The city of Monkey King

Chapter 256: Storm prelude! [four more]

The poison of ice and fire, the raging into the body of Qin Feng!

Qin Feng frowned, his face, constantly changing between the two colors, all over the body was filled with this ice fire poison.

Qi Linger, who was lying on the flowers and plants, was sucked away by Qin Feng with the poison of ice and fire in the body. At this moment, his face seems to be much better.

The fire is burning, the ice is cold, and Qin Feng feels the pain in the body. The eyebrows are tightly wrinkled. In his body, the great fairy is running crazy on Sunday, and these are the poison of ice and fire. Chemical.

And his flesh, although in pain, but with the ** Xuan Gong body, is not the poison of these ice fires can attack.

At least, this poison of ice and fire, can not pose the slightest threat to the life of Qin Feng, at most, this process is very painful.


This is Qi Linger who is in a coma. At this moment, he slowly opened his eyes. Although it is weak, it is much more peaceful than before.

"Don't talk, it will be fine for a while."

Qin Feng whispered, and the heart kept mourning the law, the poison of ice and fire in Qi Ling's body, and continued to surge into the Qin Feng.

This speed is getting faster and faster!

"Fast... fast, stop."

Qi Linger saw the change of the ice and fire on the face of Qin Feng, naturally knowing what Qin Feng is doing!

She knows the pain of this ice fire, so she does not want Qin Feng to follow it!

However, Qin Feng did not listen to her, and the speed of extracting the poison of Qi Linger's body was once again faster. No matter how Qi Linger broke away from the hands of Qin Feng, they could not do it!


Faerie College.

Huang Jiefeng, Lin Yuezhen and Qin Chuxue lived in the pavilion.

"Moon sister, what do you say your brother is doing now?"

Qin Shixue sat on the sofa, wearing a handsome red knee-length skirt, with a pair of white feet, watching TV shows on TV.

"Your brother... there should be something important to do."

Lin Yuezhen, who is on the side, said this, but there is also a disappointment in his face. Since Qin Feng put both of them at Xianling College, it seems that they have completely forgotten them.

I haven’t seen it once during the period, and I don’t even have any words.

Although Lin Yuexi knows that Qin Feng is doing this for their good, but...

"Little Black is gone, I don't know where he went early in the morning."

Qin Shixue supported his chin and stared at the picture played on the TV. There was a very low color in his eyes: "Moon sister, I want my brother."

"Little snow is not difficult, wait for your brother to be idle, and will soon come to see you."

Lin Yuezhen sat next to Qin Chuxue, and took Qin Xuexue in his arms. He smiled and smiled at Qin Chuxue’s hair.


Qin’s head leaned on Lin Yue’s leg and could only bite his lip and nodded.

At the same time, there is a mountain forest outside the Five Peaks of Xianling College.

The **** dog walked alone in this mountain forest: "The place where the scorpion ghosts are, there is no need for a game."

A black-haired tail hangs down and dangles. He came out of the Five Peaks of Xianling early in the morning. The reason why the five peaks came out is because the **** dog always feels that there is something wrong with the entire Faculty of the Faerie.

It seems to be covered with a layer of invisible cover, but it is just a feeling, can not tell the feeling.

So he came up with Xianling College and found a place with a slightly higher point. Take a good look at this Xianling Academy, what the moths are.

However, in this mountain for a long time, unconsciously, the **** dog turned out to be lost, and I feel that I feel the same.

"It’s a complete scorpion."

The **** dog sighed with a dog's mouth, looked up at the sky, crossed the dense forest leaves, bite the dog's teeth, mother!

Taking a deep breath, the **** dog's body began to grow bigger, call ~!

A few leaves fell, turned into a three-meter-high white wolf, the wolf's handsome wolf face, long white wolf hair, silver eyes, two wolves, plus an illusory wolf tail fluttering behind.

A fierce sky!

Under his four feet, there was an illusory white flame appearing, holding it, so he ran on the fire, and the sky ran into the sky for a long time!


Xianling College, the main peak.

In the foothills of the main peak, there are two people standing side by side, but if you look closely, you can see that one person stands a little ahead and one person later.

Obviously this is the difference between the two.

Standing in front of him is Gongsuntong, and behind him is Yu Yiming.

"It is also clear that this time I can see that Dean Tan is extremely important to you. You have to work hard. One day, this big Faculty of the Faerie, and even the branch of Jingzhou, will be your world."

Gong Suntong looked at the clouds in front of him and said with a smile. Today, Tan Qingzhu’s attitude towards Yu Yiming made him very happy.

"Teacher, a Xianling Academy, a Jingzhou Branch, is that enough?"

Yu Yiming, who is standing behind the Gongsun, is still smiling with respect, but at this moment, this smile is different from the usual.

"What do you mean?"

Gong Sun with his brow wrinkled, Yu Yiming has always been cautious in speech. This is the first time he heard Yu Yiming say such a thing. He subconsciously turned to Yu Yiming and looked at his own protégé.

However... on Yu Yiming’s face, he saw a touch of a smile that he had never seen before.

That is greed!

"The Lord is coming, Kyushu is respected, a Xianling College, a Jingzhou, how can I enter my eyes."

Yu Yiming, with a smile, but this tone is extremely cold.

"Alright, you, you?!"

When I heard the word of the Lord, Gongsun and I realized it in an instant! He remembered Qin Feng before reminding him about Yu Yiming! Let him guard against it... But obviously, Gongsun did not listen to it!

"The Vice President of Gongsun, I met for the first time, please give me more advice."

At this moment, a laugh came from behind Gongsun’s body. I don’t know when the lock has arrived behind Gongsun’s.

Gongsun Tong is also the deputy dean of Xianling. When he hears this voice, he wants to urge the spiritual power in the body.

But he found out...

His own spiritual power, but it can not be condensed, as if completely disappeared, he remembered, just before... The tea that was drunk in the temple of the fairy, Yu Yiming offered, what is the snow special product!

"Under the deputy director of Gongsun, under the sacred spirits, your spiritual power will not be able to condense within twelve hours. Struggling is never useless."

Behind the Gongsun Tong, a face with a sinful smile, a chain, instantly plunged from the back of the Gongsun, and locked his soul and life.

"Yu, also, Ming!"

Gongsun was red with his neck, almost biting his teeth and Yu Yiming.

However, in response to him, only Yu Yiming's cold face, cold eyes.

"You won't be alone, then there will be more people to accompany you."

In the lock behind the Gongsun, I laughed loudly! 2k novel reading network

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