The city of Monkey King

Chapter 283: Black big bird! [Three more]

Jiangzhou, Tianhe Liangchen.

The villa where Zhou Hong lived in the past, the more and more intense black air floated from the ruins, and condensed in the air.

A black, five-foot-old bird slowly forms in this black gas.


It is able to condense the spiritual fluctuations left by others, and the shape of this condensation can symbolize the heart of that person.

This black bird.

The other side of the body is full of a cold meaning, the eyes of the two birds are even more sultry, and the reason is the bird, indicating that Zhou Hong’s ambition has become bigger and bigger!

His current purpose is not only to become the drug lord, but also to kill Qin Feng.

These, in his opinion, are just obstacles to move forward.

It is like a bird, able to travel the world!

Before the big bird, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes. When he saw the big bird, the scorpion swelled slightly and jumped forward, stepping directly on the back of the big bird.

When the Qin wind fell on the back of the big bird's back, the big bird was fiercely flapping its wings and wanted to smash the Qin wind.

"I will dare to make a mistake in front of me!"

The Qin wind snorted and the pressure came to the body of the big bird. The black bird that had been smashed suddenly became stable under this pressure, and did not dare to move.


Qin Feng faintly opened, this black big bird is extremely obedient, a fluttering wings, suddenly with the Qin wind skyrocketing.

Around the Tianhe Liangchen, some firefighters who are cleaning up the ruins, one person is really too tired, take off his hat and wipe the sweat, and look at the sky, just to see the flying black bird, the whole person can not help but glance Then screamed again.

"Look! Look! There are only **** birds, there are people on the birds!"

As soon as several members of the team heard this from their brothers, it was such a strange thing. Of course, they had to look at it. They looked up and looked at it, but they didn’t see it.

"I said brother, you are dizzy, tired, go to the break."

These people laughed and patted the shoulders of the previous voicers, then turned around again and continued to invest in the cause of the disaster relief.

"Is not right... I saw it clearly, is it really a tired eye?"

The firefighter looked at the sky. At this moment, the black bird could not be seen. He didn't care if he blinked his eyes. He thought that he really was wrong, and then turned around and worked.

At the moment of the moonlight...

A **** bird swarmed past. On top of this bird, Qin Feng put his hands in his trouser pockets, and the wind blew several times to cover the hair of his eyes.

"Zhou Hong."

Muttered to himself, pulled out his hand, Qin Feng ordered a cigarette, and the smog of smoke ran over his eyes.

Eyes, cold and incomparable.


Jingye City, Qijia.

"Homeowner, your current body has not fully recovered. This time, the Xianmeng Congress will be taken by me."

The house of the Qi family was ruined. Therefore, before the reconstruction of the House of Representatives, many things were discussed in the partial hall not far from the House of the House.

At this moment in the temple, Qi Linger sat in the highest position, and there were dozens of old men standing in the temple. These are the old parents.

Qi Chun is also in this, but the station is relatively backward, standing in front of him.

At the moment, Qi Chun, the mood is called a bad mood, it is particularly uncomfortable.

Originally, I went back to the family this time and saw that the family was in great trouble. I didn’t feel sad and rejoicing. I thought that my own era of rule came, and I can finally be a boss!

But who knows, this boss's stool has not yet touched, the crossroads have come out to come to a Qin Feng, who is arrogant, and the dream of being the boss is completely broken.

But since the boss can't do it... then do the second child.

Qi Chun comforted himself. It is good to think about it, but what makes Qi Chun unhappy is that the second child can't do it now.

Accurately speaking, even the original third can't do it!

Qi Linger became the owner of the house. Where does she know how to manage a family and let her manage it? It is impossible to get rid of the name of the Nine Majors.

So the first thing, the general commander Qi Hong became the family elders to manage the family affairs, and then the Qimin who refused to give Qi Chundai's ring before, mentioned the two elders from the four elders.

This time, although Qi Chun is still a three elders, he can be ranked fourth in the position.

Both Qi Hong and Qi Min, who were originally under him, stepped on his head and were in a good mood.

After Qi Hong finished, Qi Min also began to open: "I think the elders have a very reasonable statement, the homeowner is not hurt, the family is worthy of the autumn, and it is not appropriate to go to Xiange to participate in the Xianmeng meeting."

There is only one group of people in this meeting, and there is only one subject of the meeting.

Xiange came to ask, and asked Qi to send people to attend the Xianmeng Conference.

Originally, this kind of thing, in general, must go to the head of the family, but now the Qi family, obviously the situation is a bit special.

"I am going, I am so sure, I will shut up."

Before Qin Feng stayed in the Qi family for a day, Qi Linger also responded to a little bit of past anger, and turned to the old man toward the old man.

Miss Ben is now the owner, I said I am going to go!

Say it again... Xianmeng Conference, such a fun thing, how can I do without Qi Linger!


Qi Hong still wants to persuade one more.

"I didn't hear Linger's sister say shut up. You guys, this is really annoying."

Liu Man, standing on the side of Qi Linger, whispered a whisper at this time. This voice muttered Qi Hong for a moment, then he laughed and laughed, only arched his hand.

"In this case, the affairs of the tribe were handed over to the two elders, Qi Min, and Qi Hong accompanied the owner."

"it is good."

Qi Linger nodded, then looked at the side of the side of the big cattle strong: "big and strong, gone."

Niu Dazhuang smiled and nodded, then gave Qi Linger, who was sitting on the chair, back up. In the eyes of the old man, he walked out of the temple with his swaying.

"So the master, how can Qi family be called the nine family!"

Looking at the back of Qi Linger's departure, Qi Chun gritted his teeth and whispered, and this words were immediately introduced into Qi Hong's ears.

Qi Hong’s face was cold and cold, and when he walked out of Qi Chun’s side, he snorted coldly.

"Three elders, don't forget the pain and forget the pain. Qin Engong and his family have a close relationship. If the words of the three elders fall into the ears of Qin Engong, there will be any end, I don't need to remind me. ”

After that, Qi Hongyang went long, and Qi Chun, who was standing in the same place, was hitting a spirit.

When I thought of Qin Feng, I was shaking all over my body.

The face changed slowly and finally chose silence.

Throughout Kyushu, six, nine pavilions, and nine great families, there are many powerful forces, all of which are sent to the fairy pavilions by one of the best in their respective forces.

Xianmeng Conference! 2k novel reading network

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