The city of Monkey King

Chapter 280: How have you been? ! [four more]

Starry night.

Qijia, above the walls of the Inner Palace City.

Looking around here, the Qijiagong City is unobstructed, and the Jingye City in the distance is full of neon lights.

Qin Feng stood alone, leaning against the city wall, looking at the starry sky, blowing the night wind and smoking a cigarette, a person quietly staying, he was emptying himself.

There have been too many things happening in these two days. Starting from Luojia, Jiangzhou refining city, Qijia civil strife, and Xianling College...coming in one after another, it can be said that there has been no rest for a while.

"I know you are here."

Just then, Lin Yuexi walked along the wall.

"How is the snow?"

Qin Feng heard the voice and looked at Lin Yuexi. He had to go to the medicine court. After all, because of the urgency, the Danfang who had the spirit Dan did not get the hand, not to mention the fact that he also agreed to the owner of the medicine cabinet, Ouyang Changyu. .

I will take him to Taolin and go to the tomb of Ouyang Shaoqin.

"The pharmacists of Qi family have already seen it. It has been treated for Xiaoxue. Fortunately, it has not hurt the foundation. It can be restored after half a month of cultivation."

Hearing this, Qin Feng’s heart was relieved. He had not seen Qin Xuexue during the day. He was afraid to know the bad news. Now he knows that his sister is not a big problem. Finally, it is soothing and can be put down. The heart went to the medicine court.

"What do you do next? I heard about the Jiangzhou earthquake, and the entire city has become a ruin."

Lin Yuexi hesitated for a moment and whispered.


Qin Feng listened to Lin Yuexi’s words, then smirked and shook his head: “Wait a few days, I will take you to Binhai.”

Before Deng Qing had already told him that Qin’s headquarters had been re-established in Binhai City, which is also one of the largest economic cities in the whole of Kyushu. Its economic scale is several times that of Jiangzhou.

At that time, Qin Xiao had mentioned it to Qin Feng several times and wanted to develop the family industry to the coastal area. However, it was said that it was not carried out many times. One reason is that the water is too deep.

This time, with the opportunity of the scrapping of Jiangzhou City, the Qin Group just settled in Binhai.


Lin Yuezhen stood by Qin Feng and muttered to himself, and then there was no other voice.

The two are standing here, blowing the night wind.

at the same time.

Jiangzhou Sudi, the small courtyard where the Nangong Yiren is located.

On the bed in the house, the Nangong Yi people who had been in a coma for two days and two nights slowly opened their eyes at this moment.

"This, here is..."

The Nangong Yi people slowly woke up, strangely looking at the strange furnishings in the house.

She passed through the Jiangzhou Cebu from the future, and naturally she did not know what it was. In addition, it was extremely quiet at the moment. This quaint house made her feel scared.

The whole person was subconsciously shrunk to the corner of the bed, watching the surrounding vigilantly, almost subconscious. Nangong Yi people took out the mobile phone with him and wanted to call Qin Feng, but found that the mobile phone was already out of power.

After all... not everyone is a Nokia brick machine, now this smart machine, standby for two days is simply a dream.

"anyone there?"

The Nangong Yi people tried to scream, except for the silent echoes in the night, no response was given.

In fact, this is not just the house, the entire Jiangzhou lodging, this time there are no people.

Those who had previously been in the Qingzhou Branch had already left.

The room is empty, and the Nangong Yi people are weak in temperament. Although they have the foundation and repair, they have the unparalleled spirit of the heavenly woman, but her character is like this.

Do not say that building a foundation, I am afraid that one day will become a fairy, and will not change anything.

Shrinking in the corner, around the knees, this sling plaid white skirt in the moonlight, the lining is extremely beautiful, but the shock on the face of the heavens is panic.

Moonlight, scattered through the window.

Instead of adding beauty, it is extremely embarrassing, and the whole house has a breath of scent.

Nangong Yiren looked at the house, the quaint shelves, the quaint table, the quaint everything... The horror film that I had seen was surrounded by my mind from time to time. The whole person was scared and white, surrounded by death. Both knees.

As for the identity of her own monk... she has already forgotten it.

"Miss Iraqi, is it good lately?"

At this time, there was a gentle voice in the house, and the Nangong Yi people were even more stunned. I don’t know where this sound came from.

But the next scene...

When the dense black bugs poured into the house from all directions, the Nangong Yi people suddenly screamed, afraid... fear...

The only thing she feared in her life was the worm. Even a girl who didn’t dare to shoot death on weekdays, at this moment, seeing the black worms in the land, she was scared to death.

The Nangong Yi people were scared to scream, but there was a laugh in the house.

All the black worms are concentrated in the center of the house.

A person, slowly gathering in the center of this black worm gathering.

It was a young man, with a long hair of three or seven, wearing a small white suit and a pair of half-rimmed glasses. The face was handsome and elegant, and the whole person showed a gentle and gentle temperament.

Zhou Hong.

"You... you are..."

When I saw Zhou Hong, Nangong Yi was very surprised because she remembered this person. It was the second time she met Qin Feng. At Tianma Circuit, this person was standing on the side of Qin Feng, and he saw it. At that time, he had a very good relationship with Qin Feng.

So that when the Nangong Yi people stayed by Qin Feng, they always wondered why the man who had a particularly good relationship with Qin Feng did not appear for so long.

"Why, Miss Yiren doesn't know me?"

Zhou Hong pushed the glasses on his face and opened his mouth with a smile.

"Recognize, know."

The Nangong Yi people nodded lightly and hugged their knees to the corner of the bed. She was still scared. After all, the way the person appeared in front of him was too scary, so many black bugs...

"Miss Yiren, madman, let me bring you to find him, let me go."

Zhou Hong had a gentle smile in his eyes, but this smile was suppressed by incredible surprise. On the head of the Nangong Yi people, there were a few tiny black bugs that could not be seen.

It is the feeling of uploading back from these little black bugs that makes Zhou Hong horrified!

Because he found that these little black bugs fell on the Nangong Yi people, the speed of spiritual exchange has actually accelerated dozens of times!

The speed of spiritual power is tens of times faster, which means that the time of running a week can be reduced by tens of times. What does this mean? Zhou Hong is naturally clear!

"Let's go, don't let the madman wait too long."

Zhou Hong walked slowly to the first two steps, and the Nangong Yi people were confused: "You, don't come over!"

"I don't go anywhere, I am here waiting for him."

The Nangong Yi people are the goddess of the heavens. This is the purest spirit in Wanjie. She feels the ultimate cold and disgusting in Zhou Hong’s body.

Intuition tells her that I can't believe this person! Also definitely can't go with him!

But...some things, not willing or unwilling to decide.

"Miss Iraqi, I don't like to say the third time."

On Zhou Hong’s face, the corner of his mouth rose slightly, and his eyes were full of a sly smile. 2k novel reading network

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