The city of Monkey King

Chapter 257: Demento Stars! [Request for tickets]

Medicine Court, among the Pharmacopoeia Pavilions.

Qin Feng was kneeling on the ground, frowning, his face changing, his face chilling, and his breath was burning, while next to him, Qi Linger lying on the flowers and plants, his face was calm and much sleepy. Go on.

Qin Feng has already included all the poisons of ice and fire in Qi Ling's body, all of which are included in his own body.

At this moment, he is fully refining the poison of these ice fires.


Faerie College.

The mountain bell, reverberating between the five peaks, three sounds and one break, very rhythm, this is the bell that makes everyone gather in the college.

Four peaks, heaven and earth Xuanhuang, tens of thousands of students heard this bell, they all have doubts in their eyes, not to mention them, even the spirits and immortals, when they heard the bells of this call, it is also a surprise .

However, the doubts were doubtful, and the mountain bell rang, whether it was the students or the spiritual masters, they rushed to the main peak of Xianlingtai.

According to the old rules, it is generally gathered in the land of Xianlingtai.

"What is this? I haven't heard the wind in advance."

"Which I know, we won't know if we go."

"Is it the Qin Xianshi back?!"

"Hey~ Who are you talking about?! Qin Xianshi?! My Qin Xianshi is back~!!"

"Ma's... this is a strange come."

"I want to kill her..."

"Hey, do you want to kill her? I want to cry with her big whip! Let her!"

"Brothers, admire!"


"嘿嘿~ Twenty-three centimeters is not blowing!"


The people of the Four Peaks are all gathering in Xianlingtai. There are many discussions on the way. It is speculated that this time, the students who suddenly gathered all the colleges are exactly what it is.

When the crowd saw the Fairy Terrace far away, they could not help but become more curious.

Because in the center of Xianlingtai, there is a six-diamond shape, the crystal column of the blue body, twenty square feet, full of three hundred meters high, standing in the center, under the morning light, extremely dazzling.

"Wow, what's that? It's not there yesterday."

"I don't know, go quickly, you will know when you arrive!"

"Under the sun, the glare of the force is so glaring."

"It's so beautiful~!"


A secluded blue crystal column casts a strange layer on Xianling.

At the same time.

Huang Jiefeng, Lin Yuexi and Qin Chuxue, the second woman also heard the echo of the mountain bell.

"Moon sister, what is the story of this bell? I saw a lot of people are gathering in the middle of the mountain."

At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, Xue Yu was at the window, looking at the scene outside. The little girl was curious in her eyes.

"It should be that the college is convening all the students."

Lin Yuexi is also standing by the window, and the two women stand side by side and look at the outside scene.

At this time... When Lin Yuexi and Qin Chuxue turned back, they were all a glimpse. In this house, there were more than a dozen masks with black ghost masks and black suits.

Under the cold ghost mask, it is a pair of indifferent eyes.

The peaks of the earth's order, outside the enchantment that trapped the souls, all the fairy spirits were fallen to the ground, all of them were mad, with one person approaching, the appearance of this person, and the appearance of the soul in the enchantment, Just the same!

This is the real body of the soul.

In the enchantment, from the body of the "hooking soul", there is a group of black air, directly through the enchantment, into the body of the soul, the soul of the soul is combined into one, and the enchantment "Hooking the soul', it is the appearance of another person, holding his round eyes, the death is terrible.

The main peak of Xianling, Xianlingtai.

Above the center of the Liuling blue crystal column, Yu Yiming stood in the center of the crystal column, at his feet, is an extremely complicated black and blue pattern!

These patterns are covered with the entire crystal cylinder.

In front of him, one left and one right, at this moment, the spirits are locked, all appear.

"People have caught it."

The lock looked at the soul, and the corner of the mouth was filled with a cold smile.

As soon as he raised his hand, Lin Yuexi and Qin Chuxue appeared in the front halfway. The two women were locked by five chains from the crystal column, hanging in the neck and neck, and in the middle of them. They are each armed with five masked black men.

Qin Chuxue looked at the strangers in front of him, his eyes were shaking, apparently extremely scared, Lin Yuezhen on the side was frowning and frowning... She knew that Qin Feng’s most worrying thing happened.


The soul of the soul saw the two women, and then swept through the surrounding of the Xianlingtai, there is a steady flow of students.

And the person he placed in the medicine cabinet will tell everything about it...not to mention Qin Feng.

He believes that as long as Qin Feng knows everything that happened at Xianling College, he will definitely come!

"The nine holy servants are here."

At this moment, I saw the lock on the sky, and there was a trace of respect in my eyes.

From the sky above the Faerie College, there are nine black streams of light, and finally stayed over the Faculty of the Faerie.

That is nine people, six men and three women, tall and thin and fat, all different.

"The soul of the soul is left to make a ghost!"

"The soul of the soul is locked right!"

"Deputy Soul Master Yu Yiming!"

"See the nine servants."

All three are saluting nine people in the sky.

At this moment, the entire Xianlingtai, these students are all looking at each other, because when they entered Xianlingtai, they saw the six-diamond crystal column at a close distance.

Only discovered!

Among the crystal columns, many people are frozen!

The faces of these people are extremely familiar, because they are the immortals of the Faculty of the Faerie!


Tan Qingzhu, Gongsuntong, Shanghuo!

Tan Qingzhu, who is connected to Tanjung Peak, is not spared!

"That, then, isn't that the dean..."

"This, what the **** is going on?!"

"The dean is the peak of the knot, how can it be frozen?"


Above the sky, the nine men wearing different ghost masks, black robes, the middle one, a man with long hair, hoarse like a rolling sand.

"According to your plan, start."

After that, the nine people stayed in the air.

Their purpose is only one, the life of the Lord, kill one person!

Others, they don't care.

Yu Yiming, above the crystal column, showed a sneer in his eyes at this moment, half a squat, and his hand slammed into the center of the pattern. In an instant, the entire blue crystal column, with Tan Qingzhu, Gongsun Tong, Shang The fire and the souls of those who are the masters of the Dans are the most original soul force, urging the squad!


From this crystal column, a force of attraction that has swept up!

This suction, enveloped the entire Faerie College!

All the trainees, the spirits, the immortals, no matter what they are, their souls are forcibly pulled out under this suction, and they are not in the crystal column in the scream.

The entire five peaks of Xianling, the blue mist of the turbulent and tumbling, a faint blue enchantment appeared, completely covering the five peaks! On top of this enchantment, there are stars and stars that look like stars, and you are so embarrassed!

Demento Stars!

At this moment, from the peak of a small peak of the Five Peaks of Xianling, a white wolf, the sky is nine clouds, watching the direction of the Five Peaks of Xianling, the eyes flashing with anger!

"Don't you be a fairy board! Even the dog is not doing things! If Xiaozi's little snow falls off half of the hair, the dog will tear your family!"

The flames of the void burst up and rushed toward the Five Peaks of Xianling! 2k novel reading network

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