The city of Monkey King

Chapter 265: Killing, get up! [seven more]

Star thorns are naked, all hit!

The void is bursting!

The entire five peaks are echoed by roaring sounds, and they are not resting for a long time!

Above the crystal column, just as Yu Yiming looked at the starburst, the face was filled with a confident smile.

Above the sky, the man of the head of the nine sages, the fierce face changed!

Step out, the eight people around him, also step by step!

In the twinkling of an eye, nine people appeared in front of the crystal column!

Almost at the same time!


In the place where Qin Feng used to be, all the stars burst into flames. A huge ancient gold iron rod, with the sound of breaking the air, swung toward Yu Yiming on the crystal column.

The big iron bar, a stick down, it is estimated that the entire crystal column can be broken!


The nine sages, at the same time, changed the name. In this land above, there is a phantom like a palace!

Palace phantom, divided into three!


The golden hoop sticks to the illusory palace, and the entire triple palace is bursting, but the same... Qin Feng’s stick is also blocked.

A stick out, Qin Feng eyes are cool!

A stick can't! Then Laozi will come again!

The stunned stick, once again squatting towards the crystal column!


The man who was the head of the nine servants was preparing to pick up the second stick of Qin Feng again, but suddenly found out!

In the place where the white wolf was trapped, there was another Qin wind!


He didn't think of anything!

Qin Feng actually has a avatar!

"Little black, you are too big."

Qin Feng stood on the top of the white wolf's head and swept his eyes on the nine chains that bound the **** dog. The nine black and blue patterns exude the flow tube.

"What are you doing, let me untie the dog!"

The **** dog was very arrogant. He suddenly found himself saying the wrong words, and his eyelids went up. It really greeted the cold eyes of Qin Feng. If it was in the past, the next moment would definitely be a kitchen knife. On his head.

But now... obviously Qin Feng is not interested.

When Qin Feng raised his hand, his body was out of the nine-handed sword, and nine streams of light went straight to the nine black and blue lines around him!




After nine sounds, these nine lines of war, under the sword of the sky, all destroyed!

When the pattern is broken, this chain is useless!

The **** dog slammed into the wolf body, and all the nine chains were smashed, and he regained his freedom. His eyes showed fierce killing!

Think in my heart!

Ma's! I dare to take the dog as a dog!

No, it seems that this is not quite right, but it doesn't matter!

Big black dog with a slap in the face!

At this time, Yu Yiming on the column of crystals also reacted, and the flag of the hand waved wildly!

On top of this enchantment, countless stars converge, and it is turned into a huge knives with a handle of thousands of feet. Hundreds of huge star knives are smashed toward the **** dog and Qin Feng. !

"give it to me."

The **** dog swept through these huge star knives, nodded at the Qin Feng avatar on his head, and then the body shape was dissipated!

The **** dog is a grin, showing a smile!

The mouth opened fiercely toward these stars, and the rushing suction appeared. The Hundreds of Star Knives actually fell toward the **** dog's mouth!

In the eyes of many people, the **** dog slammed the hundreds of huge star knives and swallowed them directly into the belly!

at the same time.

The body of Qin Feng is there, the second stick is waved!


The whole space is roaring, and the palace that was re-emerged in front of the nine holy body, bursting again!

all of these…

However, it happened between the electric and the flint.

From the star thorns, from the Qin Feng bursting starlight, to unlock the chain of white wolves.

All in all, it adds up to the time of one or two!

In the eyes of the students of the fairy spirits, they were first horrified, and then turned into a fire of hope... and they burned again!

"Qin Xianshi!"

"It is Qin Xianshi! Qin Xianshi is not dead!"

"Qin Xianshi!! Qin Xianshi!"

"Qin Xianshi!!!"


At this moment, it was extremely unified. These tens of thousands of people looked at the Qin Feng and shouted the words "Qin Xian Shi". Although they were sealed in the crystal column, the sound could not be transmitted.

But it does not affect their enthusiasm!

Qin Feng... is their savior!

Qin Feng at the moment, eyes and ice.

"Save people first."

Qin Feng’s first two consecutive sticks were just for the sake of the East and the **** dog.

A big sound was sent to the **** dog, and the golden hoop was carried in the hand, which turned into a streamer and rushed to the crystal table!

Jiu Sheng, under the ghost mask, see the rushing Qin wind, all have a dignified color!


Nine people, whisper!


Qin Feng and the nine people collided in one place!

The aftermath of the impact force, sweeping the five peaks of Xianling!

The whole five peaks are in the roaring and shaking, and many small peaks are directly collapsed under this aftermath, and the rocks are rolling down!

In the center of the impact, Qin Feng retreats at this moment.

At this moment, under his body, the **** dog rushed over and caught it.

The white wolf is four feet, surrounded by white void.

One person and one wolf, standing in the air.

And on the opposite side of them, it is the nine sages, and there are thousands of knots to build a base monk!

Qin Chuxue, Lin Yuexi, is the most central place in these people, above the crystal column!

"Cooking knife wind, these nine mothers sell batches of hybrids..."

When the **** dog received the Qin wind, staring at the nine sacred servant is a taboo opening, a strong accent, in this serious atmosphere, it always sounds like something is not right.

"speak Mandarin."

Qin Feng smoked and stood on the top of the white wolf, faintly opening.

The **** dog glimpsed and immediately licked the wolf's mouth: "I said, these nine guys are very strange. The tricks used are even more bizarre. Just the nine chains, you are careful, don't be as tricked as me. ""

"You can only explain one problem."

Qin Fengzhong with ice cold, looking at the nine people, he just can feel the appearance of the fight, these nine guys, not good!

Each one, the strength is far more than the Qi Deng of the Qi family.

Especially the most central person of the nine people, from this person's body, Qin Feng felt a trace of the Yuan Ying monk!

However... what about this? !

Qin Feng’s eyes have passed the killing, and these people are destined to die here today!

Look at the thousands of tempering monks, watching... Lin Yuexi on the crystal column!

Looking at the Qin Xue snow, which is almost faint, Qin Feng’s teeth bite!

I promised my father not to let you and your mother suffer a little bit of harm.

But now...

My mother is sleeping in Taolin, but you are suffering here again!

My brother is not competent.

"what is the problem?"

The **** dog subconsciously asked a sentence.


Qin Feng, out of the word, and then shaped like a cannonball, rushed out!

After the **** dog smashed, yelled: "Stupid you a chicken!"

Also keep up with Qin Feng!

One person, one wolf, rushed into this group of monks!

Killing, get up! 2k novel reading network

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