The city of Monkey King

Chapter 285: Poison spirit, Kai! [一一]

Wan Beast Hill, the wind in the night, rustling, whistling.

A **** bird gallops under this moonlight. Wherever he goes, the beasts are crouching. There is no one in this mountain who dares to move.

All this is naturally not because of this black bird, but by the people on the black bird.

It’s like a wind, often with me!

The eyes were cold and looking at the front. Qin Feng was wearing a simple black jacket, his hands were inserted in his trouser pockets, his mouth was smoky, and the wind swayed his forehead. In his eyes, a valley began to appear. It was also this time. The black bird underneath began to scream.

Blackbird screams, this is a signal, the final destination, is coming soon!

When the black bird screams, the Qin smashes, the murderous air bursts!

Zhou Hong... But when the Nangong Yi people suffer a little damage, Laozi must have scattered your soul, and your reincarnation!


Poison Valley, the land of eternal, the elders and disciples in the entire valley, at this moment are looking at the altar, one eye has a horror.

The poisonous spirits have already started, even those elders who have been poisoned by prisoners, many people have never seen them in their lives, let alone those ordinary disciples. At this moment, they see the poisonous spirits, and they are all stunned.

In the center of this vast land, around the ten-foot-high altar, those black pools, the poisons of which lived, climbed out, and spread along the altar, and those poisonous grasses, etc. It is as if the hormones are so mad, a common poisonous grass has grown to a few meters or even tens of meters!

Around the altar, these poisonous plants are on display.

The rich toxic mist began to emanate from the altar.

"Fast, run!"

"Mom... this is the poisonous fog!"

"It’s dying to die!"


The disciples of the drug prisoners who were stationed in the open space, the moment when they saw the poisonous mist appeared, they all changed their faces, and they rushed backwards. They recognized the poisonous mist, not long ago. A kind of poisonous mist turned thousands of disciples in the poison prison valley into blood.

Even those elders who were poisoned by prisoners, after seeing these poisonous mists, were also escaping from the air and avoiding the poisonous fog.

After waiting for the scope of the poisonous fog, everyone’s eyes were on the center of the altar, and some good people could not help but talk about it.

"Isn't the owner of the valley wanting to be a movie in public?"

"The Madden... It’s hotter than the cold!"

"Don't make a noise! ​​Don't take it off!"

"A big poisonous fog, hurry to find a commanding height, and see clearly!"


When the action of Zhou Hong on the altar was clearly seen by the disciples of this poisonous prisoner, they suddenly froze, and all of them were excited.

In this world, some things that are forbidden are often the most stimulating, such as... what is going to happen on the altar at the moment.

The ten-foot altar, full of purple and black mist.

"You let me go! Let me go!"

The Nangong Yi people struggled desperately, but they could not move at all.

At her side, the dense black insects slammed her hands and feet and hung her overhead in front of Zhou Hong.

"Miss Iraqi, my technique is not worse than madman. You just have to close your eyes and enjoy it. It doesn't make sense to struggle."

Raising his hand and waving a little, suddenly the left skirt of the Nangong Yiren suspender skirt slipped, revealing the shoulder strap, the white shoulders, the delicate clavicle, and the jade white bra reflected in the eyes.

Seeing this and a mother, Zhou Hong’s mouth reveals a hint of evil laughter. Although he is not a good woman, it is also a man, especially a beautiful woman like Nangong Yiren. It is impossible to say that there is no feeling.

"Let's open me... let me go..."

When the skirt slipped, the Nangong Yi people scared a small face and white.

"Let you go?"

Zhou Hong’s mouth was slightly raised, and as soon as he raised his hand, the Nangong Yi people slowly floated under the overhead of the black worm, only a stone's throw away from Zhou Hong.

Hand, gently passing over the cheeks of the Nangong Yi people, feeling the silkyness of the skin of Nangong Yiren, Zhou Hong has a fascinating look in his eyes.

"Sure enough, one side is good."

Zhou Hong’s fingers were slightly stunned, and the left shoulder belt of Nangong Yi’s people also followed.

Snow peaks are in the eyes...

At this time, from the purple and black mist around, there is a sound of '嘶嘶嘶', a variety of different colors, different sizes of snakes from the fog, squatting on the ground, extremely embarrassing people.

In addition to the snakes that are densely packed, there are other poisons...

All of this is in the eyes of the Nangong Yi people, scared, scared, feared, filled in the heart.

The Nangong Yi people clenched their lower lips tightly. The whole person closed his eyes and the tears fell. She could not struggle at all.

At the moment, there is only one person in her mind... Qin Feng.

The person she relied on in her heart.

"You can rest assured that I will treat you softly."

The smile in Zhou Hong’s eyes, passing a touch of twilight, between the moments, the raging black fog around, the countless poisonous insects began to turn into blood in this dark fog, and the more powerful poisonous murder came to this poison. In the fog.

Poisonous fog, tumbling!

at the same time!

The ground of the whole altar began to appear with a pattern of black and purple, and the black and purple rays of the scent appeared on the lines!

Especially in the body of the Nangong Yi people, the formation of a single circle, the light is even worse!


The entire altar began to vibrate!

The black and purple streamer emerged from the circle under the Nangong Yi people and began to entangle in the Nangong Yi people. Those black bugs were scattered.

A cold and biting feeling came, the Nangong Yi people closed their eyes tightly, and even dared not look at them, the body constantly trembled in fear.

This black and purple light, like a snake, reached the Dantian of the Nangong Yi people. After a pause, it was enter the Dantian of the Nangong Yi people.

Acute pain! Deep into the pain of the bone marrow! Nangong Yiren’s screams!

Just at this moment... when the black and purple streamer broke into the moment!

The entire poison prison valley, or say! The whole beasts of thousands of miles!

Aura, like crazy!

From the land of the eight parties, the aura is all solidified, and turned into a long river of spirits to the poison prison valley, coming to this altar!

Zhou Hong looked up slightly and looked at the sky. The aura of the four sides surged, and the eyes showed a happy color.

Everything that happened was completely beyond his expectations. He knew that the Nangong Yi people had a physique that could induce aura, but he did not know the spirit of the goddess. With his knowledge, he could not know what the goddess was.

Therefore, he did not expect that this poison spirit array is just just starting, this woman in front of her, can make the aura crazy to this point!

If so...

When you wait until you meet with them, these auras will completely belong to you, and it is easy to break through the bottleneck! Do not say fake baby... even Yuan Ying!

"Qin Feng... There is such a baby in hand, no wonder you are entering the country so fast."

Zhou Hong looked at the painful and sweaty Nangong Yi people, and in the eyes, there was a smile that could not wait. 2k novel reading network

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