The city of Monkey King

Chapter 255: Jiu Sheng is out! [Three more]

Faerie College.

The faint morning light came out of the hidden clouds, scattered on the Wuling Peak, and the morning bells rang. Tens of thousands of students walked out of their own pavilions and began to go to the peaks to practice their courses.

In the top of the peak, the piece originally belonged to Qi Linger's pavilion, but at the moment it is the enchantment of the isolation.

Hooking the soul in the center of the enchantment, above the ruins of the pavilion, staring at the front, the mouth slightly smiling, in front of the enchantment area, there is an illusory figure appearing here.

The hundreds of celestial guards who were guarding around were not aware of the appearance of this person.

"Lock, you look really wolf, it seems that there is no less in the family."

The soul of the soul is smiling, looking at the illusory figure, and the sound comes out.

"I don't have to laugh at me. I have already determined that the person who took away Miss Qijia is the Qin wind you said."

The illusory figure is the lock from Yuzhou, and it is the soul of the lock.

"This is extremely powerful. The general peak of the knot is definitely not its opponent. Is the method you said really feasible?"

The lock continued to pass the sound to the soul, and there was a bit of jealousy in the voice. After all, he was already a little scared by Qin Feng.

"How? The right side of the hall is locked, afraid?"

The hook is still laughing, and the lock outside the enchantment hears the words of the soul, but the whole face is black.

Perhaps it is also the perception of the anger of the lock, the soul is a voice out, the eyes have a hot meaning.

"You can rest assured that this time we will not only take the shot, but the nine-serving adults will come. The kid will die without death!"

When I heard the words of the soul, the lock was not a joy, but suddenly panicked: "You said that the nine waiters will come?! The Lord... The Lord knows?! The Lord is not saying..."

"You can rest assured that the Sovereign has not presented you as a sovereign in the loss of your family. It is just unfortunate that the Lord will kill the kid, and this will send nine servants to the hand."

Ghosts are heard, but there are some doubts in his own eyes. Why does the Lord know the existence of Qin Feng?

"Why did the Lord know him? It was a one-time dispatch of nine sacred patrons. These nine servants are all peaks, and they are not comparable to those of ordinary tyrants!"

In the sound of the lock, there is an unspeakable horror, and the nine holy servants come out. This kind of thing has never happened in the millennium.

It is often the case that something is going on, the temple will send one or two sages to settle out, and the highest record is three. That time, because the poison prisoner of the year provoked the name of the sword of the Kyushu. .

Nine sages come out... never happened!

"The meaning of the Lord, you and I can speculate, just received the news, the Seven Star Hall up and down, all were destroyed last night."

In the language of the soul, the lock is heard in the ear, and it is not necessary to say who is destroyed. Everyone knows well.

At this moment, Qin Feng... has become the nail in the eyes of their entire Tianxing teaching. From top to bottom, no one wants to pull it out!

The bureau set up this time is not only for the last key, but also... to kill him!

"You go to Yu Yiming. He has already laid out the Destroyer Stars array at Xianling College. As long as the battle, the soul of the entire Faculty of the Faerie, the soul will be used for the big array, until the nine waiters arrive, everything Just start."

"As long as the Qin Feng stepped into the big battle, the nine sages shot, he couldn't escape even if he was a winger!"

The spirit of the soul is also heard. After listening to the words, the brow wrinkles: "Are you sure he will come? Will he enter?"

"He will definitely come."

The soul of the enchantment has a hot color.

This time the plan... very simple, simple to straightforward!

One sentence: attract people, take the keys, kill innocent!

The main peak of Xianling College.

Among the temples of the Faerie, there are four people in this temple at the moment.

This is the four deans of Xianling Mountain, one is three.

Tan Qingzhu, the dean of the college that has been rare for a few decades, sat in the middle position, Gongsuntong, Shanghuo, Yu Yiming, sitting on both sides of the temple.

Yu Yiming is a disciple of Gongsuntong. Naturally, they are sitting in the same column. At the moment, Yu Yiming has a very nice smile on his face, sitting in the back of the Gongsun.

"In the case of the soul sect, I have already given the news to the general cabinet. When the general cabinet has drafted a person, I will come to my fairy to raise the person personally. In the past few days, I have also asked the three to perform their duties. Nothing is wrong."

Tan Qingzhu pinched his little goatee and swept his eyes on several people in the temple, which was quite a headache.

This time he returned, in fact, the original purpose was not to arrest the soul of the soul-stricken sect, but to smother the fire, and to pull him back.

Say what Xianlingtai is ruined, killing each other, the singer blew himself up, the whole hospital is chaotic... What a lot of bad things are said, this forced the Qing Qingzhu to put down a lot of things in Jingzhou Branch and returned to the hospital.

Who knows that when I come back, there is nothing big in the hospital. Instead, there is such a big event as the dementor. Tan Qingzhu does not have the mentality to deal with any blackness. The most urgent task is to take the photo before the person in the general cabinet. The soul of the soul is optimistic.

What he fears most is that this commercial fire fights with Gongsun, but it is okay. This time, he personally sat in Xianling College, and he would not have any major events.

He will not leave the Faerie College until the person is taken away.

"The Dean is assured that my teacher and I must abide by the Dean's teachings and will never leave any scorpions."

Yu Yiming smiled and stood up and arched his hand toward Tan Qingzhu.

This pair of non-respecting attitudes is extremely decent, and the grandsons on the side are watching and laughing.

"That is good."

Tan Qingzhu saw that Yu Yiming was also very happy. In his eyes, Yu Yiming was young and promising. At least in the realm of Jie Dan’s top quality, he was very young, sincere, and extremely respectful. The qualification is even better. It is most likely. The person who took over his position, at that time, was promoted to the vice president, and it was also Tan Qingzhu’s decision.

In his view, after a hundred years, this Yu Yiming had the cultivation of the peak of the knot, he passed the position.


How did Xianling College know that Qin Feng did not know at the moment.

Yushan Pharmaceutical Court, among the Pharmacopoeia Pavilions.

Qin Feng half-squatted to the ground, holding Qi Linger's hand, the scorpion fiercely condensed, and the mouth of the heart suddenly remembered.

Call ~!

Suddenly, from the body of Qin Feng, if there is a suction, the two hands are in the same place, with the power of ice and fire, the surging from the body of Qi Linger, pouring into the body of Qin Feng!

The power of ice and fire into the body, brows, fierce wrinkles!

Alternate ice and fire, burning everything in the cold desert!

Even if it is Qin Feng, I can't help but sigh.

This kind of pain... is just the beginning, even one percent of Qi Linger’s experience is none!

Qin Feng could not imagine, Qi Linger endured such pain, and even able to smile at himself.

This girl has a strong heart! 2k novel reading network

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