The city of Monkey King

Chapter 264: A stick of broken knots! [six more]

Demento Stars!

Enough to be comparable to the Kunlun Mountain Wanjian array of the strongest array!

However, such a powerful array of enchantments, this dark blue enchantment, is a fierce vibration!

A figure, a huge ancient gold iron rod in the hand, a stick and a stick, slamming down the enchantment!

"Give me broken!"

Qin Fengzhong, the twilight is cold!

The sixth stick, heading for the center of the enchantment, slammed down!

Under the sixth stick, the enchantment is finally unsupportable!


A huge hole appeared in the enchantment.

Qin Feng... It’s actually a hard-working brute force to smash this enchantment!

In the enchantment, above the crystal column, the force of the anti-phagic force came in, and Yu Yiming spit out a blood, watching the hole in the sky enchantment, with a horror in his eyes.

He didn't think of it, this demento star array could actually be pulled out like a hole!

It's incredible!

You must know that the current method is not the one or two state that the white wolf hit before, but it is completely condensed, and the power of the 10%!

It is tough, even if it is the usual peak of the knot, it is regrettable!

But the people in front of me didn’t even care about it, and the hard-boiled ones came in!

The land of enchantment.

The twinkles flashed fire, Qin Feng put the golden hoop on the shoulder, I do not know when, the corner of the mouth is already burning a cigarette.

This is his habit. When smoking, doing things can be more focused and more rational.

And at the moment... Qin Feng has to do it!

A pair of eyes, sweeping through the entire fairy five peaks!

Sweeping those black men with masks, sweeping the locks of the spirits, and sweeping the nine holy servants who stayed in the sky!

Will these **** guys, one not stay...kill!

The eyes swept over the five peaks of Xianling.

Suddenly, the tens of thousands of black men wearing iron masks in Xianlingtai, under the eyes of Qin Feng, actually shuddered!

"Qin Xianshi! You see, it turned out to be Qin Xianshi!"

"I am going to... Qin Xianshi is so powerful?! It’s hard to break the enchantment and break a hole!"

"Qin Xianshi is alone?!"

"Hey~ is Qin Xianshi, people are so happy~"

"You are happy, you just cried to die."

"Hey~ No matter, Qin Xianshi is so handsome, as long as he sees Qin Xianshi, everything is cured!"

"What a damn..."

"If you are not physically absent, you have to use a big whip of twenty-three centimeters to kill this strange!"


Not only these students are surprised by the arrival of Qin Feng!

Even Gongsun Tong, it’s also awkward...

Qin Feng’s way of breaking into enchantment is too strong! Gives a shocking visual impact!

"So strong?!"

Looking at the sky muttering to himself, he clearly remembers that Qin Feng has not been able to add up to ten days from the time he left the Faerie College, but the whole person... is completely changed!

"He is Qin Feng?!"

On the side of Tan Qingzhu, looking at the Qin Feng from the mouth of the enchantment, there is an unbelievable horror in the eyes.

After all, the Qin Feng at the moment is really too strong!

It is totally different from what Gong Gongtong said to him, a very strong foundation monk.

At first, he thought that Gongsun Tong was very strong...just strong.

However, I did not expect that this is so strong that it has already reached this point, so strong that he is so shocked by the peak of the knot!

This is completely abnormal! unbelievable!

"Yes, it is him."

Gongsun nodded in the same place, although he did not see Xuanyou, but in his eyes, there is still a color of expectation.

Broken enchantment, the hole behind Qin Feng is slowly bridging at this moment.

Yu Yiming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the Qin wind in the sky. There was a hot color in his eyes: "The game has just begun."

A wave of the hand flag!

In an instant, the entire enchantment of the sky, the inexhaustible stars, the ray of light blooms!

Qin Feng, the eyes of the ice and the desert glance at the five peaks of the fairy, and do not care about the starlight that lights up behind him.

Finally his eyes were locked on the crystal column and locked in his sister's body.

When I saw the early coma of Qin Shixue, Qin Feng hated not to score minutes to swallow these people!

"You guys... **** it."

Biting the cigarette butts, the faint voice, coming out of the mouth, is echoing in the entire Wuling Five Peaks!

"What the **** is you!"

Above the crystal column, Yu Yiming has a crazy smile on his face!

In the hands of the flag, slammed into the sky, and suddenly, let the flag shine!

At the same time, from the sky above the enchantment, those awkward starlights have turned into countless star thorns and went straight to the Qin wind!

The speed is fast, you can't do it!

Booming! ! !

Qin Feng is located, the void of the whole body is bursting under the star thorn.

"Qin Feng!"

Above the crystal column, Lin Yuexi saw this scene, and suddenly his face was tight.

The spirit of the hook is to frown and look at Yu Yiming: "Attention to some measure, if he dies, the ninth key can be difficult to find."

"Reassured, I will keep him a sigh of relief."

Yu Yiming’s eyes were smug and smug, and he only used the 60% of the tactics, and he was all hit!

In his view, even the nine sacred servants are half-dead.

And this guy named Qin Feng, what counted!

"Qin Xian Shi, he?!"

Among the crystal columns, many people who have been extracted from the soul force, the soul is weak, and at this moment, seeing this scene in the sky, it is even more shocking.

Previously, when Qin Feng's broken enchantment appeared, Qin Feng was already their only savior in their hearts.

Life and death are pinned on the body of Qin Feng!

But now...

"Is it true that Qin Xianshi is dead?!"

"Oh, don't you... Qin Xianshi..."

"Oh... after all, these people are too strong, and the sky is absolutely waiting for me. It seems to be dead today."

"Can you still escape a death..."


The joyful atmosphere brought by the previous Qin Feng's broken enchantment disappeared at this moment, and these students once again fell into pessimism, one by one with the heart of waiting for death.

Even Tan Qingzhu and Shang Huo, both of them are a pity in their eyes.

The only one blow, the pressure of the two, the two people feel very clear... Under the circumstances, perhaps in addition to the one sword, whoever squats, not dead will also be abolished.

In their view, Qin Feng is also a lot of fierce, even turned into gray.

Only the public grandson, with a hint of hope in his eyes.

"The disciples of the monks of the gods can never be so easily defeated!"

Muttering to himself, the eyes of Gongsun Tong are rare and firm!

These people are all nervous, if it is the easiest, it is the **** dog trapped in nine chains in midair.

At this moment, the **** dog with closed eyes has already opened his eyes again. A pair of silver plaques looked at the empty explosion, and the wolf teeth were exposed and sneered.

"Gua Wazi kitchen knife wind, the nature is difficult to move, do not force you to die?" 2k novel reading network

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