The city of Monkey King

Chapter 286: I will take you home. [二更]

On the top of the Beast Hill, countless auras and rivers break through the heavens and the earth, under the night.

Above the big bird's back, Qin Feng's brow wrinkled slightly, and saw the auras that passed from his body, a pair of scorpions, completely cold!

"Zhou Hong!"

Almost low, in the eyes of Qin Feng, in the middle of the valley, suddenly there is a black and purple light column, rushing into the sky cloud!

After a full amount of interest continues to dissipate!

Meng Meng jumped, Qin Feng stepped on the sword of the sky, turned into a blue sword light to go to this light column.

The black bird was in a whining, turning into black gas to dissipate.


Poison Valley, the land of eternal, above the altar.

Zhou Hong’s hand, when he touched the arm of Nangong Yi’s man, he instantly felt the aura of his body, and the speed of Zhou’s cycle increased dozens of times!

This speed is beyond imagination!

Zhou Hong has never experienced it, and never thought that the cycle in the body can be reached to this point!

There is light in the eyes!

At this moment, he is extremely certain that this woman in front of him can make him break through the baby... even stronger!

In his eyes, Nangong Yiren is already a precious and infinite stove!

"Miss Iraqi, I want to start."

Zhou Hong, with a smile on his mouth.

Hand, a fierce glimpse of the Nangong Yiren's sling plaid white dress, at this moment!

One hundred and eight handles, a blue sword light, with a screaming sound, descended from the sky, fell on this altar, sword and sword forced life!


The altar roars! The sound of Blackrock Explosion shakes the valley!

Zhou Hong’s face changed fiercely. Before he could see the Nangong Yi people who had been smashed by their own clothes, the figure was fiercely retreating.

When the smoke dissipated and he saw it again, the center of the altar was not only the Nangong Yi people, but one more person.

The Nangong Yiren's sling plaid skirt was fallen to the ground, but at the moment... there was a black coat on her body.

Covered the upper body and the small half body.

Qin Feng was half-squatting in the ground, and the Nangong Yi people leaned in his arms and shivered.

"Sorry, I am late."

Seeing the appearance of the Nangong Yi people, I felt the trembling of the Nangong Yi people. The anger in Qin Feng’s heart burned a high point. In the same situation, if I came later, I was afraid that everything would be regrettable.

He did not expect... Zhou Hong, this guy has become such a person.

Being hated by hatred and being burned by anger, these Qin winds can understand.

After all, he used to live in hatred.


Bottom line!

The bottom line for people, can't change because of these!

A demon with a bottom line is far better than a fairy with no bottom line and a good look!

In the past, Zhou Hong and Qin Feng did not have the slightest contempt. It was just that everyone, each of them had different experiences. Even Qin Feng still had some understanding, and some pity had this former brother.

But today! These pitiful, all turned into disgusting, turned into a killing!

"No, nothing..."

Nangong Yi people leaned on the Qin Feng Huaizhong, sweating in the body, in her body, there is a dark purple light walking down the skin, the whole person is blooming with black and purple light.

Qin Feng, his brow furrowed, his eyes sparkled, and he could see that in the body of the Nangong Yi people, the dark purple light was the key to this.

"Maniac, she has become the eye of this poisonous spirit, and I am the spiriter."

Zhou Hong saw that after Qin Feng, there was no confusion. It was still a smile. For him, this poisonous spirit has been completely condensed.

If he and the Nangong Yi people meet and borrow the body of the Nangong Yi people, he can even break through the Yuan Ying in one fell swoop.

But...even if it doesn't work.

As a spiritual person, now that the beast of the beast has been mobilized, it will be all for yourself!

Fake baby... still can be condensed!

In Zhou Hong’s opinion, once he has the repair of a fake baby, plus his own soul poison, it is enough to kill Qin Feng!

After killing Qin Feng, this Nangong Yiren will eventually be his own!

With this peerless furnace!

Yuan Ying... even higher repairs are waiting for myself!

What **** the Lord, what **** fairy pavilion, what **** Kunlun Mountain, will be stepped on their feet one by one!

I will be the master of this cloud water industry!

At this moment, Zhou Hong was not as simple as being blinded by hatred, but was greedy and wrapped in greed!

Qin Feng, sweeping to Zhou Hong, will hug the Nangong Yi people who are covered with black and purple light. The black jacket he took off can only cover the upper body and the lower part of the Nangong Yi people.

The white, black and purple fiber and jade feet, under this moonlight, is obviously extremely beautiful.

"Be patient, I will take you home."

Qin Feng mouth with smoke, soft voice fell into the ears of Nangong Yi people.

Nangong Yiren, although the sweat is dripping, although the pain in the body is unbearable, but still open his eyes, leaning in the arms of Qin Feng, looking at the side of Qin Feng.

Face... has an unprecedented peace of mind.


Slowly, close your eyes.

As long as he is there, nothing is afraid.

Qin Feng raised his eyes, and the gentleness in his eyes turned into a cold and cold killing. Looking at Zhou Hong, this pair of former brothers, now at the same time.

There is no slight fluctuation in the eyes of calm. From the eyes of Zhou Hong, what Qin Feng sees now is only greed!

"You and I have a grudge, it should be broken."

"A broken?"

There is a sneer in Zhou Hong’s eyes: "It should be broken, you, you should have died!"

Just in the moment that Zhou Hong said this, bang!

The entire altar began to bloom with extremely fierce brilliance, and the Nangong Yiren in the Qin Fenghuai was even more trembled, and then there was an extremely powerful summoning power!

Above the sky, countless auras and rivers began to surge, and the river merged over the altar, and then fell like a funnel toward the altar. Accurately speaking... it was falling toward Zhou Hong!

He is using the aura that was called by the Nangong Yi people to condense the fake baby!

And all this, Zhou Hong condensed and repaired, Qin Feng just looked faint because he was waiting...

The Nangong Yi people are the eyes of this poisonous spirit, and Zhou Hong is the spiriter. If Zhou Hong is killed at this moment, it will definitely break.

Therefore, he can't move now.

The best way…

Just wait until Zhou Hong took this aura, and wait until the moment when the Nangong Yi people's body is the weakest. At that moment, Qin Feng will completely destroy the eyes of Nangong Yiren!

As for Zhou Hong, he will become a fake baby monk.

Qin Feng looked at Zhou Hong, who was madly devouring the aura. The cold light of his nephew flashed, and he really didn't care much!

The wind is mixed with Zhou Hong’s laughter.

Aura, surging! 2k novel reading network

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