ouyang's predecessor is sitting in a place where it is not convenient to disclose it now. When it is convenient, I will personally bring the owner to go."

After that, Qin Feng did not care about Ouyang Changchun, closed his eyes, and the knowledge quickly poured into the Tablet of the Hand, and the laws in it were memorized in mind!

Ouyang Changchun, like a lost soul, turned and walked toward the temple.

"Sit down... sit down... sister, you are actually taking a step earlier than your brother."

In the eyes of Ouyang Changchun, it seems that there is an innocent girl who plays back and forth in front of herself. It really laughs that day.

"Brother, I will become the most powerful Dan teacher in the whole cloud in the future. Even if you become a cabinet owner, it is better than me!"

"Ha ha ha ~ brother, you are stupid, where the fire has such cultivation."


"Life count."

"All are fat numbers..."

Ouyang Changchun, like a lost soul, the whole person is as if he is ten years old and looks out of the medicine hall.

In this temple, Qin Feng opened his eyes!

He has already mastered the law and mastered it! 2k novel reading network

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