The city of Monkey King

Chapter 281: Threatened! [一一]

The night wind, between the heavens and the earth.

Into the late autumn days, especially at night, the wind whistling through a bleak, at this moment there is a sword rainbow, from the Jingye City Qijiagong City, and broke up.

On the inner palace city, Lin Yuezhen looked at the Jianhong disappeared in the sky, looked for a long time, stood alone, the wind raised the long hair of the waist.

The person who left is Qin Feng.

After an hour.

Jiangzhou, Jiangzhou Sudi, a sword rainbow fell in the run-down courtyard.

As soon as Fang Yi landed, Qin Feng’s brow was fiercely wrinkled!

He came here to prepare to take the Nangong Yi people to leave Jiangzhou, but when they landed, they did not feel the slightest breath of the Nangong Yi people.

Pushing the door fiercely into the house, sure enough... there is no one in the room.

Qin Feng’s nephew instantly became cold. He knew the nature of Nangong Yiren. He was as good as a rabbit. If he didn’t wait for him to come back, Nangong Yiren would never leave this room half a step. This is why Qin Feng assured the Nangong Yi people alone. The reason for staying here for two days.

Just at the moment...

In this house, a group of black worms came out. These black worms were densely crawling on the walls along the bed, and they continued to emerge. Qin Feng is not a Nangong Yiren. Naturally, these blacks will not What fear the worm feels.

Seeing these black worms, Qin Feng remembered the black worm that fell in the autumn!

A familiar name echoes in my mind.

Zhou Hong!

This guy... really didn't die!

Qin Feng’s eyes are screaming and killing!

The black worms on those walls slowly condensed on the ground and piled up, turning into a person's appearance, Zhou Hong.

"Maniac, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhou Hong still wears the pair of glasses, the gentle smile.

"Where is she?!"

Qin Feng saw this black worm condensed Zhou Hong, the scorpion was slightly condensed, and the sound was extremely cold.

"Oh? She? Who is she?"

Zhou Hong smiled and pretended to be a look of nothing.

"Don't talk nonsense with me! Say!"

Qin Feng’s scorpion kills, and Jian Hong screams! In the meantime, Zhou Hong’s body has a nine-handed sword, and the tip of the sword points to Zhou Hong!

For this appearing nine-handed sword, Zhou Hong is still smiling, but there is a trace of surprise in his eyes... He is now the owner of the drug prison valley, the news is naturally more informed, I have already heard of the fairy The things of the college also know the power of Qin Feng, but at the moment I saw it with my own eyes, I was still shocked.

However, he has just discovered why Qin Feng is so fast and powerful, at least in his own opinion, this secret is absolutely correct.

"I am just an incarnation of a worm. It doesn't matter if you are destroyed."

"Why do you want to get involved with me? Zhou Hong, being a mean person, interesting?"

Qin Feng looked at Zhou Hong coldly.


Zhou Hong made a slight meal, then smiled and held his forehead and laughed. The eyes suddenly became cold and cold: "What is mean? You are not humble? Use a woman to practice, in my opinion, you care. It’s not the woman, it’s the stove.”

When this words came out, Qin Feng’s eyes were at the bottom, and the ultimate cold flashes.

The thing that most worried him was, after all, happened, and the nature of Nangong Yi was very special.

"If she is missing a hair, I will let you never return."

The killing intention in Qin Feng’s eyes has already accumulated to a limit. If Zhou Hong’s body is in front of him, Qin Feng will not hesitate to completely obliterate it and let his soul fly away!

This is the brother of the past, the blood of today kills the enemy!

"You can rest assured that she won't have anything."

Zhou Hong’s mouth smirked with a touch of fun: “Brother and wife can’t bully, he’s your woman, I won’t move her, and I’m not interested in playing women, but this one is the best, if it’s not good to use...”

"court death!"

Qin Feng can no longer suppress, and the nine-handed scorpion swordsmanship falls, and Jianguang passes over Zhou Hong’s body, hehe!

Zhou Hong’s body was once again turned into a black bug, and a smug laughter echoed in the house.

"Maniac, you are still anxious, you can rest assured that you will get enough power from your woman."

"I will come back to you again."

Laughter, staying in this house for a long time...

The eyes of Qin Feng, but it is already angry to the extreme!

What he hates most is being threatened, and threatening himself with a woman!

Poison Valley!

He didn't know what Zhou Hong had experienced, but he knew that the last time this week was taken away by the great elders of the poison prison valley, it must be in the poison prison valley!

It’s just where the poison prison valley is... no one knows.

Qin Feng once asked the wine madman, but even the wine madman did not know where the poison prison valley is.

Zhou Hong’s body dissipated and the whole house became silent again.

However, in this house, a murderous temper is always dissipating, and Qin Feng’s eyes are deep and cold, and turned into a sword light, which comes out directly from the window. He is going to find someone to ask about the whereabouts of the poison prison valley!


Wan Beast Mountain, poison prison valley.

A peak around the valley, Zhou Hong stood at the top of the mountain, at this moment... slowly opened his eyes.

In those eyes, with a cold smile.

Reflected in the hustle and bustle, it is the moon of the sky, the dark cloud that is floating.

"Furious, roar, mad... this taste, you should taste it."

At this time, behind Zhou Hong’s body, there was a drug prisoner’s elder. The old man appeared in the body: “Gu Gu, the woman has been detained in the poison spirit array according to your instructions. Watched by the most discerning disciples in the valley, there will be no accidents."


In the eyes of Zhou Hong, a smile is heard. In his opinion, Qin Feng can enter the country so quickly because of this woman!

And he is Zhou Hong!

Also, the so-called poisonous spirits are the array of thousands of poisons. The only use is refining!

He wants to use the Nangong Yi people as a medium to provoke the spiritual power between the heavens and the earth and turn it into his own use!

"The owner of the valley, there is still a story to report."

The elder did not retreat after he finished speaking, but continued to stand still.

"What is it?"

Zhou Hong's cold voice came out, scaring the old man a scream.

"The temple came to the church and ordered the eighteen churches to enter the temple to see the Lord."

In the past, the Tianxing taught that there were eighteen churches. Now it is scattered in Kyushu. It is hidden in various hidden places. It has become eighteen sects, seven-star gates, ghost gates, soul relics, and poison prison valleys. These are just four of them. Nothing...

There are still the remaining fourteenths, all of which are accumulating strength in the dark. As long as the temple is ordered, the fourteenth halls will all come out. The chaos in Kyushu is only between the night and the evening.


Zhou Hong’s eyes showed a slight disappointment. He was very unhappy and he became the owner of the valley and was bound by the so-called Lord.

But now, he has to go from.

"Returning to the Valley Lord, this is the Holy Order of the Holy Lord."

This elder is worshipping. 2k novel reading network

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