The city of Monkey King

Chapter 284: Furnace Ding! [four more]

The wind whistling at night, passing the hair between the foreheads.

Standing in the Qin wind on the back of the black bird, the smoke in the corner of the mouth ignited.

This is the third cigarette.

With the smoke, looking at the Wan Beast Mountain in front of him, Qin Feng brows slightly wrinkled. From this mountain, Qin Feng felt a violent breath.

Wan Beast Mountain, the mountain is as its name, there are many birds and beasts in it, and they are extremely violent.

Throughout the mountains, at first glance, the tyrannical atmosphere is pervasive, and people have not yet entered the mountain, and Qin Feng can feel it.

"Go in."

Qin Feng’s eyes were slightly low, and he swept his eyes. This is only under the spirit of chasing, and the black bird that has been rebuilt by Zhou Hong’s remnant spiritual power and spiritual thoughts, faintly opened.

However, the black bird listened to the air in the air, and screamed a few times to the beast of the beast, still not moving forward.

It doesn't have much instinct to tell it, can't go in, it's too dangerous!

"No, you have to be scattered now."

Qin Feng faintly opened, and his body was suffocating, and suddenly the blackbird was excited.

That few instincts tell it again that the big man on his back is more dangerous than the guys in the mountains!

A whining sound was heard, and the black bird slid its wings and rushed into the beast of the beast!

When the black bird entered the airspace of the Beast Mountain, there were thousands of birds of different shapes rushing out from the mountain, all of which showed a violent breath and went straight to the Qin wind. It is necessary to take Qin wind in the air for a posture.

When the blackbird found these birds, they made a frightening bird song. The two wings were flying wildly. The Qin wind only swept these birds, and the scorpion was cold and bang!

The void of the whole body is like an explosion. From the body of Qin Feng, there is a sigh of relief!

These rushing birds, when they feel this suffocating moment, are all humming, and under this moonlight, one is scared to fly backwards.

To violence!

Since the birds and beasts in this beastly mountain are so violent, they are even more violent!

Sure enough, the black birds swept over the mountains. These birds and beasts, after feeling the suffocating scent from Qin Feng, did not dare to go forward.

With the raging suffocation, Qin Feng is on the back of this black bird. Wherever he goes, the birds are still, and the beasts are worshipped, and they are immersed in the depths of the Beast Mountain!

Qin Feng, taking this black bird as a guide, rushed toward the poison prison valley.

At the same time.

Poison Valley, the vast open space in the valley, above the altar of ten feet.

In the eyes of Nangong Yi people, there was fear. Looking at Zhou Hong who appeared in front of her, he opened his mouth.

"You, what are you going to do!"

The Nangong Yi people hugged their chests, and the voice was obviously shaking.

She is really scared in her heart.

Suddenly brought such a strange place, looking at the strange things around, and the black pool under the altar, which looks extremely scary.

A shocking face, I am already scared at this moment.

"doing what?"

Zhou Hong took a shallow smile and looked at the Nangong Yiren: "I have to say that from a young age to a big one, the madman is lucky, and he can still meet your beauty."

The Nangong Yi people couldn’t help but hear this, she couldn’t understand Zhou Hong’s meaning.

"Maybe you still don't know why the madman has to keep you around."

Upon hearing this, the Nangong Yi people were even puzzled. Seeing the doubts on the face of Nangong Yiren, Zhou Hong’s mouth slightly rose: “Do you think that he likes you? Or...he pity you?”

Zhou Hong’s words fell into the ears of the Nangong Yi people. The Nangong Yi people couldn’t help but stunned. Zhou Hong’s words... are all her inner thoughts.

She did ask herself many times, why... why Qin Feng wants to be like this to himself.

The first time in the street alley, it can be explained that Qin Fengyiyi help.

But the second time, the third time...

Qin Feng has been helping himself, not asking for any return.

At the beginning, the Nangong Yi people also thought, is this man pity himself, but then she gradually discovered that Qin Feng is not pity for himself.

And slowly slowly, she began to think that Qin Feng likes herself...

This kind of thought, if there is nothing, the Nangong Yi people who are disturbed can't sleep at night, even when they go to the Nangong Yi people, they don't think about anything. Just beside him, everything is enough.

"What? Is it not sure?"

Zhou Hong saw the Nangong Yi people who were in the middle of the shackles. The smile on the corner of his mouth was even worse: "Miss Yiren, this world has never been for no reason. Your experience has told me that you should understand this very well."

When this was said, the Nangong Yi people were even more confused.

As Zhou Hong said, there is nothing in this world, no one, no one... Why is it good for you? !

She remembered the men she had met in the past, and she was good to herself, and she wanted to get her body.

However, Qin Feng... obviously not, and she couldn’t think of anything. What Qin Feng can get from himself. What is he doing for himself? !

"If you can't figure it out, let me tell you the answer."

Zhou Hong's hand was inserted in a trouser pocket, a small white suit and pair of glasses. At this time, the root smoke was taken out and lit at the corner of the mouth.

The smoke, the light, the eyes with a smile looked at the Nangong Yi people.

"Your body can help the monks practice."

"That is, the so-called furnace tripod, he just uses you as a stove, and uses your body to improve the repair."

"Only this, only."

The voice with a chuckle fell into the ears of the Nangong Yi people.

When the Nangong Yiren heard this, suddenly the whole person gave a slight glimpse... Helping to practice, the furnace tripod?

What is the stove?

"The stove, when the men and women meet, the man can get a strong spiritual power through the woman's body to improve their cultivation, such a woman is the stove."

Zhou Hong sees the Nangong Yi people do not understand, but also a word.

After this sentence was spoken, the Nangong Yi people were silent...

Because Qin Feng never told her about her special body, and Qin Feng, she never did that kind of thing with her, there is no such thing as Qin Feng regards her as a furnace.

"Miss Yiren, telling you this is just to let you know the purpose of the madman, and there is nothing."

"Unfortunately, I also need the spiritual power that you bring now."

"That is, I also need you this stove."

Zhou Hong’s mouth smirked with a hint of evil and looked at the Nangong Yi people.

When the Nangong Yiren saw Zhou Hong’s smile, he also thought of the story of the furnace... suddenly his face was fierce and white!

"Maniac, no wonder me."

Zhou Hong muttered to himself, and as soon as he raised his hand, he suddenly appeared in the body of the Nangong Yi people. He was imprisoned and sent it to his body.

The Nangong Yi people saw these black bugs and screamed subconsciously...

Qin Feng always thinks that Zhou Hong will not be like this, but the change is unpredictable!

Zhou Hong, with a twilight smile in his eyes.

He is a bad female color, but... only when you meet, you can achieve the best results with this poisonous array.

For the sake of strength, Zhou Hong does not mind deceiving a brother and wife! 2k novel reading network

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