The city of Monkey King

Chapter 258: I want to give you a ride!

Thousands of immortal students, the body of the body fell to the west, or fell to the Xianlingtai, or fell on the way to Xianlingtai.

In the center of Xianlingtai, among the blue crystal columns, the souls of tens of thousands of students are imprisoned one by one. The face is full of horror. Through this crystal column, they are looking at the sky.

Gongsun Tong, the same is true at the moment. At this moment, he has endless remorse in his eyes. If he can come back again, he will certainly listen to Qin Feng’s words and beware of Yu Yiming.

Otherwise, it will not be so... The three cups of tea in the district will be Tan Qingzhu, Shanghuo, and him, all of whom will not even have the qualification to fight for a fight.

Just two words: grievances!

And it is at this time!

A roaring sound shook in the sky!

The entire blue enchantment, with this sound, fierce vibration!

"Mom sells the batch!"

The anger of the accent echoes between the five peaks!

A white wolf, four feet on a white fire, rushing into this battle is fierce!

The big enchantment of the formation was actually directly hit by a big hole!

"Little black!"

Above the crystal column, Qin Xuexue, who was imprisoned in the middle of the sky by the chain, saw the white wolf coming from the sky. He suddenly showed a happy color and shouted out loud!

Want to break free of the chain, but the body can not move at all!

However, just after this shouting, a black whip hit her on the air, and the tears of Qin’s early snow came out.


Lin Yuexi looked worried, and quickly made a sound, but ushered in... also a whip.

Silk is ruthless!

All of this is reflected in the pair of silver enamel, which is reflected in the hustle and bustle of the sky!

I broke into the sky of the Demonstration Stars, and saw what happened on the crystal column, especially when I saw the black whip smashing Qin Chuxue, it was already violent to the extreme!


The sound of wolverines resounded between the five peaks. Tianjiuyun wanted to rush to Xianlingtai, but this enchantment was over, and there was a starry blue starlight. These stars were turned into ropes. The four feet of the cloud, the neck, all forbidden!

No matter how the sky is going to struggle, it’s all free to break the stars!

The whole wolf body is tied in this air!

"District white wolf."

Yu Yiming took control of the entire big array and looked at the white wolf trapped in the sky, showing a disdainful color in his eyes.


angry! !

Thorough anger!

Tian Jiuyun Yun Yang Tianchang, behind him, the third illusory tail, at this moment, in the crazy solid! The pressure from him is also a crazy surge!


In his whole body, there is a constant sound of roaring in the air!

Void inflammation, vertical and horizontal!

White light, flashing on the clouds of the sky, the third wolf tail behind him, solidified most of the time!

When the wolf tail condensed more than half of the moment, those blue stars that bound him, hehe! All are broken!

Yu Yiming was slightly shocked, but it was followed by coldness, and the hand was lifted. In the blink of an eye, in the whole body of the sky and the clouds, the blue starlight of the six-pointed star was condensed together, and the layers were stacked up and down. The siege of the cloud is in the center!

The sky is full of clouds, the silver wolf is glowing with cold light, and the wolf is lying outside the mouth, looking at the Qin Xue snow above the crystal stage, when I saw the tears under the corner of the snow in the early Qin Dynasty!

The anger in the chest is like turning over the river!

A fierce look up, from his mouth, a strong suction to the extreme, these coherent six-pointed starlight, as well as those stars that have been falling from the sky, are all sucked into the mouth.

The starlight poured in, at the end of his tail, the third tail that had solidified half. At this moment, there was also a glimmer of blue light shining. Obviously... the **** dog is using the power of this method to condense his third. tail!

A spiritual storm swept around the wolf!

This scene is extremely shocking!

Even the sorrowful locks, both of them frowned.

"The dementor star array has not yet fully formed, and the soul power is not completely brewed. At this moment, the force of the array method is only two to three percent at the time of the full prosperity, and cannot be entangled with this white wolf!"

The lock snorted and said, this is to say to Yu Yiming.

The spirit of the hook is to look at the nine people in the sky, and quickly pass the sound.

The nine people who were silent in the sky, the nine sages, the man in the middle, the head of the nine servants, the eyes under the mask, slightly squinted, and then looked at the white wolf.


A word, faint.

By his side, the eight sages and the black robes were surging, and in an instant they were scattered in the eight directions of the clouds.

Eight people, both in the hands of the end of the seal.

In an instant, in the body of the white wolf, there are eight muffled sounds in a row, and the void seems to be blocked. The surge of suction from the white wolf's mouth is actually contained!

The sky is full of clouds, the scorpion is cold and glimpse, and a pair of silver wolves are sweeping past eight people.

"Slag, I want to give you a ride!"

The wolf tail flutters, the wolf teeth are outside the mouth, the fierce light flashes!

The third wolf tail, at this moment has a very dazzling white light bloom! The third tail... will be completely condensed!


Medicine Court, Pharmacy Court.

Qin Feng, who is refining the poison of ice and fire in the body, at this moment, opened his eyes!

Because there is one person, I walked into the Pharmacopoeia.

Among the drugstores, there is only one person who dares to enter the Pharmacopoeia Pavilion at will, Ouyang Changyi.

However, it is clear that the people who came here this time are not Ouyang Changchun.

Since it is not Ouyang Changyi, then this person is interested, it is himself.


Among the Qin Feng scorpions, there was a cold and cold killing. Looking at the person who entered the Pharmacopoeia Pavilion, it was a young man who was repaired but built a foundation and looked at his clothes. He should be an apprentice in the medicine field.

Apprentices in the drug field, this is the lowest end of the drugstore. It is impossible to enter the Pharmacopoeia Pavilion. The ordinary apprentices will never have this courage to come to the Pharmacopoeia.

That is to say... this person has other purposes.

"Lord Qin Feng, the villain was ordered to present something for you."

The apprentice of the drug field stayed in the Qin Feng Shizhang, watching Qin Feng, with a smile to open, then a hand, suddenly a black light went straight to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng’s scorpion is slightly condensed, and this black light is stopped at the side of his side, hehe!

This black light burst, in this mid-air, turned into a black cloud curtain.

The drug field apprentice, when the black cloud curtain condensed, was very polite and bowed, then retired.

Qin Feng brows and wrinkles, watching this black cloud curtain, when the scene in the cloud is clear...

In the eyes, the fierce screams sent out a strong killing!

Faculty of the Faerie, the soul of the soul, the pillar of the crystal, the chain of small snow in the air, Lin Yuezhen... was surrounded by eight masks and black robes.

At this moment, the scenes of Xianling College are all reflected in this black cloud curtain, which falls in the eyes of Qin Feng.

A voice came from this black cloud curtain. For this voice... Qin Feng is no stranger.

In the early hours of the morning, he also heard it at Qi.


"With the key to Qi, come to Xianling College within one hour, if not, your sister, your beloved woman... The entire Faerie Academy will be scattered.


At the end of the discourse, the black cloud curtain slammed away.

Qin Feng, between the eyebrows, suddenly killing!

Qijia key... Qin Feng looks at Qi Linger who is sleeping on his side.

Suppress the poison of ice and fire that has not been fully refining in the body, and stand up!

The eyes are cold and killing!

Move my people!

Lao Tzu does not destroy your ancestors for eighteen generations, Lao Tzu does not believe in Qin!

[Special Notice: There are only two more today. It will start to explode after 12 noon tomorrow. It is estimated to be 20,000 words in ten. 】 2k novel reading network

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